Why is hair tangled? How to comb hair? Hair styling comb

Any girl knows that luxurious hair is in the literal sense of the word wealth and one of the main elements of female beauty. Since ancient times, people have identified hair with female power, which nourishes and creates a kind of connection with the cosmos. Whether it is true or not, it is impossible to verify, but the fact that any girl wants to have beautiful curls is a fact. But not everyone was lucky to be born with a thick head of hair. It would have been okay with genetics, but very often even good-quality hair can look scruffy: overdried, brittle, tangled. Given by nature wealth can be spoiled in the home. In this article, we will talk about why hair is confused, how to avoid this, are there modern gadgets for fast and, most importantly, harmless styling.

why hair is tangled

Hair structure

Confused hair? What to do? The answer to the question lies in how they are arranged. Figuratively speaking, a hair consists of a rod and a shell. The core is responsible for making the hair flexible and strong. But the shell is necrotic cells fitted to each other, like scales. These scales are not static at all, they can open, and can fit snugly against each other. If you see a girl with beautiful, shiny hair, then the scales are fitted tightly together. If they begin to move to the sides, then the hair is tangled in nodules, clinging to the shell scales.

To prevent hair tangles

Now you understand that tangled hair is not a hereditary trait, but just a consequence of the structure of the hair. It turns out that they should not be confused, you need to make sure that the shell of each hair is healthy and well-groomed. What measures can be taken for this?

how to comb hair

At first, daily care. Surely you noticed that after washing the hair looks much more attractive than on the third day after. Indeed, the shampoo returns the shell to its original structure, so the hair looks well-groomed, even if you use the most inexpensive shampoo.

But daily care does not include daily shampooing. On the contrary, if you wash your hair often, the dermis will begin to produce excess sebum, as if fearing overdrying. Surfactants contained in shampoos flush the fat contained in the scalp. In response to this, the dermis will produce more and more of its own fat.

Do not wash your hair every day

Girls who wash their hair every day fall into a kind of vicious circle. They are forced to use shampoo daily to get rid of the sebum of hair.

hair styling comb

And the curls become greasy due to the daily use of shampoo. The first advice and answer to the question of why hair is tangled is the recommendation to use shampoo no more than once every two to three days. The less you wash your hair, the less fat your scalp will produce. Along with this, the hair sheath will maintain greater stability, and the scales will open less.

Use conditioners and masks

In order for the hair to be not only clean, but also beautiful, one shampoo will not be enough. Shampoo is designed to cleanse hair from dirt and sebum. And you need to take care of curls with the help of other means. it hair conditioners, balms, masks, oils for hair ends. Yes, such products cost money, and even without visiting beauty salons you will have to spend more than 1000 rubles a month on hair cosmetics. But this is one of the most effective answers to the question of why hair is tangled. You can also save on advertised products and use natural and cheaper products instead.

Very good masks for confused hair, they will be obtained from any vegetable oil. The most popular is burdock, as it not only nourishes curls, but also strengthens the shell. In addition, use coconut, linseed, pumpkin seed oil. Pour a lid of golden liquid into your palm, rub it in your hands, and then rub into the scalp and the hair itself, to the very tips. The longer such a mask will be on your hair, the better. If you have the opportunity, then do these masks at night. In order not to stain bedding, you can put a shower cap on your head.

confused hair what to do

Here is another recipe for an effective mask. Get nicotinic acid ampoules from the pharmacy. Rub the liquid into the scalp, and then apply one spoonful of warmed olive oil to the hair roots. Insulate your head and wear such a mask for no more than thirty minutes. Niacin opens the pores and enhances blood flow, so the effect will be noticeable after two applications. Such a mask can be done no more than twice a week, since nicotinic acid is quite strong in its effect on the skin.

What procedures are better to exclude so that the hair is not tangled

Of course, you can’t completely protect your curls, but you can significantly reduce factors that negatively affect the structure of the hair. These include drying with hot air, the use of ironing and curling irons to give shape to curls, constant long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays, hair coloring with chemical compounds and dyes, perm.

hair gets tangled up

As for hair drying, hairdressers all over the world have long been calling for drying curls with barely warm air currents. If you can not do without hair straightening, then use additional means with thermal protection. They seem to cover the hair with a thin film, and you do not harm the structure of the hair during thermal exposure.

How to do without staining?

Typically, a girl begins to dye her hair after twenty-five years. This is due to early gray hair, and because of the desire to be in trend. The bleaching compositions that are most harmful to hair, and most often in blondes, curls have a lifeless appearance and a dull color. But those who are painted in dark colors need to worry about the quality of hair.

Why are hair that is dyed confused? The answer is still the same. Due to the action of the paint, hair is damaged, the shell loses its density, and the scales are tangled. But you probably noticed that in the first days after dyeing, the hair looks very attractive. This is no coincidence, because immediately after staining it is proposed to use a mild composition to care for curls.

To prevent strands from getting tangled, it is recommended to purchase conditioners and a mask for colored hair from the paint manufacturer. They differ from ordinary ones in that they are more oily and nourish the curls to a greater extent. Many colored hair care products also contain protein that penetrates the hair shaft.

masks for tangled hair

A good way to avoid staining is to use natural dyes such as henna. If before henna could be purchased only in powder form, today cosmetics manufacturers produce natural dyes in the form of easy-to-use creams. It not only does not damage the hair when stained, but also cares for them, makes them stronger and thicker. You can buy henna as a means for dyeing hair, to give it a shade, and in order to simply strengthen it.

How to comb hair so that it does not get tangled

When you comb the hair, then do a massage of the scalp. By running teeth along it, you stimulate blood flow, which contributes to hair growth. You need to comb them carefully, starting from the roots, slowly comb to the ends. Do not tear the tangled curls, because instead of unraveling the bundles, you simply tear out healthy hair. Which hair styling comb is best for you?

Today there are a lot of them, and they are made from completely different materials and different shapes. We are used to thinking that a wooden comb is considered the most safe for hair. But it was not there. The top of the rating of the most “correct” combs will be occupied by accessories made of horn or bone. The downside will be that the hair from natural materials is highly electrified, and such combs are very expensive.

A wooden comb is only good if it is intact. Over time, the tree tends to crack. Damaged teeth injure the structure of the hair and reveal the scales of its shell. As a result, after laying a wooden comb, the curls will still be confused.

masks for tangled hair

Pork bristle comb

Pork bristle brush is quite popular, as it is able to quickly and painlessly unravel the most complex nodules. How to comb hair with such a comb? You need to direct the movement of the hand from the roots to the ends, but if your curls are bold, then such an accessory will not work. A comb of pork bristles will distribute sebum along the entire length of the hair and give your hairstyle an untidy untidy appearance, even if the hair has been washed.

Combs from fake materials

A hair styling comb made of plastic is the most common accessory used. It is inexpensive, it easily unravels nodules, allows you to simulate a hairstyle, but has one drawback - the curls are highly electrified. A hair styling comb made of metal is inexpensive, copes well with tangled strands, but can damage not only the structure of the hair, but also the scalp.

how to comb hair

Dermatologists recommend choosing silicone combs. At a price they are inexpensive, they will help you quickly style your hair and give it the desired shape, but again, when using such an accessory, the curls can become electrified.

Now you know why hair is confused, how to prevent it, what cosmetics and accessories are best used for the beauty of hair.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32101/

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