"Make it" or "in touch" - how to write a preposition

Doubts about how to write the word - "in full" or "in connection" arise due to the fact that it grammatically resembles an adverb. Remembering the rule that the adverbs “blindly”, “to the right”, “draw”, “in addition” and the like have the prefix “ -” , we include the construction “in connection” in this group. However, this is not an adverb. In resolving doubts about how to write correctly - “make it easy” or “in touch”, the rules for spelling prepositions will help us.

make it or in connection

How to write service words

The preposition refers to the group of auxiliary parts of speech, that is, special words that exist only for the connection of words in speech constructions and cannot form sentences by themselves. Service words are not members of the proposal, and you cannot pose a question to them. Their spelling is not determined by a change in grammatical form, as in most independent parts of speech, but obeys the established linguistic tradition. This means that their spelling you just need to remember or ask for help from the dictionary.

Description of our preposition

And yet, “make it easy” or “in touch” - how is the pretext written according to the rule? It is derivative and compound, that is, it occurred through reunion from other parts of speech. In this case, as a result of combining a simple preposition “in” and the noun “connection” used in the genitive case with an emphasis on the second syllable. Using the pretext “in connection”, we can successfully replace it with synonyms: for reason, because.

make it easy or as it is spelled

Is this combination of words always a pretext?

However, it should be noted that in Russian this combination can be used not as an excuse, but as an excuse and a noun. Then in the noun the emphasis will not fall on the second syllable, as in the preposition, but on the first. In the proposal, he will have the role of complement. However, this situation does not affect the problem of how to write - “make it easy” or “in touch”. In any case, this construction is not written together. Let's compare.

  • The preposition "in" in combination with a noun: "There is great economic potential in the connection of the two states." "We tried to give a radiogram, but there were problems with the connection."
  • The pretext “in connection” (can be replaced by the synonymous preposition “due”): “In connection with the change in the schedule, trains will not run on even days.”

So, “make it easy” or “in connection” - the spelling of the speech unit is clear: we always write separately, as in the second case. Spelling is a mistake.

Features of prepositions

Now let's look at some features that will help determine and write prepositions correctly.

These official words are divided into three types in terms of composition, and also into two types in terms of origin.

By composition:

  1. Simple: in, with, on, to, for, before, through , etc.
  2. Complex, they are written through a hyphen: from under, from , etc.
  3. Compound, they consist of two words: in conclusion, during, despite, for a reason, during, etc.
    make or break spelling

There are two kinds of prepositions according to the method of formation.

  1. Non-derivatives, their origin is not related to other parts of speech. These are the prepositions: to, in, on, with, above, on, through , etc.
  2. Derivatives, which, in turn, have occurred:
  • from adverbs - along, around, near , etc .;
  • from germs - thanks, later, including others;
  • from the nominal parts of speech - during, in relation to, about, in the form, for purposes , etc.

The last group, as we have seen, also includes the pretext that plunges people into difficulty: it is correct to write “in connection” or “in connection” erroneously.

We give the following table for memorization.

We write prepositions
along, in view of, instead, subsequently, contrary to, like, about, byto the extent possible, in conclusion, in continuation, by virtue of, for the purposes, for, to the extent, for the reason

Here are examples of the use of these prepositions and similar constructions “preposition + independent part of speech”.

  • Instead of (pretext) the juggler will be an illusionist. / He got into the place (preposition + noun), which was described by Alexander Green.
  • Let’s clarify what is there about the (pretext) of your departure. / The bank put on my account (preposition + noun) interest from the amount.
  • All lined up in a line like (pretext) of a rhombus. / The teacher pointed to the likeness (preposition + noun) of the landscape in my drawing.
  • The athlete did not participate in the competition due to (pretext) injury. / Recently, a new police officer joined the investigation (preposition + noun) in the case.
  • The detachment walked along the field for a long time (pretext), made its way through the forest wilds.
  • Tickets for the ship were not sold, due to the (excuse) lack of available seats.

make or use spelling

Do prepositions have meanings?

The prepositions that serve to establish connections in speech are assigned their meanings. They come down to the following main groups:

  • Spatial: walk along the pavement, along the forest, along the field. Stop near the theater, in a hotel, near the highway.
  • Temporary: work until night, before lunch, after sleep. Call in the evening, in a week, in the morning.
  • Target: stay out of the rain, for friends, for help.
  • Causal: abandon the principle due to relocation due to illness.
  • Comparative: the size of a mountain, was born into a mother.
  • Object: read about the feat, missed the house.

We figured out how to spell the word “make it easy” or “in touch” without error. Spelling is determined by the fact that it is a compound derivative preposition with the meaning of the cause. His spelling and similar prepositions must be remembered.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32139/

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