Comparative Psychology: Origin, Development, and Analysis

Psychology is a science that includes a large number of constituent disciplines that differ among themselves in direct areas of interest, tasks and goals. The common, unifying factor is the subject of study - these are patterns in the functioning, development, and, of course, in the emergence of processes of mental activity. One of these disciplines is comparative psychology.

About the nuances in the name of science

The original name of the discipline is of English origin - “comparative psychology”. This term is translated into Russian in two versions. The first is zoopsychology. And comparative psychology is the second. Accordingly, these concepts are not just similar, they are completely similar, since they denote the same scientific discipline.

However, not all scientists adhere to this version. Some experts share these names, giving each of them a narrow specific meaning. In other words, zoopsychology is involved in animal behavior. And comparative psychology, respectively, studies the similarities and differences between the behavioral and thought processes of humans and animals.

But the original English name of the discipline that arose in the USA is not divided into two options, just like science itself. Accordingly, these names should be regarded as synonyms.

What it is? Definition

Comparative psychology is a scientific discipline dealing with issues of origin, formation, development and other patterns in the behavior and consciousness of animals and people.

What is the difference from other related disciplines? The main thing is that this science considers the similarities and differences in the mental activity of people and animals, compares them.

What is analysis in this science? What is it based on?

A comparative analysis in the psychology of this species is to identify the relationships, similarities and differences between humans and animals. It is based on data on the higher nervous activity of representatives of the animal world obtained in the course of special studies. And, of course, on similar information about the processes of people's mental activity.

But the analysis is not limited only to these initial data. Any comparative study in the psychology of this type is carried out taking into account the historical and social features of development, which determine the key differences in the higher nervous activity of people and animals.

Identification of human reactions

In other words, the analysis in this scientific discipline is aimed at finding in the phylogeny and ontogenesis of communities and opposites. Of course, all the known factors of historical development, which affected the formation of the human mind and the emergence of such features as intelligible speech, upright posture, complex social organization, labor activity and others, are taken into account.

How did this science come about? Origin and formation

Comparative psychology originated in the century before last. The scientific direction began to experience active development and rise after the publication of Charles Darwin's theory of the origin of man. Then the discipline finally took shape and became an independent science.

Until the beginning of the last century, it was perceived as a discipline dealing with evolutionary processes in the psyche of both animals and humans, with an emphasis on determining mutual similarities and drawing analogies.

Gradually, during the formation of this scientific discipline, the so-called “objectivist approach” gained advantage. His supporters held the position of excluding the term “animal psyche” from research. Because the term sounds incorrect. In their opinion, only the behavioral nuances of representatives of the fauna world could be considered by comparative psychology. The student textbook should also not contain references to the corresponding animal processes. Limited only by such terms as “nervous activity”, “habits” and others. As the basis of such an approach, the assertion was put forward that it is impossible to obtain objective data on the mental processes of animals.

Girl and dog

This approach remained in a dominant position until the end of the seventies of the last century. However, not all scientists whose field of activity was zoopsychology shared it. And comparative psychology, a textbook on which was published for universities in the Soviet Union, in the person of such specialists as N. N. Ladygina, adheres to the position that animals have consciousness.

The nuances of the development of science. Features of perception in America and Europe

In the Old and New Worlds, a somewhat different understanding has developed of what this science is and does. Although the differences in the views of scientists are not particularly significant, nevertheless, they often become the cause for various misunderstandings and errors among university students and those who are simply interested in this subject.

In the Old World, both in Western Europe and in Eastern, there is an understanding that comparative psychology deals with issues related to general anthropogenesis. That is, experts study and compare differences and similarities. What helps them understand the nuances and characteristics of the historical course of anthropogenesis.

Accordingly, in the Old World, the subject of comparative psychology is the ratio of the characteristics of processes occurring in the minds of people and animals, as well as other factors. That is - comparison, it is also the main method of cognition.

In the New World, this scientific discipline focuses on cognition of the peculiarities of animal behavior, without going beyond the scope of science. The founders of the American concept of "comparative psychology" are considered such scientists: E. Thorndike and R. Yerks. The specifics of the development of science in the New World was seriously influenced by behaviorism, which is characterized by extreme simplification and objectivity. This is expressed in the generalized concept of “stimulus entails a reaction”.

Studying rodent reflexes

Of course, in the United States they are not limited to studying animal behavioral reactions. The tasks of zoopsychology and comparative psychology in this country are such that they are not alien to elucidating the relationships between the types and processes of higher nervous activity of animals and people. However, the behavioral stereotypes of fauna are considered as the basic basis for explaining a number of reflexes and reactions of people. Research work was carried out mainly in the laboratory, with experimental animals. For this reason, the comparative analysis in the USA has practically come to naught.

