Information space

A very important issue at the moment is information interaction in various areas of our lives. For example, most of us want to stand in different queues much less, monitor the child's school performance over the Internet, and much more. All this has now become possible thanks to the active development of information technology. The world is developing at such a speed that it’s hard for many to imagine it. That is why it is worth considering such a concept as information space.


Most of us will agree that this is a real breakthrough in communications - voice calls are now available all over the world, communication channels have become noticeably wider, data transfer technologies have become faster. Now, in a matter of seconds, you can present information to an interlocutor located on the other side of the world. All this allows you to create a developed information space. However, it is worth considering what is required to reach such an entirely new level.

Electronic money

With the advent of this type of means of payment, the possibilities of each person became noticeably wider. Virtual money is gradually being superseded by plastic cards, but at this stage both of these means of payment are equally popular.


The information space now allows you to study via the Internet without leaving your home or workplace. You can even get higher education online at some foreign university. In addition, participation in useful conferences and webinars is available for everyone, which allows you to make a lot of useful contacts.


Now everyone can apply their knowledge and skills in order to work remotely. Thanks to modern means for remote access, you can work quite comfortably from anywhere in the world.


Now through the Internet you can make all kinds of purchases, while it is not so important whether it is food or clothing, any services. In Russia, this system is not sufficiently developed, since in many regions there is no way to make online payments now.


The state exercises control over us and our actions. At the moment, attempts are being made to organize a public services portal, which will collect information about all the services of the state, as well as their provision in electronic form. To date, not many services are implemented in this form.

Global information space

The Internet can be called as material confirmation of the formation of a global information space, but it cannot be considered the only factor in the formation of an information civilization. In science, the question of global economic and cultural development was raised 80 years ago, while globalization was discussed quite actively, calling it convergence. Then transnational corporations, the policy of an open society, financial commerce on a global scale, global ideology, etc. formed. Many experts are convinced that information technology is the main driving factor in the formation and development of financial and economic monopoly. Closely related to these concepts is an information policy. Globalization becomes the reason that the legal mechanisms of influence on the whole society are eroded. This is due to many factors, one of them is the development of the idea of ​​openness of society.

Information policy is a complex of political, economic, legal, organizational and socio-cultural activities of the state, focused on ensuring the right of citizens to access information.

It turns out that with the development of the information space, society is moving to a new stage in its own development.


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