Leg training program. Home leg workout

The leg muscles are the largest muscle group in the human body. The body needs a lot of energy to create and maintain them. For this reason, people with more muscle mass, even at rest, burn more calories than people with less muscle mass and more fat.

Despite the fact that the lower extremities are already sufficiently involved in everyday life, do not neglect their separate training. In this article, we will consider the main functions of the leg muscles, give an example of a training program in the gym and at home, as well as give some recommendations for their implementation and recovery after them.

Leg muscle function

The anatomy of the legs is very complex, because a person needs to perform a large number of various movements every day. The hip joint allows you to move and rotate your legs in the pelvic area in all directions. Knee - to bend and straighten the legs.

It is important to understand that a greater range of motion and freedom of rotation, of course, leads to an increase in the likelihood of injury. This is why replacement surgery for sick or injured joints is very common among older people.

The muscles of the lower extremities are usually conventionally divided into four main groups:

  • front surface of the thigh;
  • back of the thigh;
  • buttocks;
  • muscles of the lower leg.
Leg muscles

Consider the main functions that the leg muscles perform:

  • hip abduction;
  • hip reduction
  • thigh breeding;
  • hip flexion;
  • internal and external rotation of the thigh;
  • internal and external rotation of the knee;
  • breeding of the knee joint;
  • knee flexion.

It is important to know the structure and function of the leg muscles in order to avoid injuries during leg training at home or in the gym, as well as to understand which target muscles are involved in each exercise.

Training Program Example

Now let's move on to a specific program, which is designed for two workouts per week. They can be performed both in the gym and at home, replacing the simulators with free weights.

The choice of weights, the number of repetitions and approaches is very individual and depends on the level of physical fitness. Therefore, training should be tailored for yourself and monitor the reaction of the body.

Training number 1: list of exercises

Leg curl in the simulator

Leg curl in the simulator:

  1. Adjust the treadmill to fit your height, lie down face down. While holding your torso on a bench, make sure your legs are fully extended and grab the side handles of the treadmill.
  2. As you exhale, bend your legs as far as possible without lifting your hips from the bench. At the peak point, hold for a few seconds.
  3. On inspiration, return your legs to the starting position.

This exercise is aimed at working out the muscles of the back of the thigh. Do not use too much weight in this exercise. Choose one in which you do not have to use jerky movements, as you can injure the lower back and hamstrings.


Swing backwards:

  1. Kneel on the floor or on the rug. Lean and rest your hands on the floor (hold them perpendicular to the body). The head should look forward, and the bend of the knees should create a 90 ° angle between the hamstrings and lower legs.
  2. As you exhale, lift your right leg until your hamstrings are in line with your back, maintaining a 90-degree angle. Turn on the buttocks along the entire movement and keep the contraction at the peak point.
  3. On inspiration, return the leg to its original position.

The exercise is aimed at an isolated study of the buttocks. It is often included in the leg training program for girls. Machs can be performed alternately with each foot, or by performing the desired number of repetitions with one foot without a break, and then with the other.

Exercise can be complicated by adding extra weight to the ankles (hold a dumbbell or use weighting materials).

Hack squats

Hack squats in the simulator:

  1. Place your torso on the treadmill cushion and secure your shoulders under the pads. Place your feet on the platform shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the side handles of the treadmill and raise the safety rods.
  2. Straighten your legs, but keep your knees slightly bent. Start to lower slowly, bending your knees. Continue driving until the knee angle is less than 90 °. Inhale while performing this part of the movement.
  3. Starting from the heels of the platform, begin to rise on the exhale and return to the starting position.

Exercise affects mainly the quadriceps and, to a lesser extent, the external surface of the thigh. Hack squats are a very effective exercise for training your legs.

Dumbbell lunges

Dumbbell Lunges Back:

  1. Take an upright position with 2 dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Step back with your right foot, keeping the body upright and maintaining balance. Inhale when you go down. As in other exercises, do not let the knee go beyond the toe, as this gives excessive stress to the knee joint. Make sure you keep the front tibia perpendicular to the ground.
  3. Exhale and return to the starting position. Push with your heel to emphasize quadriceps. Use your fingers to focus on your buttocks. Repeat all movements with the opposite leg.

