How to drink tea with high blood pressure? Recommendations for hypertensive patients

Currently, one of the most common diseases is hypertension. Moreover, this ailment affects not only adults, but even young people. The disease is characterized by high blood pressure, has rather unpleasant symptoms: tinnitus, overwork, headache, chills, shortness of breath, etc. Hypertension is treated in a neglected form with the use of medications. At the initial stage, this disease can be cured in the following way: to correct the daily regimen, lifestyle, and nutrition. To stabilize the pressure, it is recommended to take various decoctions, tinctures and teas from different herbs. Today we want to tell you about how different types of tea affect high blood pressure and give advice on which product is better to choose.

Does tea increase pressure

Helpful information

In the event that you are only faced with this ailment, experts advise drinking freshly brewed tea to normalize blood circulation. Blood pressure is characterized by constant blood pressure on the vessels through which blood from the heart is transferred to other parts of the body. Normal blood pressure indicators are considered to be 120/80, but if you saw numbers 140/90 or even higher on the tonometer, this means that the pressure is increased. Considered reduced pressure 100/60. If you are at risk, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Let's figure out what tea you can drink with high blood pressure?

Effect of tonic drink on pressure

A cup of tea drunk on time will help relieve accumulated fatigue, stabilize heart function, and improve metabolism. Please note: individual types of teas have a radically opposite effect: they can increase pressure, lower it or have a double effect. We suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with what teas that increase blood pressure exist.


Raw materials for tea grow in southwest China. The process of fermentation of tea is quite lengthy and complex, it involves strains of various bacteria and fungi. The fermentation process continues constantly, so the taste often changes. A completely unique drink, its uniqueness lies in the fact that the product undergoes aging, due to which its quality only improves (this does not apply to packaged tea). Thanks to not quite ordinary processing technology, tea gives a person an excellent charge of vivacity. It would be logical to suggest that tea raises blood pressure. But this is fundamentally wrong, it is believed that with regular use of puerh, pressure normalizes, taking it makes the vessels more elastic. This tea is equally useful for cores and hypertensives. However, regarding this tea, there are two recommendations: you should not drink this drink at night (due to the fact that it is very invigorating), as well as on an empty stomach.

Which tea boosts pressure


Let's find out if oolong tea affects high blood pressure. Since ancient times, Chinese doctors have used this tea to normalize blood pressure. The results of studies conducted in Beijing allow us to say in the affirmative that the risk of hypertension is reduced by 45% in those people who drink this type of tea regularly. In addition, it is recommended for use not only for people with a diagnosis of "hypertension", but also for people with low blood pressure. It is very important that when it is used, pressure normalization occurs very smoothly, without jumps. Oolong tea has a lasting beneficial effect on the whole body.

White tea

Speaking about which tea increases the pressure, we’ll immediately say that this does not apply to white tea. With regular use, blood pressure indicators return to normal. White tea is considered one of the most beneficial for health due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins, in addition to lowering blood pressure, it normalizes the heartbeat and pulse. To make the benefits more obvious, it is recommended to brew white tea for a quarter of an hour and drink at least 3 times a week for a month.

White tea

Hawthorn tea

Our ancestors also paid attention to the beneficial properties of this tea. It is widespread today. What effect does a hawthorn drink have on the body? Is it possible to increase the pressure with tea? It has a beneficial effect on the heart muscles and significantly improves the state of blood vessels. If you regularly drink tea made from hawthorn, blood pressure will return to normal. The composition of tea from hawthorn includes antioxidant components, which will be extremely useful for people with hypertension. This drink is effective in eliminating arrhythmias, treating hypertension, and various disorders of the circulatory system. It is believed that hawthorn tea is a prevention of heart attack.

Yellow tea

A very rare type of tea, has excellent characteristics and is recommended for people with high blood pressure. The birthplace of the drink is Egypt, it is obtained from fenugreek seeds (the plant belongs to the legume family). Reviews of those who have tried this overseas drink suggest that it does not look much like classic tea. Those who have tried this drink for medicinal purposes, claim that it really lowers high blood pressure.

