Geisha hairstyles: names, styling techniques, step-by-step instructions with photos and necessary hair accessories

Geisha hairstyles is an ancient art. Girls were recognized by them, and every self-respecting geisha was obliged to be able to create such masterpieces. But times are changing, and geisha hairstyles go down in history. They were replaced by wigs, which modern geishas now use.

From the history

Geishas until the seventeenth century did not combine hair and clothing. Only in the Edo period (1600-1868), traditional hairstyles developed under the influence of the culture of Korea and China. They were able to reach our days with virtually no changes. The rules for the appearance of geishas and their occupation were determined. This was done so that they were not confused with venal women.

The higher the geisha's status was, the more difficult was her hairstyle. The latter was called shimada. Pupils decorated their heads with satin ribbons and stilettos, although their hairstyles were simple. When the status of the student increased, her hairstyle became more complicated. It was customary to decorate these structures with kanzashi flowers and various accessories.

Once a student reached the status of a geisha, she could wear a wig. Moreover, for beauty wigs were only at first.

How did

Geisha wig

A geisha hairstyle was created once every two weeks. But before you start styling, you had to rub your hair with camellia oil. This was done so that they shone. The molten wax and fondant for the hair were shaped, and at the same time fixed. It is noteworthy that the wax was scented with floral fragrances, and each smell corresponded to its season.

How to save

If a geishaโ€™s hairstyle was done so rarely, how did they manage to preserve it? Geishas did not sleep on ordinary pillows. They were given takamakura (a wooden pillow under the neck) and they slept on it. In order to get used to sleeping like this, students poured rice around their heads. It was a way to find out if a girl was spinning in a dream. If there were grains of rice in the hair, then it was redone.

How to make a hairstyle for students

How to make a geisha hairstyle? Before you start experimenting with hair, you need to decide what hairstyle you want to do. For example, students wore misedashi vareshinobu. This hairstyle was necessary to wear for three years.

The bangs were grabbed in front by a long ribbon and twisted into a bundle. This tourniquet should rise above the entire hairstyle.

How to make a geisha hairstyle? It is necessary to collect hair in a bun on the back of the head and weave a ribbon in the middle. She will split the beam. This tape must be secured with a special pin that holds it. Silk flowers and kanzashi are usually added to the hairstyle.

How to make a hairstyle for an older student

Casual hairstyle

After a year or two, the student becomes elder. She goes through a certain ceremony and from that moment begins to wear a different hairstyle. It is called split peach. The hairstyle of the beginning geisha is performed as follows:

  1. Hair must be taken up in a knot.
  2. The bangs are also removed. Thus, the face and neck are fully open.
  3. Around the bundle you need to wrap the red ribbon and tie it under the hair.
  4. On top of the bundle is decorated with a hairpin called kanokomode.
  5. The next step is to wrap the beam again with a red ribbon. But now the knot is tied over the forehead.

How to make a hairstyle that students wear before becoming a geisha

Hairstyles became more complex and decorated with many different accessories.

You can make a geisha hairstyle with your own hands, but it is very difficult. European women cannot always repeat what Asians do with ease. Consider the hairstyle ofuku. It is only remarkable for its triangular decoration, which is pricked behind the flattened beam. It is made of fabric in the shape of a triangle by tags. We can say that a red ribbon is wrapped around the beam, but with a white pattern, so a triangle forms below.

How to make a sacco hairstyle

This Japanese geisha hairstyle was created when a student almost became a geisha. First, a hair cutting ceremony is performed. Then the loose hair is thoroughly combed and laid out in a certain way under the wig. This same geisha wig will be worn instead of creating a hairstyle.

Sacco is different from others. And it consists in the fact that on the back of the head the beam is divided into strands. Decorate it with a comb, ribbon and a special hair clip that will hold the ribbon. If desired, a woman can add a few more jewelry. Traditionally, they should be from the tortoise shell, but in the modern world it is not necessary to follow traditions. Especially since you are not a geisha.

More detailed instructions

Geisha on holiday

We remember the photo of a geisha hairstyle divided peach from school times. In history textbooks it was she who was portrayed. Above it was described in general terms how hairstyles look. But so that you can repeat the installation yourself, you need a more detailed instruction:

  1. Before styling, wash your hair well. After all, the geisha's hairstyle always shone and smelled nice.
  2. In the original version, the hair is lubricated with badger fat. But since the world has successfully survived the era of geishas, โ€‹โ€‹you can use wax for styling hair. Hair is then lubricated so that the hairstyle keeps its shape better, and clean and the curls do not crumble.
  3. When the hair is prepared, you must select the golden point. This is where the hairstyle comes from. Geisha traditionally choose this point on the back of the head.
  4. But it is important to know that the location of the point depends on age. The younger the woman, the higher this point will be located.
  5. The hair below the back of the head is combed in such a way as to have a rounded shape. This is all combed up and fixed with a hairpin.
  6. Strands from the temples are also combed up and laid so that they are a continuation of the occipital roundness.
  7. The bangs are temporarily fixed with a bundle, which slightly hangs forward.
  8. Photo geisha hairstyles can be considered endlessly. But there it is not clear how to do this. This is not visible in the photograph, but only lateral hair is fixed in a rounded shape.
  9. The bulk of the hair is collected in a tail, from which a bundle is subsequently formed.
  10. The shape of the beam depends on what style the woman chose.
  11. The bundle is divided into two parts and wrapped with a red ribbon.
  12. The finished hairstyle is decorated with sticks, tortoise-shell crests, and flowers.

