Profession economist and its features

The profession of economist in the conditions of market relations, which are developing rapidly in recent times, has become especially relevant. Specialists of this level occupy a leading place in the structure of any organization, company or enterprise. This is due to the fact that the basis of any activity is the development of a business development plan. It should bring maximum profit. It is these issues that the economist deals with.

The profession involves making calculations related to the performance of the company and identifying problems and solutions.

Currently, specialists in this field have the highest demands. Firstly, when applying for a job, the employer wants to see an economist with a high level of education, always higher, and experience in this profession. The rapid development of computer technology involves the ownership of programs that are designed to perform calculations and conduct analytical accounting in this area. Therefore, knowledge of the 1C program is required.

All issues related to making a profit relate to the profession of an economist. Responsibilities include analysis of the enterprise, long-term planning in order to reduce costs and increase the profits of the enterprise.

Despite the fact that the profession of economist found its application in the modern world in connection with the development of market relations, international trade, its history goes far into antiquity.

Even in ancient Greece, the concept of an economist appeared, which characterized a person engaged in home economics. It was a household analysis. One of the first economists is Aristotle. He developed a theory regarding commodity exchange and the usefulness of product value.

But the popularity that the economist profession has has caused the oversaturation of the labor market with specialists of this kind. Therefore, in order to really find application for your knowledge, you need to have a sufficiently high qualification, a certain level of knowledge that needs to be constantly replenished, and some experience in this area.

This profession is taught in many higher education institutions. She, like any specialty, leaves its mark on the character of a person. In the process of preparation, the future specialist acquires a certain slang, habits, thereby entering the community of this profession.

An economist must possess certain qualities and character traits. This profession can be called creative to some extent. A specialist in this field should have an analytical mindset. In addition, you need to love working with a lot of numbers. The profession of economist involves constant calculations, reconciliation of data, their analysis.

Young specialists who have completed training but do not have work experience can develop their activities from the initial positions of this profession. To do this, you need to have a higher education (even incomplete). The main thing is that there are skills and knowledge in the field of finance, the basics of accounting, taxation, budget allocation , planning. A novice specialist must own and know the basic indicators of the economy and be able to correctly calculate them.

By gaining additional knowledge in the process of advanced training or further training, you can increase your level of professionalism. Experience here is of great importance. Any knowledge must be reinforced by practice. Having a mentor with extensive experience will not be out of place.

Despite the huge number of specialists in this field, you can always find a job that will bring a good income. For example, the average salary of an economist in Moscow is 30,000 rubles. It can be much higher if you have high professional qualities.


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