The structure of the essay on the Russian language (USE). Russian essay template

Preparing for exams and passing them is the worst nightmare of any student. Besides the fact that you have to learn a bunch of theory and remember it in time on the test, you also need to write the text correctly. To accomplish this mission perfectly, you must first understand and remember what constitutes the structure of an essay on the Russian language (USE).

The main difficulty that most students face when writing their creations is the process of identifying the problem that is being addressed. If you formulate it incorrectly, you will receive from your work from 2 to 5 points instead of 23 maximum.

structure of the essay on the Russian language ege

Main components

After determining the topic and problem of the text, it is time to move on to building its structure. Without this, it is impossible to pass the Unified State Examination (Russian language) in a quality manner. The composition plan, as a rule, consists of the following parts:

- introduction;

- comment on the problem;

- position of the author;

- your opinion;

- arguments;

- conclusion.

Working on entry

The structure of an essay on the Russian language (USE) begins with an introduction. In it, you invite the reader to a conversation. First of all, name the topic and problem, introduce the author. After that, smoothly go to the main part. In this case, at first, in no case can you retell the contents of the text. And its volume should not exceed 3-4 sentences.

Russian language essay plan

Determining the problem, you can name a few, but do not get carried away. It’s best to choose one primary than spraying on a bunch of secondary ones. In any case, you will not receive more than 1 point for this item, so there is no point in painting it too much.

We determine the problem

It is difficult for any student to pass the exam. An essay in Russian has its own difficulties, among which is the ability not to confuse the problem (what is the text written for, what kind of conflict is revealed in it and the question is asked to readers) with the topic (which is described). Not every case is easy to understand the first time what the main idea the author wanted to convey. There are a couple of secrets that will simplify this task:

1. Typically, the writer formulates the problem closer to the beginning of the text or at the end. It all depends on what kind of train of thought he prefers: first to name the thesis and after it - arguments, or to do it in the reverse order.

2. Select key vocabulary from the text. It consists of words in which the basic idea of ​​everything said is embedded. This will help you in the next step - writing a comment on the main problem.

Write a comment

Also, the structure of the essay on the Russian language (Unified State Examination) includes a commentary on the formulated problem. This is a kind of retelling of the proposed text in your own words. You can get 2 points for it. At the same time, you need to show that you were able to clearly understand what the conflict consists in, to highlight its aspects. That is, in this case, it is necessary to disclose the position of the author.

During commenting, try not to quote too much and retell the contents of the text, as this can reduce the number of your points for this stage of work to zero. Also, make no factual mistakes in attributing to the writer what he did not speak about.

ege essay in Russian

Next, reflect on the author’s position of the problem raised. For this, only one sentence will be sufficient, in which you explain how he answers the question posed and offers to unleash the problem.

Then express your own point of view. It does not have to correspond to the author’s one. But just voicing it will not be enough. You must substantiate your opinion with at least 2 arguments. For each of them you will receive a point. At the same time, your arguments should not coincide with those given in the text, otherwise they will not be taken into account when checking your exam. An essay in Russian should combine both the author’s position and your own.

ege russian language composition plan

How to pick up arguments?

So, you pass the USE Russian language (essay). Arguments are an integral part of it. In order to convincingly substantiate your opinion, you can use:

1. Examples from your life (it is not at all necessary that the selected events really happen with you or your acquaintances - you can just come up with them, after all, no one will investigate their authenticity).

2. Knowledge gained in school (remember history, social studies, geography, and any other sciences in which you can find suitable facts).

3. Experience in reading books (you can turn to Russian or world literature, they will find a huge number of suitable life situations; you will be helped by both the classics and the works of modern authors).

Russian language grade 6 essay

When choosing arguments (essay, Russian language), carefully make sure that they confirm your thesis, and not contradict it. Experts will evaluate only 2 arguments, so it makes no sense to come up with more of them. Better let them be a couple, but both will be accurate and suitable for this situation. In addition, the more you paint your thoughts, the greater your chances of making mistakes.

We combine the arguments

Arguments selected from journalism, scientific or fiction are best rated. They cost 2 points, while for an example from your life you will get 1 at best.

You can also use situations taken from folklore. For example, folk tales, sayings, songs and other similar works will come in handy. For these reasons, you will also receive 1 point.

Since for argumentation it is impossible to put more than a triple, then for the highest score you can use one of the following schemes:

- 2 arguments from your experience in reading books;

- 1 example from literature plus 1 - from life or folklore.

