Pillows from eucalyptus: properties, pros and cons, reviews

Pooh and feather have already gone out of fashion; there is no longer any need to sleep on the same pillow all your life and pass it by inheritance to your children. Large selection of bedding from various materials in the public domain. At affordable prices, you can buy everything you need for comfort.

Price quality

how to wash pillows

If you choose a good quality product and inexpensive, it is worth remembering that high-quality things can not be cheap. If the manufacturer works with natural materials, then the prices for manufactured items are higher than for goods made from artificial materials. Eucalyptus pillows have now become popular. Eucalyptus fiber is made from wood pulp, known for its good properties.

Material for pillows

Eucalyptus trees grow in open nature. Of course, they are not treated with chemicals and no fertilizers. Eucalyptus tree is a natural material, cellulose is used for raw materials, it is passed through special filters into a special solution. The result is a very strong fiber, but at the same time thin. Inside it is empty, so the products are light. 10,000 meters of fiber weigh only 1 gram.

eucalyptus fiber pillows

Pillows with eucalyptus fiber do not cause irritation, they can be recommended for people suffering from bronchial asthma and allergies. The material has deodorizing properties, it does not absorb odors, the material is hygroscopic, with an antibacterial effect. If a person sweats in the hot season, the material absorbs moisture, and it is comfortable for a person to rest on such a pillow. You can buy a kit with a blanket.

In the pillow of eucalyptus, fungus and mold do not start, various microorganisms do not live, including such as a dust mite. Plant essential oil is a powerful disinfectant that can fight bacteria and germs. It is not concentrated in the raw materials for pillows; moreover, the raw materials are processed, therefore, the pillow is odorless.

Practicality pillows

eucalyptus pillow pros and cons

Due to the fact that the fiber is hollow, it allows air to pass through, the skin is not steamed from contact with the pillow. In nature, the eucalyptus tree heals the climate, drains the soil and purifies the air. Sleeping on such a bed is comfortable and pleasant. If the product is properly looked after, then pillows can last up to 5 years. For a long time, it retains a beautiful aesthetic appearance, even after many washes. If you manage to buy a pillow in which the fiber of eucalyptus really prevails in composition, then it will not fall and crumple for a long time.

Manufacturers promise that the product is able to maintain a temperature comfortable for the body, in the hot season it will be cool, and in the cold it will be warm.

Anti-aging effect?

eucalyptus fiber pillows

The product labels indicate that the material has healing properties. This means that eucalyptus is the best filler for pillows, because it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. This is due to the fact that the blood microcirculation in the skin improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Muscle tone improves, elasticity and lightness appear. This information is difficult to verify, most likely, it sounds more like an advertisement. If so it was possible to get rid of wrinkles, then even a periodic hug with a tree trunk would be enough for eternal youth.

But on such a pillow it is comfortable to sleep, it practically does not deform, and is simple to maintain. It is not necessary to hand over your pillows to dry cleaning, they can be washed in a washing machine.

Disadvantages of Eucalyptus Pillows

eucalyptus pillow reviews

If we talk about a natural product, then in terms of quality there is nothing to complain about, except that the price is high compared to the same product made of artificial materials. But you always have to pay for quality; natural is always more expensive. Some manufacturers, in order to enhance the effect of eucalyptus, add the essential oils of this plant to the fiber. Pillows with eucalyptus fiber can be without fragrances, but they can be separately placed bags with a smell. If people do not like strong odors, then they may not like such an amplifier.

Manufacturers Tricks

Another unpleasant moment may be the purchase of a pillow, in which there are practically no eucalyptus fibers. As an advertisement, in order to attract buyers, all the merits of the goods are listed on the package. All useful properties are described, and customers opt for buying pillows with eucalyptus. Feedback from these customers can later be read on the Internet. In fact, it turns out that this pillow is filled with the usual synthetic filler, and only in the pillowcase there is a small percentage of eucalyptus fiber. Naturally, making claims in this situation is difficult, because the composition was written on the packaging label, the client himself did not read the finely written text. But even so, customers feel cheated, because all the described beneficial properties do not apply to a synthetic pillow.

Proper care

The packaging contains recommendations on how to wash pillows. Machine wash should be gentle. A temperature of 30 degrees is the maximum allowable for such a material. The washed thing cannot be dried in the chamber, it must be placed on a horizontal surface in a straightened form in an open space, but this should not be a scorching sun. It is advisable to turn the pillow over and shake it so that it dries well inside. It is impossible to leave near dryers and heating devices, from high temperature fiber is destroyed. To know how to wash pillows, you must read the labels. After all, different material reacts differently to temperature. information is indicated in the composition.

User reviews

best pillow filler

People who tested the effect of pillows made of eucalyptus were satisfied. It is, of course, a product made from natural raw materials, and not a fake. Allergy sufferers are satisfied with this product, they claim that it suits them, there is not even a stuffy nose, and even less other manifestations of allergies. They are satisfied with the purchase, and in the future they are not going to experiment anymore, they will use only such accessories for sleeping.

Many owners of pillows and blankets made of eucalyptus write that they purchased this kit purposefully to deal with insomnia, and indeed, the sleep became calmer. Even after washing the kit, the smell of eucalyptus is still felt, and the smell of washing powder does not interrupt it.

Customers are sure that this is the best pillow filler and are happy with their choice. But there are also those who were disappointed with the purchase: there were practically no eucalyptus fibers in the composition, and they felt cheated. On the product it may be written that it is filled with eco-friendly eucalyptus fiber, and the label indicates 100% polyester, the cover is 100% cotton. Obviously, this all does not apply to the description - the eco-friendly fiber of eucalyptus. From such reviews, we can conclude that natural pillows from eucalyptus are still good. Most customers are satisfied. But instead of the promised goods, you can accidentally take an ordinary synthetic pillow at an overpriced price, sprinkled with eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus Pillow: Pros and Cons

eucalyptus tree

Modern technology, even from solid wood, allows you to make a pleasant and soft-touch fiber, which is comfortable to sleep on. Processing of raw materials is carried out mechanically without the use of chemicals. An undoubted advantage can be called safety during sleep for people with allergic manifestations. Essential oils are not in high concentration, but still stored in the fibers, this has a beneficial effect on the skin. Manifested antibacterial protection. Indeed, during sleep, a person sweats, and then a natural defense is triggered, which does not allow bacteria and fungi to develop. The material is similar to silk, dust and unpleasant odors are not accumulated in it.

Of course, there are more advantages than disadvantages. If you choose a quality product for yourself, then this option will be ideal. But you need to understand that this is not a magic pillow with a healing and anti-aging effect. A soft pillow does not provide support for the neck. If there are problems in this area, then you need to buy an orthopedic pillow.

Also, in some products there is a sharp smell of eucalyptus, which is not suitable for everyone and can be annoying. Wash the product at a low temperature, preferably not exceeding 30 degrees.

If you want to create better conditions for sleep, then natural materials are perfect.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32136/

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