A long lunge works harder on the gluteus maximus muscle, a short lunge - quadriceps. This exercise must be included in the leg workout for girls.

There are several variations to performing back lunges. You can perform static lunges, in which in the initial position one of the legs is located behind the other. In this case, you just need to rise and fall from the starting position.

The more difficult version is the lunges in motion, where you walk around the room. This version is suitable for advanced athletes.

Lunges can be performed with dumbbells in hand or with a barbell on the back. The second option is suitable for advanced athletes who have mastered the exercise and have no problems with balance.

Calf exercise

Leg raises in the simulator for the calf muscles:

  1. Sit on the calf simulator and place your feet on the platform. Pre-select the appropriate weight for you.
  2. Remove the safety latch and release the weight on the calves.
  3. Lower your heels down as far as you can, and then push off with your socks to raise your heels as high as possible.

This exercise can be performed without using a special simulator, for example, on a chair. To create a harmonious figure, do not neglect the training of calves.

The cycle of exercises №2



  1. Position the barbell on the trapezoid, the chest should be raised, the head directed forward, the legs spread a little wider than the pelvis.
  2. Start to fall down, bending your knees. Keep your torso upright.
  3. Keep moving down while keeping your weight on your heels. Hold down for a couple of seconds, then, pushing off the floor, rise to its original position.

This exercise is basic and will help to work out almost all the muscles of the legs.

One leg pull

Deadlift on one leg:

  1. Take the weight (weight or dumbbell) in your right hand and take it upright.
  2. Keeping the knee of the left leg slightly bent, lean forward, bending at the hip, stretch the right leg backward for balance. Continue to lower the weight until the body is parallel to the floor, then return to the upright position.
  3. Repeat the exercise for the left leg.

Such a variation of the classic deadlift will help to bring novelty to the usual training and “surprise” the muscles.

gluteal bridge

Gluteus bridge:

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, and bend your knees. Legs should be placed approximately shoulder width apart.
  2. Resting your heels on the floor, raise your hips, keeping your back straight. Exhale when you perform this part of the movement, and linger at the top point for a second.
  3. During inspiration, slowly return to the starting position.

The gluteal bridge is aimed at an isolated study of the gluteal muscles. Exercise can be complicated by performing it on one leg, or by adding extra weight.

Bulgarian lunges

Bulgarian lunges in Smith's simulator:

  1. Place the bench behind Smith's machine. Then set the bar at a height appropriate for your height. Stand under the bar, grab it with both hands on each side and remove from the fuses. Put one leg a little forward, and stretch the other leg back and place it on a bench.
  2. Start to lower slowly, bending your knee, keeping upright. Continue moving until the angle between the front foot and lower leg is less than 90 °. Performing this part of the movement, take a deep breath.
  3. Start to rise on the exhale, pushing your foot off the floor, and return to the starting position.

Also, Bulgarian lunges can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells. This exercise must be included in the leg workout program for girls.

Squats with arms behind your head

Squats with arms behind your head:

  1. Stand and place your feet shoulder width apart. Place your hands behind your head.
  2. Start moving by bending your knees and hips and pulling your pelvis back.
  3. Continue driving to full depth and quickly return to the starting position. When you squat, hold your head and chest and push your knees out.

Exercises can be complicated by performing jumping up - this will develop the explosive strength of the legs.


In the gym, you rarely see people doing stretching at the end of their workout. Many underestimate its importance, but it will help:

  • restore muscle
  • increase range of motion
  • improve flexibility
  • Avoid future injuries.