Yellow chinese tea

Hibiscus tea

A real hibiscus is considered to be an infusion prepared from dried exotic hibiscus petals. It is believed that such tea has unique qualities: depending on what the temperature is when serving this drink, it can lower or increase the pressure. Hot tea, according to many consumers, increases pressure, while cold tea lowers. This statement is erroneous, since tea enters the stomach at almost the same temperature, so it is not so important what temperature you drink, it is much more important what kind of water you make. What really happens, does tea increase blood pressure?

Hot water

When brewing tea from hibiscus with boiling water, the drink increases the pressure, even if you use it in the form of cold compote (and it is always known to be boiled), the blood pressure will certainly rise. Please note: the temperature of the finished tea does not matter. Remember: when brewing hibiscus petals with hot water, the pressure always rises.

Hibiscus tea

Cold water

When brewing petals hibiscus with cold water, the pressure decreases. Note that in order for the drink to brew well, it will take much more time. But in the end we get tea that is extremely useful for hypertensive patients.

Hibiscus tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, removes heavy metals and toxins from the body, has a bactericidal effect.


Despite all the positive characteristics of tea with high blood pressure and low, it is worth noting that there are contraindications to its use. It is not recommended to take hibiscus tea to people suffering from peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity. This is due to the fact that such a drink significantly increases the acidity level of gastric juice.

Red tea

If you are not confident in choosing tea with high blood pressure, we recommend that you pay attention to classic red tea. It is endowed with healing properties, besides it is unusually rich in taste. By the way, the centenarians of China prefer red tea. Due to the fact that when it is used, blood circulation is significantly improved, blood pressure is reduced, it is recommended for people suffering from hypertension for regular use. The composition of tea includes a large amount of nutrients, as well as:

  • essential oil;
  • vitamin P;
  • catechin.
High Pressure Tea

Green tea

This is one of the most beloved teas in recent times. And not in vain, since its composition includes a huge number of useful trace elements, natural vitamins and antioxidants. With its help, you can quickly quench your thirst, lower your blood pressure, and use it for cancer prevention. Please note that it contains caffeine, so immediately after drinking such tea, the pressure rises slightly, but it stabilizes very quickly. Many experts believe that people with high blood pressure should drink green tea.

Green tea with high blood pressure

When using such a drink, fat breakdown occurs, as well as the decomposition of bad cholesterol. If you drink it for a long time, the vessels will become much more elastic. Speaking about whether tea is useful at elevated pressure, the following can be said: the effect of this drink depends on the frequency of use and the amount of brewing. Weakly brewed tea lowers the pressure immediately, strong tea at first will increase it, and then normalizes it. Due to the fact that it contains caffeine, heart contractions and vasodilation will increase, which will help lower blood pressure.

Black tea: increases or decreases pressure?

This tea is one of the most sought after, well-known drinks with excellent tonic effect. Does it increase or decrease pressure? We will deal with this in more detail, for this we consider its properties:

  • rich composition dilates coronary vessels;
  • tannin increases resistance to viruses;
  • fluoride strengthens teeth;
  • catechin acts as an antioxidant;
  • the presence of vitamin C in it enhances immunity;
  • caffeine invigorates and speeds up the heartbeat.
Black tea: increases or decreases pressure

I want to say: if the tonometer shows high rates, then a cup of such an invigorating drink will be superfluous. It will provoke arousal and will contribute to insomnia. In the event that you can not refuse black tea, you can try to reduce the amount of caffeine in the leaves. You can do this as follows:

  • rinse tea leaves in warm water;
  • Brew tea with milk.

It is recommended to consume no more than 4 cups of tea per day.


In conclusion, I would like to summarize all of the above and say again about which tea with increased pressure will be more effective. It can be strong red tea from China, cold infusion of hibiscus, green tea with lemon, freshly brewed hot puer. Knowing which of these types of tea can quickly reduce pressure, you must also take into account the frequency of its intake.

Can tea increase pressure

It must be said that to achieve a sustainable result is possible only with regular use of the drink.


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