We are treated at home. Folk remedy for nail fungus

folk remedy for nail fungus
How to cure nail fungus on the legs, hands? This question is increasingly being asked by people with such a problem. It is quite simple to get onychomycosis: in the pool, gym, bath, through common shoes or a towel for the feet. Where this infection will lie in wait for you is easy to say. If you recently feel severe itching, observe cracks in the nails, the skin turns red and exfoliates, it is urgent to take measures - to purchase or make an agent against nail fungus. Otherwise, it can lead to disastrous consequences. In people with a fungal infection, self-destruction of the nail is observed: it begins to turn yellow, thicken and crack, while causing severe pain and itching. So, we treat ourselves!

Folk remedy for nail fungus

Ways to get rid of the annoying fungus is full. You just have to choose what to apply. Here are some of the recipes:

1. It is recommended to apply a gauze dressing with a mixture of tar soap and salt on a sore nail. They say that in a week you can achieve excellent results.

2. At the pharmacy we buy iodinol and dry celandine. We make gruel from these ingredients and apply the resulting on a sore nail, and then wrap it with a film. Instead of the first solution, tea tree oil, vinegar, is used. Iodinol is also used on its own.

cure toenail fungus
3. A proven folk remedy for nail fungus - a golden mustache and tar. We steam out the previously diseased area, apply the juice of a golden mustache, wrap it with cellophane and a bandage. In the morning, the nail becomes soft, and it can be easily removed, and a new nail plate grows in place of the old one.

4. If the situation is completely running, some cured people recommend lubricating the affected nails with apple cider vinegar. Leave the soaked fleece on the nails for a couple of hours. The result is positive, but the treatment is quite long - 1 year.

5. A hard sick nail can be softened with a leaf of Kalanchoe or Kombucha, which are applied to the affected area and bandaged.

6. Before the final cure for the fungus, it is necessary to soak the bandage with green soap and leave it on the nails for the night. Wash off in the morning and prepare a new procedure.

7. For a nuclear attack on the fungus, various means can be mixed. It is recommended to make 20-minute baths of sea salt, soda, antibacterial soap. Here you can add various herbs such as chamomile, sage and a string. Together we use antifungal solvents: fucorcin, iodine or vinegar, you can also treat salicylic ointment or any other nutritious cream.

remedy against nail fungus
8. We steam legs or hands in a solution of potassium permanganate and apply grated propolis (a well-known folk remedy for nail fungus) and alcohol in equal amounts to a sore spot. We bandage and change the dressing every day, all until complete recovery.

9. If you still do not have celandine oil or glycerin, then run to the pharmacy. With these tools, you can lubricate diseased nails 2-3 times a day. Allow the medicine to dry and put on clean socks.

10. At the pharmacy you can buy propolis tincture and lubricate your sick nails with it, cover with a band-aid, and repeat the procedure every day.

To achieve the desired result, you need to approach with zeal for self-medication. Your folk remedy for nail fungus exists, and you need to use it!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32130/

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