It is important to know that most often flowers are set in the hairstyle alive, in the worst case, silk. Very rarely, but sometimes a small fan is used to decorate the hairstyle.

To keep the flowers well, they are fixed with invisibility. The traditional hairstyle does not accept the abundance of jewelry, so it is important to observe the measure.

Before you make a geisha hairstyle a divided peach or some other, you need to understand how they differ from each other.


This hairstyle is done by novice students. It is different from others:

  1. A strip of red silk tied under the hair around the base of the bundle. The youngest pupils wear this hairstyle.
  2. A hairpin brooch "Kanokodome", which is decorated with a bunch on top.
  3. Another strip of red silk tied around the base of the maemage (a bundle of hair directly above the forehead).
  4. A hairpin with ornaments in the kanzashi technique.
  5. A wide likeness of the crest, it is decorated with flowers.


Modern hairstyles

After several performances in the role of a beginner student, the status is increased to an older student.

Accordingly, her hair style is changing. Now the red silk strip has a white pattern, it is tied around the beam so that a triangle forms at the bottom. There is a red silk bow and a kanzashi hairpin in the hairstyle, but there are no flowers on it anymore. The tortoise ridge is worn only on special occasions, on ordinary days it is replaced with a plastic one.

The older student can remain in her status for several years, which means that she will wear the same hairstyle.


This geisha hairstyle is not very similar to a peach, but it is not everyday. They make it in special cases and it is worn for a month. It differs from the others in that the red silk ribbon is tied with a roller at the back at the base of the bundle. In addition, the comb is attached under the tape, and not above it. Another red ribbon is located above the forehead. A hairpin with kanzashi is located on the left side above the forehead. Since tortoiseshell ridges are worn in special cases, here it is.


The hairstyle is done only for celebrations and is worn with a strict kimono. It is worn during the New Year, before the student becomes a geisha.

Typical styling details: a tortoise shell comb and a kanzashi hairpin from it. In addition to them, a bundle of hair is decorated with coral beads. Red silk ribbons are still present in the hairstyle - above the forehead and around the beam.


Pupils Hairstyle

A hairstyle is done before the initiation ceremony and is worn for two weeks. In historical times, those women who only got married wore such a hairstyle.

It is decorated with a comb made of tortoise shell and hairpins from it. Hair for hairstyles was lengthened with special overlays that resemble a modern chignon. Unlike the relatively simple design of previous hairstyles, this bun has a complex shape.

In the modern world, geishas prefer wigs and only for very serious reasons can they put their hair in their hair.

Geiko shimada

Such styling is usually done at tea ceremonies. It is decorated only with tortoise shell decor.

Miyako-odori you Chuushimada

This hairstyle is universal, it is worn by both students and already geisha. But this only happens during the dance festival in the Gion Kobu quarter. By the way, a hairstyle is done to perform the general dance of students and geishas.

Adornments with flowers are considered to be hair decoration and they are not repeated. Each year a different set is made for the new festival.

Look like a geisha

Geisha makeup

Surely you decided to make a geisha hairstyle in connection with some event. Most likely, this is some kind of performance or carnival. But one hairstyle is not enough. For an image to be reliable, you need to know all its subtleties. This is useful for reincarnation.

First, you need to make a hairstyle like a geisha. You can go the easy way and buy a wig. But it will be much more interesting to try to reproduce the hairstyle itself.

Secondly, makeup must also match the image of a geisha. If you do not know how to paint, then use the help of a professional makeup artist. But you can try to apply makeup yourself. It is important to remember that a geisha should look perfect.

First make the foundation. To do this, mix the white powder with water until a paste-like state. The mixture is applied to the neck and face with a wide brush. After application, lightly sponge to remove excess water. With a black pencil, draw eyebrows; they should be soft in shape without refractions and bends. Geishas can see a red tint on the eyebrows, so you draw them with a red pencil.

With a liquid red eyeliner, draw a small arrow from the outside of the eye. Next, on top of the red eyeliner, draw a black arrow. The black arrow must be drawn throughout the century. Inside the eye, color the mucosa with a black pencil. Geisha's lips are bright red, so you need to stock up on red lipstick. You can circle your shape, or you can do as the geisha did - draw small lips, and mask the remaining space with a white base.

If you repeat everything exactly, then your holiday image will be remembered for a long time and everyone will be delighted with it.


Geisha costume

You have learned how to make a Japanese geisha hairstyle for a girl or woman. Age does not play a big role, since the hairstyle is done the same.

To complete the look, you need to try to buy real or stylized Japanese jewelry. They will give the image completeness and the necessary color. Finding them, of course, is not easy, but you can search in virtual stores.

The image will not be complete if you do not make geisha makeup. And it doesnโ€™t matter whether it is an adult or a child, but makeup is an obligatory part of a planned image. The more accurately it is made, the more reliable your appearance will be. After all, geishas did everything impeccably, which was appreciated in them.

Hairstyle is, of course, good, but do not forget about suitable clothes and behavior. Study this question, and then you can overshadow yourself at a party or event. Geisha are a very interesting part of the history of Japan, not without reason they have remained popular for so many centuries. Who knows, maybe you will be so carried away that you cannot live without the East. Be curious and learn something new.


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