It is best to carry out a leg stretching exercise for 5-10 minutes at the end of classes, as all muscles are warm and the ligaments are prepared. Try to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Frequency. Stretch daily, especially after a hard workout.
  2. Duration Hold in each position for 15-20 seconds in 1-2 repetitions. As flexibility improves, increase the time for deeper stretching. Remember to stretch both sides equally.
  3. Breath. Never hold your breath. Proper breathing will help to relax and deepen the stretch.
  4. Pain. Stretching should not be painful. Increase the load gradually. Ideally, you need to stretch to such an extent until you feel a slight stretch that you can hold for 15-20 seconds without severe pain.
Stretching exercises

Stretching Exercises

Below is a small set of exercises that can be done at the end of a leg muscle training.


  1. Sit on the mat and stretch both legs in front of you.
  2. Bend the left leg so that it rests on the inside of the right. Stretch your right hand to your right leg, bending at the same time in the hips. If you can reach your fingers, gently pull them toward you.
  3. Hold this position and repeat the movement on the left side.

Hip flexor muscles:

  1. Kneel on the mat. Take one big step forward to take the lunge position. Make sure the knee does not protrude behind the toe.
  2. While keeping your torso upright, push your hips forward to feel a stretch along the front of your leg, which is standing behind.
  3. Hold this position and repeat the movement for the other leg.


  1. Lie on your stomach. Place your hands on the sides and rest them on the floor.
  2. Extend your arms slowly to raise your torso from the floor. Make sure your shoulders are down.
  3. Hold at the peak point and return to the starting position.


  1. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Grasp your right leg and rotate it so that your ankle is located just above the left knee.
  2. Bend the left knee and gently press on the right, using the right elbow.
  3. Hold this position and try to focus on the spot right in front of you so as not to lose balance.

Features of leg training

Most girls do light weight exercises because they don’t want to “look like a man.” However, without the use of anabolic steroids, the weak half of humanity is difficult to achieve such a result. Muscles grow when stimulated. They will not increase when using the minimum weight. Despite the fact that training with a lot of weight is rather difficult, such work will fully pay off in the future.

The body also quickly enough adapts to the loads, and the muscles will no longer grow at the same rate. If you do not constantly increase weight, the body will not need to build its muscles. Therefore, it is very important to observe the progression of loads, creating a state of stress.

Leg training for men and women will not be significantly different. Regardless of gender, basic energy-intensive exercises should be included in the training. The only difference may be that in women's training, the main emphasis is on the gluteal muscles. Men also should not neglect their quality study.

Sports supplements

Since 2 training your leg muscles a week is a pretty heavy load, you can invest in some supplements like fatty acids, glutamine and omega-3s to help restore muscle.

During periods of hard training, the natural supply of glutamine in the body decreases, which leads to a decrease in immunity and an increased risk of catching infections. Adding 20-30 g of glutamine to your daily diet can help you recover faster.

And 1000 mg of omega-3s can help reduce inflammation after a hard workout and you will be full of energy in your next leg workout.

Fish fat

Training Tips

  1. Use traction on your back workout days. Although this is primarily an exercise for the back muscles, it is also a fantastic exercise for working out the hamstring and buttocks.
  2. Use exercises in which legs are involved alternately. This is a great way to diversify your leg muscle training and increase its effectiveness. Unlike traditional movements, such as squats and traction, single leg exercises cause much less tension in the spine, making them ideal for those who have problems with this. They also further develop balance and utilize core muscles.
  3. Change the setting of the legs. Depending on their location, the emphasis in exercises is shifted from one muscle to another, which allows you to purposefully work out the necessary group.
  4. Choose multi-repeat mode. Try to increase the number of repetitions if you do not see progress. Also, this approach will be useful for those who want to lose weight.
  5. Do not straighten your legs completely. In the absence of a slight bend in the knees, the load from the working muscles passes to the joint, which significantly loads the ligaments and tendons. It also reduces muscle tension, which adversely affects the effectiveness of the workout.
  6. Tune in to your workout. Pick up invigorating music for your player, prepare yourself mentally for work and don't be distracted by unnecessary conversations. During training, you should be focused on the target muscles.


If you decide to have strong and raised legs, then get ready for hard work. Follow the regime of training and rest, fully eat and give all your best. Then a good result will appear in the shortest possible time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3209/

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