"Kerasis" (shampoo): reviews. Restorative shampoo

Now on the market there are many new hair care products. They have high cosmetic value, but are not known to the masses of consumers. One of the new products on the Russian market is Kerasis. Shampoo, reviews of which increasingly fill the pages of women's forums, is interesting not only with its attractive packaging, delicate aroma and instantly transforming effect on the hair, but also with a completely natural composition. What is this revolutionary novelty from the eastern manufacturer?

A little about the manufacturer

KeraSys is one of the most famous creations of the South Korean holding Aekyung. For more than half a century, the company has evolved from a small family business into a world-famous corporation, and the products have gained recognition far beyond the borders of South Korea.

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Aekyung is positioning itself as a manufacturer of quality cosmetics made from natural ingredients. The corporate idea is based on respect for the consumer, and therefore, the use of low-quality and unsafe components is considered an absolute violation of the traditions of a family business.

The most popular products in the line are hair care products under the Kerasis brand name. Shampoo, reviews of which are based on the opinions of real consumers, is rumored to be able to solve almost all hair problems. Is this so, and due to what is achieved an amazing cosmetic effect?

Product Overview

In the line of cosmetics for hair from Aekyung (Eken) there are shampoos and conditioners, specially designed to meet the needs of each type of hair.

Oriental Premium is a universal product suitable for all types of hair. An interesting feature of shampoo is its high level of protection against ultraviolet rays. In addition, a protective shell is created on the surface of the hair, protecting them from mechanical damage.

kerasis shampoo reviews

Revitalizing Shampoo is the perfect shampoo for owners of thin and lifeless hair. The active ingredient is sunflower extract, which restores hair elasticity and a healthy look.

Moisturizing Shampoo - a moisturizing shampoo with keratin and panthenol - provides dry hair with an effective recovery program.

Kerasys Deep Cleansing is a therapeutic series designed to combat dandruff and excessive dryness of the scalp. If you are the owner of problematic skin with disruption of the sebaceous glands, then you should certainly take the advice of cosmetologists and purchase "Kerasis". Shampoo, reviews about which leave no doubt about its effectiveness, shows phenomenal results: after two weeks of use, the hair gets a well-groomed appearance due to nutrition and moisturizing of the scalp.

Moisturizing Series

Every day, hair is exposed to external influences: it is dried with a hairdryer, stacked with the help of thermal devices, and is exposed to sunlight. As a result, once shiny curls look dull and tired, the ends dry out and begin to delaminate.

moisturizing hair shampoos

Kerasys Hair Clinic Moisturizing Shampoos are specially formulated to meet the needs of dry hair. These cosmetics are enriched with a complex of medicinal herbs, such as mountain arnica, bitter wormwood, bamboo, yarrow and edelweiss, and the patented formula allows all active substances to penetrate into each hair in a short period of time. Since recovery occurs from within, the rehabilitation period is reduced to a minimum. It is this indicator that most attracts users.

In addition to herbs, a two-level keratin complex is included in the shampoo , which restores the structure and smoothes the surface of the hair. In addition, the panthenol - aloe tandem plays an important role in the composition of shampoo. The first component prevents overdrying, while the second provides saturation of the hair with moisture.

Quick recovery system

Fashion requires sacrifice. Daily styling, dyeing with ammonia-containing dyes, perms - a real test even for healthy hair, not to mention dry and prone to brittleness. As a result of exposure to chemicals and intense sunlight, the hair loses elasticity, becomes brittle, split, and falls out. Before the threat of losing hair, the issue of following fashion is relegated to the background. Urgent resuscitation of damaged curls is needed.

restorative shampoo

In this case, the healing Kerasis will come to the rescue. Shampoo, reviews of which are increasingly appearing on the pages of virtual magazines, in 92% of cases of use quite effectively solves the problem of damaged hair. Users confirmed that with regular use of shampoo, after four weeks, the hair strengthens in the root by 82%, saturates with gloss by 73%, protection against the negative effects of solar radiation increases by 58%.

