Ural Locomotives LLC: history, description, products

Ural Locomotives LLC is a young modern enterprise producing electric locomotives for passenger and freight purposes, as well as various rolling stocks. Created with equal equity participation by Sinara Group (Russia) and Siemens AG (Germany). Production facilities are located in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region.

LLC Ural Locomotives

Mutually beneficial cooperation

The history of Ural Locomotives LLC dates back to the beginning of 2000, when the Russian group of companies in the engineering sector, Sinara Group, began designing a promising electric locomotive equipped with DC collector traction electric motors. In December 2006, the first prototype of the 2ES6 model was introduced. Two years later, she received a certificate from Rosregister RS ​​FZhT.

The management of Sinara Group CJSC decided not to be limited to one model. Already in 2008, the development of a more powerful asynchronous 2ES10 Granit was started. But for the implementation of a large-scale project, a reliable partner was required, possessing the necessary competencies, financial and intellectual resources. It became the well-known German concern Siemens, one of the world leaders in the electrical industry.

07/01/2010 a partnership agreement was signed on the creation of a joint venture "Ural Locomotives". The stake was halved: 50% to 50%. Thus, both companies are equally interested in developing a promising project. Russian Railways acted as an operating partner.

Ural Locomotives, Verkhnyaya Pyshma

Modern production

Even at the negotiation stage, in 2009, partners began the construction of an ultramodern production complex for assembling new-generation electric locomotives in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, near Yekaterinburg. The most modern equipment was purchased for the enterprise, effective management systems were introduced. The first Granit electric locomotive rolled off the assembly line at the Ural Locomotives plant in November 2010.

In the fall of next year, the company offered its services to Russian Railways in localizing the production of high-speed Swallow class electric trains. A five-year agreement was concluded on the supply of about 1,200 railcars of this type to Russian Railways. To assemble them, in 2012 the construction of a separate production site began, which began to work in May 2013. By the way, it was at the Ural Locomotives in Verkhnyaya Pyshma for the first time in Russian history that bodies of extruded aluminum were welded. The first ES2G Swallow was presented to President V.V. Putin in November 2013.

Ural Locomotive Plant

Outstripping pace

2014 was the year of Ural Locomotives, the year of electric freight trains. Since March, tests and certification training of the 2ES7 series 8-axle 2-section electric locomotive began. In fact, this is a modification of "Granite", functioning in railway sections where AC lines are drawn. The locomotive is able to create an enviable 621 kN hour-power thrust at a speed of 50 km / h. Long-term thrust at 80 km / h is 370 kN, which is also not bad. On May 30, the model passed state certification.

In the summer of 2015, a new production of ES2GP Premium series electric trains was launched. This is a modification of the "Swallows" and improved performance, increased comfort for passengers.

Best among equals

In 2016, the “strength test” of the 2ES7 model began in difficult climatic conditions. In February, an electric locomotive was tested in the Urals, following the routes Inzer - Kartaly and Kartaly - Orenburg. He showed excellent traction on large slopes that are characteristic of the area. In October, the locomotive was already cruising along the BAM. The engineers of the Severobaikalsky depot appreciated the modern filling, comfort and operational characteristics of the new product.

The next year was a shock in terms of production. In 2017, 35 five-car “Swallows” and 95 freight electric locomotives of various modifications rolled off the assembly line.

With a foundation for the future

Today, the joint venture is working on a strategic project of the Russian Railways to create a high-speed freight electric train. It will become an important element of the New Silk Road transcontinental route, initiated by China in order to accelerate the delivery of goods by land transport to Europe and vice versa. Today, the lion's share of goods between the Celestial Empire and European consumers moves through sea vessels, which is not always convenient and time-consuming.

Ural Locomotives, products

10/17/2017 Russian Railways First Vice President Alexander Misharin told delegates at the third SNCF Forum on Sustainable Mobility in Paris that increasing trade in high value-added goods and increasing e-commerce between Asia and Europe could help provide the basis for freight operations on the express line "Moscow - Kazan" with a length of 762 km and further extension in the direction of China and Germany.

Russian Railways in this direction works with CRRC and a joint venture Siemens-Sinara. New trains will carry both passengers and cargo using specially designed containers. The workload will be 300 tons. In 2018, large-scale construction will begin on the Moscow-Kazan highway, which will have an estimated speed of 400 km / h and a commercial speed of 350 km / h.


Today, Ural Locomotives specialize in the assembly of electric trains of the following series:

  • Freight DC 2ES6.
  • Cargo AC 2ES7.
  • DC cargo 2ES10.
  • Regional passenger ES2G and ES2GP class "Swallow".

The company created a special bureau that monitors the work of equipment sold to customers, ensuring timely maintenance and repair. Company address: st. Park, Bldg. 36, the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, region Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation, 624090.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32102/

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