Why do men drink: symptoms, causes of drunkenness, addiction, psychological counseling, necessary treatment and preventive work

The problem of male alcoholism is incredibly relevant today. Two-thirds of Russian families undergo an abnormal love of the head of the family for a poisonous drink, suffering and sometimes experiencing tragedies because of this. But why do men drink? What so seduces them in this poison and makes them use it again and again? Why do men drink alcohol as often as they eat? And due to what does it become the norm for them - daily drinking?

Psychological factor

In fact, there are many reasons for male drunkenness. Family troubles, problems at work, roots from childhood, Russian tradition, a relaxation method - a lot of all kinds of prerequisites serve as some kind of justification for men to drain a mug of cold strong beer in the morning. And the most common reason for this is psychological overtones. Why is a man starting to drink?

  • He grows up in a family where his father, and sometimes his mother, often abused alcohol. Often this serves as a starting point in the minds of men, as if dictating to him the "normality" of this process. Children's trauma and improper upbringing leave a deep imprint on the morality and worldview of such a young man. One can say, on the one hand, it is not his fault that he grew so much. But after all, because a person is considered a person, he forms himself, creates himself, relying only on his own opinion and not succumbing to the influence of the surrounding society.
  • He avoids problems in this way. Why is a man drinking? The psychology of his consciousness is structured in such a way that if the solution to the problem is not found by itself, then it needs to be dulled, drowned out, and drowned out. When the troubles and worries that have piled upon a man fall upon a man with a snowball and cannot find a quick solution to the situation, it is easier for him to cope with it by missing a few glasses of strong alcohol.
  • He is emotionally unstable, and his inner experiences tearing him apart require a splash out. Representatives of the strong half from childhood are dictated by the conditions of behavior: men don’t cry, men don’t weary, men don’t tend to emotionalize. But the accumulating experiences do not disappear, and stress resistance is subjected to constant attacks of external influences and life's turmoil.
Help for relatives with alcoholism

Addiction to a state of altered consciousness

But there are those who just like the state of intoxication. They do not think that it is alcoholism. They do not believe that this addiction should be disposed of. Why do men drink? Because they like it. I like that the mood is improving. I like that all the problems that so bother them sober are forgotten at once. I like to experience euphoria from a state of altered consciousness. This stage of alcoholism is one of the most terrible, because a person does not understand that such abuse of alcohol is a vice. In this situation, men are not able to adequately assess their dependence on the poisonous green snake, continuing to revel in their favorite drug.

Alcoholism as a way of life

Men's tradition

Some of the men prefer to drink simply because modern society is so arranged: watching a football match on TV must be accompanied by a few glasses of cold fresh beer, Friday evening can not be spent in a pub with friends for a couple of glasses of whiskey, and the weekend is just designed in order to relax and have a drink. Why do men drink? Because it is a stereotype of the present, so to speak, “a man is not a man if he does not prefer the intoxicated”. And this is actually even scary: today a young person who does not use is not called normal, as it should be, but, on the contrary, is considered some kind of inadequate, outcast, representative of almost another world. Like, how do you live if you don’t drink? Are you iron or something?

Drink - as a kind of male rite

A way to relax and relieve stress

If a man drinks in the family, why is this happening? After all, he has a wife, has beloved children, for a good family man this is the most important thing. That's exactly what is for the “good.” Statistics show that every day the percentage of the drinking population is increasing, and mainly these are married men with children. But why is this happening? Often men justify themselves by the following reasons for their drunken behavior:

  • alcohol as a way to get rid of stress: quarrels at home with his wife and troubles at work, young people are used to drinking, and not solve the problem in the normal way;
  • alcohol as an opportunity to relax: hard work and various kinds of overwork are more easily tolerated by men when they are applied to the bottle;
  • drinking with friends as a way of life when it becomes a habit: to work out a shift, go to a pub on the way home and “take your soul” with “colleagues in the entertainment process”.
Alcohol as a cure for depression

Remedy for Depression

Why do men drink when they feel bad? The answer is simple: this is how they cope with their experiences, suffering, unrequited feelings. If it’s not alcohol, then other psychotropic and narcotic substances come to the rescue, and then you need to think what is worse. But in this case, the proverb “of the two evils, choose the best” does not fit. After all, drinking one’s troubles is absolutely no way out of the situation. Often there are cases when a very decent, hard-working, adequate man began to drink. Why? In view of what happens a similar plan of personal degradation? There is a list of the most common causes:

  • parting with a beloved woman;
  • depressed state due to loss of financial independence and stability;
  • physical insolvency due to accident, catastrophe, injury and, as a result, disability;
  • loss of a loved one due to his death.

In the case of a young man's binge due to psychological trauma, only attention, care and help of loved ones can affect his recovery.

Alcoholism due to financial insolvency

Symptoms of male alcoholism

Despite drinking, a man is not always easy to convict of alcoholism. Many women take their husband's periodic drinks in the same way as he does - as a means to relax after a hard workday. But everyone should understand that this is not just the “first bell”, it’s a clear ringing bell that you need to stop such a plan of “rest” and “abduction of the soul”, because sooner or later it will necessarily grow into even more frequent and long processes of intoxicated state. How to recognize an alcoholic in her husband?

  • The regularity of acts of taking alcohol exceeds two to three times a month.
  • Less and less often, a young man needs a reason to take a forbidden swill to his soul - he drinks on holidays and on weekdays.
  • The guy is less and less paying attention to his appearance and becoming more messy: he can go to work unshaven, in a dirty shirt yesterday, with a fetid smell of "fume" in his mouth.
  • A man begins to abuse, even despite the working day, working time and his "fed up" condition at work.
  • The next morning, instead of vomiting reflexes in the process of withdrawal symptoms, the young man gladly knocks over 0.5 beers as a “hangover”.
Alcohol - as a "non-letting" drug

Psychologist consultation

And yet, why do men drink alcohol? Psychology explains the behavioral model of a young man of this kind as a vital necessity, which has developed in his mind as a stereotype. People are used to living like this, they are used to experiencing their bitterness and their joys in this way. They drink on holidays and in misfortune, because of the birth of a son and on the occasion of the death of their father, with or without. Here, not only physical dependence is born, but also psychological. And its value actually has a global scale. The worst thing is that most alcoholics do not even recognize the fact of their alcoholism, because they really do not consider themselves to be such.

Psychologist consultation

Treatment and help of relatives

To eliminate such a vice, a bad habit, addictive gluttony can only be a set of medical measures in conjunction with the invaluable support of relatives and friends of a man who drinks:

  • this is treatment in a stationary detox dispensary;
  • this is a psychological encoding lock;
  • it is also regular assistance to the surrounding concentration of a young man in the person of his wife, children, parents.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32181/

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