Judging by the reviews, this tool has proven itself in the fight against split ends. The keratin complex envelops the hair over the entire surface, holding moisture inside and creating a barrier to the negative impact of the external environment; walnut oil has a nutritious function, and chamomile and calendula extract have a beneficial effect on the scalp, soothing and relieving irritation. Thus, the restoring shampoo "Kerasis" is one of the best remedies in the care program.

Maximum volume

Aekyung specialists also took care of the owners of thin, hairless hairs.
Often the reason for the lack of volume is hair loss due to fragility or weakened hair follicles, as well as a lack of protein, expressed at the genetic level.

volume shampoo

Due to its rich composition, combining the development of leading cosmetic laboratories and the gifts of nature, Kerasis volume shampoo effectively fights the causes of hair loss, restores structure and restores elasticity.
Basil extract moisturizes the hair, filling it with vitality. Moringa extract proteins help restore the deficiency of your own proteins, due to which the hair structure becomes denser and the curls look thicker. Polyphenol red wine heals curls from drying out and brittleness.

The result of the application for a 30-day period according to customer reviews: the problem of brittleness is eliminated by 89%, protection against damage by 110%, volume is increased by 22%, more smoothness and elasticity by 33% is ensured.

Only Estel shampoo can boast of such achievements , which has also proven itself as a volume-increasing agent.

Effectively Combat Dandruff

Seborrhea is almost the most popular scalp ailment. Drying, the upper epithelium begins to peel and settle on the hair. Not the most attractive look! Not surprisingly, people spend considerable money on the elimination of this problem.

kerasis shampoo reviews

But it turns out that in order to achieve significant results in the fight against dandruff, you do not need to buy dozens of remedies. Normal cosmetic shampoo can provide sufficient hydration of the scalp and resist itching. Photos and reviews of hair before and after applying Kerasis are proof of this. The composition of the product is enriched with an extract of seven medicinal herbs and supplemented with bamboo juice, known for its moisturizing and antiseptic properties. The special formula is expressed in a two-level effect: gentle cleansing, protection and nutrition. Thus, one remedy plays the role of both shampoo and balm, saving both time for use and money for additional care products.

Down with the dried strands

Does your hair look lifeless and look like straw? A special moisturizing shampoo will help to cope with this problem. Photos of the results of the product are direct evidence of its effectiveness. Shampoo "Kerasis" for dry hair restores the water-lipid balance of the scalp and nourishes the hair along the entire length, smoothing the relief surface of the hairs and sealing the cut ends. The therapeutic possibilities of the drug are achieved due to the content of natural components (lily and lavender extract). Women are enthusiastic about the changes that the South Korean remedy brings with it.

estel shampoo

Elimination of oily sheen

Oily, greasy hair does not look any more attractive than "straw" hair. They have an unhealthy shine, lack volume, have an unpleasant smell of unwashed heads. The problem of excessive oily skin is associated with a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Shampoo "Kerasis" for problem skin is aimed at solving this particular problem. The composition includes active ingredients (klimbazol and salicylic acid), which take control of sebum secretion and eliminate the itching inherent in oily seborrhea. Black coral extract has a healing effect, establishes metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp. Peppermint extract has a calming and refreshing function. Based on the reviews, we can conclude that the daily use of shampoo contributes to the appearance of the first positive results after two weeks of use.

Hair loss protection

Vitamin deficiencies, stresses, changeable weather conditions and poor nutrition can negatively affect not only the quality of the hair, but also lead to their partial loss. This is a rather serious problem, therefore, if you notice more hair on the comb than usual, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet, as well as change your regular shampoo to a medical one.

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For a long time, Estel shampoo was the leader in the fight against hair loss. But, thanks to the completely natural composition (99% of the funds are components obtained by natural means), the product from Aekyung exceeded the famous brand in terms of effectiveness. It is suitable for any type of hair, including sensitive. The shampoo contains 12 types of vitamins and minerals, as well as young shoots of medicinal herbs that saturate the hair with useful substances from the root system to the problem ends. As a result of using the Kerasis healing program for a month, people who test the product have a significant improvement in growth rates and protection against loss.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32120/

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