What is the essence of this science?

This section of psychology deals not only with comparing the characteristics of people and representatives of the fauna. Although, no doubt, comparative analysis and the identification of both ratios and differences have a fundamental role in this discipline.

The study of the behavior of primates

The essence of the studies of scientists is not only in finding similarities or differences, but also in figuring out exactly how the process of evolution of human consciousness went. In other words, in determining those factors that determined the processes of development of people's consciousness.

We study the term "comparative psychology." Dictionary Interpretations

This science is one of the branches of psychology. And this name is formed from two Greek words:

  • Psyche, which means soul;
  • "Logos", it translates as "teaching."

A specific feature of the scientific section under consideration, according to the interpretation given in the Dictionary of psychological terms by I. Kondakov, is that specialists investigate evolutionary processes in the psyche.

The Oxford University Dictionary of Psychology gives a slightly different meaning to the name of this science. According to him, this is a science that studies behavioral patterns and stereotypes, reflexes characteristic of representatives of the fauna world. The purpose of these studies is to identify communities and differences. The results of the work of scientists are used in zoology, ethology, physiology and other disciplines.

What is the main topic of studies of scientists of this science?

The tasks of comparative psychology are often understood in different ways. On the one hand, the main topic of the studies of scientists is clear from the name of the discipline. This is a comparison of the processes of mental activity of people and animals.

Mental interaction

However, the tasks facing scientists involved in this area of ​​psychology are much wider than simple comparisons. The main points are as follows:

  • definition and understanding of the principles of the psyche of animals;
  • analysis of issues related to the processes of anthropogenesis and the formation of human consciousness;
  • study of phylogeny and ontogenesis;
  • identification of patterns and stereotypes in mental activity;
  • knowledge of acquired and innate features of the functioning of the psyche.

Particular attention in solving the problems facing specialists in this science is paid to methods of comparative analysis of the mental activity of people and animals. As a rule, the functioning of the psyche in children and primates is compared.

What are the applied tasks facing scientists?

Regardless of the scientific branch in which specialists work, in addition to the main, main tasks, they invariably face additional, applied ones. Of course, this scientific discipline is no exception.

An additional task facing scientists is the conduct of such studies, the results of which could be used practically. Scientific data is in demand:

  • in psychotherapeutic and developing techniques;
  • in the household and household spheres;
  • in addressing environmental issues.

According to Vygotsky’s thesis, in the modern world the psyche and behavior are considered as the result of a long process of evolution. Accordingly, the research of scientists can come in handy in all spheres and industries related to evolution, the history of the origin of life, and others, similar.

What is the subject of research? What exactly is being studied?

The object of comparative psychology is the higher nervous activity of people and animals. In other words, the subject of study is consciousness. Or the psyche and its manifestations.

Under the psyche is understood not only the activity of consciousness, reason, but also the features of the perception of environmental conditions that allow the body to adapt to them, to adequately react. In other words, the psyche, as a subject of study in this science, is not only a higher nervous activity, manifested in complex feelings, but also elementary reactions expressed by simple sensations.

The subjects in this section of psychology are representatives of the world of fauna and people.

What are psyche and behavior? Definitions

The psyche is a term that does not have a single meaning; it is understood differently, depending on the general context and, of course, the direction of interests of a particular scientific discipline.

Two types of thinking

The first and dominant definition of this term is that the psyche is nothing but the highest form of reflection and perception of objective reality. This property is understood in Leninist theory.

The second definition positions mental activity as a property of highly developed organic matter. This means that the term is understood more broadly. That is, this property, due to the presence of which living organisms are able to respond to stimuli and environmental conditions surrounding them.

According to the third definition given to the psyche by A. N. Leontyev, it is an integral property of living and highly organized subjects, manifested in the reflection by their own state of reality surrounding them. Although this interpretation of the term seems complicated at first glance, in fact it is very simple. We are talking about the conformity of the state of a living organism to the surrounding conditions of objective reality, independent of actions, behavior or will, wishes.

In whatever aspect such a property as the psyche is considered, it is inseparable from behavior. By it is meant the full totality of reactions, reflexes, and other types of activity of living organisms that are noticeable to others.

What is meant by analysis in this science?

Comparative analysis is a technique for studying something, in the application of which several subjects are studied. Of course, the goal of research is to find similarities and differences between them in the field to which a specific analysis belongs.

Scientist at work

This technique is very widespread and is used in almost all scientific fields. In this discipline, analysis is limited by the scope of mental activity and behavior of the subjects of study.


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