The address bar with the search function is easy!

address bar
Nowadays, everyone is familiar with browsers - special programs that allow you to quickly and easily surf the expanses of the World Wide Web. If you are reading this article, then you certainly came to this page using the address bar. However, many beginners are not familiar with all the secrets of this simple, at first glance, tool. For example, many do not know how to use javascript in the address bar. Therefore, let's take a closer look at all the secrets. Let's start with the basics.

So what exactly is an address bar? This field, which is usually located in the upper left corner of the browser, is used to enter the names of Internet resources. The names of sites in most cases use letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet, but there are also national domains that use the symbols of the national alphabet, for example, Russian “.” or Chinese.

javascript in address bar
Usually the address bar is not alone. Next to it are various navigation buttons and a search bar, which many novice users confuse with the main tool. The search bar is a special extension for browsers that can search the system for a given request. On the Internet you can find a sea of ​​variants of this tool for each popular browser, and each will have its own plus. But that is not all. Advanced users use special scripts, thanks to which the address bar begins to support the search. That is, using these extensions, you will no longer need to clog the browser panel with unnecessary input fields, it will be enough just to enter a search query in the address bar, and the program itself will find the information you need. In order to connect / change this feature, you may need to make some changes to your browser. Let's take a closer look at the most popular options.

Search Address Bar in Mozilla Firefox

In order to change the search parameters, type “about: config” in the address bar of the browser and press Enter. A window will appear, confirm that you know what you are doing and close it. You will be offered a list of parameters in which you can configure the necessary ones. Find “Keyword.URL”, right-click on it and select the “Change” option from the drop-down list . Enter a link to the necessary search engine.

Opera address bar

browser address bar

In Opera, the search function through the address bar, at first glance, is implemented as simple as possible. To activate it, just before the request with a space, put the English letter corresponding to the search engine you need. For those in doubt, we will publish the list: Yandex - (y), google - (g), - (m), Wikipedia - (w). What letter you write in that system will be searched. This method looks very simple and effective, but actually switching between the Russian and English layouts is not always easy.

Google Chrome Search Address Bar

In the upper right corner next to the close button of the browser there is a button with the image of a wrench. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the settings window. The browser address bar is configured through the "Search" menu, which is located in the "Settings" tab. In the window that opens, simply select the desired system and restart the browser.


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