How to marinate chicken for baking: marinade recipes, soak time and cooking tips

Tasty cooked chicken meat is loved not only by men, but also by women. Also, this product will be enjoyed by children. And if you cook it also in the fresh air, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse a fried or baked piece of pork, beef or chicken. But even at home, such dishes will cause great delight of your loved ones. However, for this you need to learn how to cook meat deliciously. There are a great many options. We will tell you how to deliciously marinate chicken for baking. Also, the article will set out the recommendations of experienced hostesses. We hope that this information will be very useful for you.

roast chicken

Dietetic and tasty

Unfortunately, some housewives do not buy meat in stores as often as we would like. The reasons for this may be a great many. But one of the most common is its high price. Therefore, many prefer to opt for other foods. But the fact is that meat contains a complete set of amino acids, which are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. What to do in this case? You can buy chicken. Among the advantages that distinguish this type of meat from its counterparts are affordable price, low calorie content, delicate taste, speed of cooking, lack of cholesterol, a large number of amino acids, low fat and carbohydrate content. Chicken can be fried, boiled, baked, stewed, prepared from it salads, soups and much more. There are enough options worthy of attention. However, more healthy foods are baked rather than fried chicken. Let's cook it together.

how to pickle chicken

How best to marinate roast chicken

If you want to get tender meat, you must first properly prepare it. The success of the finished dish largely depends on the ability of the hostess to choose the right ingredients for the marinade. Immediately say that there are a huge number of different options. Which one is the best is up to you to decide. After all, as they say, on taste and color - there are no comrades. Focus on the taste preferences of your family members. And also never be afraid to try something new. For pickling, we need dishes. It is best to take a small pot with a lid or a deep plate that can be covered with something. Next, we suggest you try to cook with us the most popular marinade options.

kefir marinade


Perhaps, not all housewives know that this fermented milk drink is simply indispensable for cooking meat. Using it as a marinade allows you to get an unusually delicate and aromatic dish in minimal time. Let's start cooking. First of all, you need to check if we have everything we need. We will need:

  • kefir - one bag; it is best to take an average percentage of fat content;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • a few onions, if you like more spicy dishes;
  • pepper, salt - one teaspoon will suffice;
  • special seasonings for pickling, but these ingredients should be taken only if desired;
  • dill - if there is no way to take it, then you can do without it.

Cooking steps:

  1. We take the chicken, wash it thoroughly. It would be nice to take the legs or thighs.
  2. Take a suitable pan.
  3. Sprinkle the chicken with a small amount of salt, pepper, add spices.
  4. Wash the onion, peel and cut, preferably with rings.
  5. Put the chicken in the pan. Add finely chopped garlic, onion and dill.
  6. Then pour the kefir. The liquid should cover the meat completely.
  7. Now you need to close the pan with a plate or a lid.
  8. We clean in a cold place. After a few hours, we take out the chicken and put it in a special form.

Put in the oven and bake. Cooking time 50-60 minutes.

ketchup marinade

Mayonnaise, ketchup and more ...

We continue our story about how to pickle chicken for baking. The following marinade is very often used when they want to get a more juicy and rich taste in the finished dish. To prepare the marinade we take:

  • mayonnaise - half a glass;
  • spices to taste;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • ketchup -2-3 tablespoons; you can take any, but best kebab.
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper - half a teaspoon; maybe even a little less, it all depends on your taste.

The meat is rubbed with salt, garlic, sprinkled with a small amount of pepper. There you can add a few leaves of bay leaf. Mayonnaise is mixed with ketchup and then laid out on chicken. The container is tightly closed by a lid and left for two to three hours.

how to pickle better chicken for baking

How to marinate homemade roast chicken

If you want to get a delicious dish from chicken meat, then follow the simple rules:

  1. In no case should you take a bird with a blue skin for cooking. It should be white, with a slight yellowish tint.
  2. It is best to take chicken for baking no more than one or two kg.
  3. If you come across a fairly old bird, then first boil it for one hour in salted water, and then just marinate it.

