We compose a resume: personal qualities of a person

Wisely writing a resume is actually much more difficult than it might seem. It is necessary to tell correctly about yourself, your education, your previous place of work, existing experience and other. It is also worth noting that everything needs to be done is not very trite.

personal qualities of a person

What are personal qualities and how to correctly indicate them in the resume? This question is very important. Yes, it matters more than you think. Many applicants indicate, as a rule, the same thing, that is, they write what they are active, outgoing and responsible. What is this talking about? The fact that a person has no imagination or that he simply was too lazy to write a resume. Everything needs to be considered and described in detail. Below will be given the best personal qualities of a person and given a brief description. From this material you can draw a lot of useful.

professional engineer skills

Personal qualities of a person

There are a lot of them. In general, it is worth noting that they can be similar in different people. Yes, the professional skills of an engineer (or someone else) are similar, but the qualities that are inherent in representatives of this profession can be anything.

Extraordinary thinking. This quality means that a person is able to look at a situation completely differently than everyone else. This means that he can come up with something completely new, using those things that everyone seems to have learned to the very end. Such a person in a team can be very useful, since a lot starts with a non-standard idea.

Responsibility. What is it? This is the ability not only to act, but also to be responsible for their actions. Yes, it’s easy to write in the resume that you are responsible, but it’s difficult to be in the right situation. Responsibility is not words, but actions. Can you give an example of a situation when you showed this quality? If so, be sure to include it in your resume.

negative character traits
Sociability. Remember that you need not only to be able to communicate with people, but also to ensure that communication with you gives them pleasure. Are you only able to start a conversation, or can you make a person laugh, make him think about something serious, take some action?

Operability. Are you sure you are able to work tirelessly? And what motivators do you need for this? How much does your ability to work depend on the salary offered? If you got to work, then you must do it as it should. Remember that no one forces you to settle in a particular place. Agreed - do it right.

Activity and initiative. It is also better to indicate some examples from life here. In this case, again, it is easy to call yourself an initiative person, and then (after employment) calmly sit back in the corner when everyone is trying to do something to develop a common cause. The personal qualities of a person that employers take into account are numerous, but initiative is often almost the most important of them. Show yourself at every opportunity.

Here are the basic personal qualities of a person that will help to get a good job. What else? Should negative traits be indicated in the resume? Yes, it’s worth it, but there should be a description nearby, as well as thoughts about when you will get rid of them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32145/

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