Baking mackerel in the oven is easy

Fish dishes are full of nutrients and vitamins. But you must be able to cook them correctly in order to preserve all the benefits. Therefore, we choose the right heat treatment. You can bake mackerel in the oven. It turns out juicy and tender. There are many recipes for cooking such dishes. It all depends on the selected ingredients, which can affect the taste of the dish. Mackerel meat is fat, tender, and therefore perfectly suited for baking in the oven.

Bake mackerel in the oven

Recipe - nowhere easier

Especially tasty is the fish cooked in foil. This method allows her to save all the juices. How to bake mackerel in the oven in foil? To cope with such a recipe is very simple, and the final will turn out to be just excellent. It will take one mackerel, one head of onion, the same amount of carrots, zucchini, sweet peppers, 100 grams of cheese, two tomatoes, vegetable oil and spices. We start with the preparation of vegetables. Peel the carrots and onions. We remove the seeds and the stalk from the pepper. Zucchini cut into strips, and tomatoes into cubes. We cut a carrot into a small cube, onion into half rings. These ingredients will be used to prepare the filling for fish, therefore, before baking mackerel in the oven, we make a vegetable filling. We take a stewpan or a frying pan with a thick bottom and heat the vegetable oil. Fry the onion in it until it becomes transparent. Then add carrots, peppers and zucchini.

How to bake mackerel in the oven
Now you need to stew the vegetables for some time, until they become soft. Only then add tomatoes to them. Sprinkle salt and spices. For aroma and taste, add a little lemon juice. We still simmer for about 2 minutes, and then turn off the fire and roll in finely chopped greens. You can bake mackerel in the oven only by gutting it. From the side of the ridge we make an incision along the entire length of the fish. Carefully remove the ridge, bones and entrails. Thus, we still have a pocket of fish with a tail and a head. Sprinkle salt on all sides of the mackerel, and fill the inside with the filling. Then grease the fish with oil and lay on a sheet of foil, which we tightly wrap. Preheat the oven in advance. The baking temperature is 180 degrees, and the time is 40 minutes. After half an hour, unfold the foil and sprinkle the fish with grated cheese. Bake another 5-10 minutes. Serve on the table, decorated with greens and vegetables.

Mackerel with apples

You can bake mackerel in the oven with many ingredients. Take 500 grams of fish, one sour apple, a little fresh parsley, a couple of cloves of garlic and spices to taste.

How to bake mackerel in the oven in foil

Rub the prepared fish with pepper and salt. Peel the apple and three on a grater. Then mix it with chopped garlic, herbs and salt. Take a third of the filling and lay it inside the fish. Grease a baking sheet with oil and put another third of the filling on it. We spread the fish on it, and on top we cover it with the remaining filling. Bake mackerel in the oven at 180 degrees. Cooking time is 30 minutes. We take out the prepared fish and serve it on the table. Here's how to bake mackerel in the oven simply, quickly, and tasty. You can also come up with your own recipe using new ingredients. The main thing is that they give the dish a taste and aroma.


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