Quick and tasty

Recently, many housewives love to cook up their sleeve. This method allows you to get a fragrant and tasty dish. In addition, it is convenient that the dishes remain clean. How to pickle baked chicken in a sleeve? Take the whole carcass or its separate parts. Prepare your favorite marinade (several options can be found in this article). Pickle the chicken. Then you just have to fold the meat into a sleeve, add one or two tablespoons of olive oil and put in the oven. First make a few punctures on the package. Cooking time is one hour. Bon Appetit!

deliciously marinate a whole chicken

For lovers of original dishes

We introduced you to some types of marinade. But if you want to try something more refined and unusual, then pay attention to a few more options:

  1. With the addition of yogurt. Not many housewives know that this ingredient can be used in the preparation of marinades. Only you need to take it without any additives. Also, to prepare a delicious marinade, you will need a small amount of olive oil, your favorite spices, salt. You can add onions.
  2. And why not try wine as the main ingredient for the marinade? It will produce meat with a delicate and slightly intoxicating taste. Usually they take dry red wine for cooking, but you can take white. Sprinkle the chicken with spices, cover with onion rings, you can add a few tablespoons of ketchup, and then pour wine. Leave it all for a few hours and only then start cooking.

Optimum impregnation time

Let's say right away that it all depends on which marinade you are going to use. And an important factor will be how you plan to pickle chicken. If the whole thing is one thing. But if in small pieces, then this is completely different. We will consider several options.

  • If you are going to pickle the whole chicken, then you should completely grease it with the marinade. Leave in a deep plate or pan. Estimated time will range from three to eight hours.
  • Do you want to cook delicious chicken wings or thighs? Pickle them for two or three hours beforehand.
  • If the chicken weighs several kilograms, then pickle it much longer than a small carcass. You can even leave it in the marinade for the night, after removing the meat container in the refrigerator.
  • How to marinate chicken for baking slices? Very simple. Take a large pot, make a marinade, and then put the meat there. Put it in the refrigerator for several hours, during which time the pieces are completely saturated.

What to bring to the table?

Tasty meat is ready! It can be served to the table as a separate dish, or with some kind of side dish. We offer you a choice of several options.

  • Baked vegetables. You can take zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes. Rinse them well, clean if necessary, cut into small pieces. Vegetables can be baked with chicken.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • You can also boil pasta, rice or buckwheat.
    pickled thighs

    Simple tips and tricks

What is the best way to marinate a roast chicken? We have already proposed several answers to this question. But if you want the finished meat to literally melt in your mouth, then be sure to use some cooking tips:

  • Some housewives ask how to pickle whole chicken for baking. Everything is very simple. The most important thing is to remember that meat must be removed from the freezer in advance. Defrost it only at room temperature. Therefore, if you do not have too much time, remove the chicken from the evening from the freezer and leave it in the refrigerator.
  • A special piquancy to the finished dish will give a small amount of nutmeg. It must be added to the marinade.
  • If you decide to use balsamic vinegar, then the amount of salt should be halved. Otherwise, the dish will be too salty.
  • For baking whole chicken, it is best to use a special sleeve. Cooked in this way, it will turn out more juicy and tender.
  • It is advisable to clean the pickled meat in the refrigerator, having previously covered it with cling film.
  • If you want the finished dish to have a unique aroma, then add a little lemon juice to the marinade.
  • The most suitable spices for marinade are thyme, curry, turmeric, etc.


If you want to deliciously marinate chicken for baking in the oven, you need to not only have a certain list of ingredients on hand, but also have the time and desire. Some housewives love classic cooking options, others prefer more exotic options. Such a dish can be put on the table on a typical day or decorate with it a festive feast. It’s easy to find out how to marinate a whole chicken for baking - just read the same recommendations that were presented above. Experienced housewives believe that doing this is simple and completely burdensome.


Now you know how to pickle chicken for baking, so you can cook a fragrant and hearty dish for your family. Just imagine with what pleasure they will try it, and then be sure to ask for supplements. There are many options for pickling chicken for baking. Perhaps you can even come up with something special, only your own. And then the well-deserved compliments and wonderful mood of all members of your family will become the most important award for you!


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