We analyze language tools

You can also include in the plan of an essay on the Russian language an analysis of the linguistic means of expression as a form of argumentation by the author and a way of influencing the reader’s mind. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Check if this list is given in the work and whether you have made their analysis.

2. Give specific examples from the text (you can select them with brackets, but better give preference to quotation marks).

3. Look at the correctness and expediency of introducing language analysis into your essay (try not to write phrases from the category “author uses, uses”).

Be sure to double-check the draft version of your work, follow the logic of thoughts in it. See if any semantic inconsistencies have been made and if the text has been correctly broken into paragraphs. If a wide variety of words, a lot of heterogeneous grammatical constructions are used in the work, and thoughts are expressed precisely and clearly, for all these points you will get 2 points.

Literacy is the key to success

The highest rating is given for the fact that you know Russian well. How to write an essay to get maximum 8 points for literacy? To achieve the best expert opinion, you need to adhere to these rules:

1. Avoid mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar and speech.

2. Adhere to ethical standards and avoid rudeness, obscene and vulgar statements.

3. Observe accuracy in presenting facts.

When writing a work, you don’t need to pour water, speak obvious statements and beat around the bush to gain the required volume. You should write specific thoughts on the proposed topic. A text volume of 150 words is large enough to fit all the necessary arguments.

You will not be lowered if you write more, but the chances of making unnecessary mistakes increase. Therefore, it is better to do as much as necessary, because for exceeding a given size you will not receive additional points. In the event that the specified volume is not recruited, the estimate will decrease. And if you write less than half the right size, then the work will not be checked at all.

Draw conclusions

The structure of the essay on the Russian language (Unified State Examination) is concluded with a conclusion. Pay attention to the correctness of its design. If it is too large, it will be taken as evidence that you do not know how to concisely state your thoughts. So, this will become a clear drawback of your work. The introductory and final parts cannot be more than a quarter of the entire text.

If you imagine an essay in the form of a diagram, it should be closed like a circle. What was said at the beginning should be summarized at the end. Also in the last paragraph it is necessary to say how the text influenced you, whether you thought about your views on the world after reading it.

Russian language how to write an essay

Separately, it is necessary to mention what place in the history and life of literature this work occupies, to describe the reaction of society to it. You can use the essay template for the Russian language: at the beginning of the work, ask certain questions, and at the end - give answers to them.

In the final part, it is necessary to show the completeness of the work and how the conclusion is related to the main text and its conflict. This fragment should not exceed 2-3 sentences in volume.

Remember the golden rules!

In addition to all of the above rules, be guided when writing the following tips:

1. Try not to use repetitions not only in the sentences nearby, but throughout the composition. Do not forget that the size of your work is small, which means that phrases that constantly flash before your eyes will greatly spoil the impression of it. When you start writing, prepare a list of synonyms for the main words (“example”, “author”, “problem”, etc.). After finishing the draft, carefully read it and underline the repeated phrases. Then replace most of them with similar ones.

2. Do not crush the text too much. It is best to use such an essay plan in Russian:

- in the first paragraph, name the problem and comment on it;

- in the second - lighten your and author's position;

- in the third - give the first argument;

- in the fourth - the second argument;

- in the fifth - write a conclusion.

If you express your thoughts in very short sentences, then you can break the text into 3 paragraphs, but there should not be less than this number.

3. Try to make sure that your speech has a minimum number of cliches. Of course, you can use some template phrases, but it is better to minimize their use. A list of unwanted cliches can be found even in the textbook "Russian Language - Grade 6". A composition without such expressions is valued an order of magnitude higher than with them. Combine words correctly and avoid mistakes related to language and speech.

4. To avoid a lot of errors related to punctuation, after writing a draft, parse all the text. In this case, you will be able to understand in which places missed the allocation of participles and participles and other constructions that require the use of commas. You will also see where you put extra punctuation marks. Separate parts of a sentence not intuitively, but following specific rules.

Some more tips

Follow the readability of your handwriting. This applies not only to essays in the Russian language, but also to any other exam. The expert will not decipher your scribbles, but simply count them as errors and reduce points.

Russian essay template

Formulate your thoughts so that they are not fragmentary. Each part of the text should be brought to its logical conclusion. It is necessary to state the reasoning so that it is understandable not only to you but also to the readers. Explain specifically what you mean.

Make sure that the conclusion does not seem meager in content compared with the rest of the text written during the exam (Russian language). The composition plan should include at the end thoughts that were not voiced previously.


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