How to cook borsch: traditions and cooking features

Borsch is a real β€œking” in the kingdom of first courses. And any woman who considers herself an experienced, real mistress should be able to cook it. As a rule, it is generally accepted that this dish was born in Ukraine. But Romanians, Poles, Lithuanians still dispute this opinion, emphasizing what they came up with and know how to cook borsch. Nevertheless, this Ukrainian-made dish is very popular far beyond the borders of this country. Every good housewife has tricks and secrets and knows exactly how to cook borsch.

If you delve a bit into the history of the dish, it becomes clear that, according to some reports, the first borsch was cooked 365 years ago. Don Cossacks did this. Food from various roots and tops was to the taste of many. At different times, borsch was popular with famous personalities, for example, Nikolai Gogol, Catherine the Great and others. Nevertheless, how to cook Ukrainian borsch, mostly representatives of the common people knew.

Now there is no specific recipe that would tell how to cook this dish. After all, every culinary specialist brings his own nuances to this process. And the question is how to cook borscht correctly, rather rhetorical. The main thing is that it should turn out to be bright red and have a sweet and sour taste. In addition, in the cooking process, a standard set of products is used, which, however, can be supplemented: beets (raw, sautΓ©ed, stewed), potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomato and onions.

Mistresses who know how to cook borscht claim that this should be done on a strong broth. As for meat in particular, you can use beef, pork, and chicken. This is not important. Let the broth cook for as long as possible. If it boils, then you can add a little water, and not cold, but boiling water.

There are many tips and tricks that answer the question of how to cook borsch. Some chefs advise to spray the beets during the process of passing the lemon juice so that it does not lose its bright color. And to give the dish richness and richness of taste, it is recommended to pre-fry the potatoes, and only then send them to the pan. If cabbage has already been added to the borsch, do not cover the container with a lid. The taste of this dish is usually spicy decorated with garlic, bay leaf, black pepper. As for serving, it is appropriate to offer donuts and sour cream together with borsch. And traditionally donuts should be with garlic.

And here is a recipe that will help you find the answer to the question of how to cook borsch. Take half a kilogram of pork (if you like fatter first courses) or chicken (it is considered a more dietary product), and boil for an hour and a half. In the resulting broth in the process, add bay leaf, always allspice. Then send the potatoes, cut into small cubes, into the pan. While all this continues to cook, you should chop the cabbage, and stew the onions (half rings), carrots (on a coarse grater) and beets (slices) in a frying pan. In the process, you can use various seasonings to taste. At the end, add tomato paste or fresh tomatoes to the contents of the pan, stew for another 10 minutes, you can chop the garlic there. After the potatoes have reached the state of semi-preparedness, cabbage must be put in the borsch and almost immediately - the stewed vegetables from the pan. The contents of the pan should be on fire for at least 15 minutes. Do not forget to salt it all. Then you can cover the pan with a lid and let it brew. Serve Ukrainian borsch with homemade sour cream.

This dish will decorate your culinary "piggy bank", and its divine taste and aroma will long remain in the memory of everyone who is lucky enough to try it.


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