Concentrated feed: purpose, composition, nutrition, types and quality requirements

One of the main conditions for the profitability of any livestock farm is the use of high-quality feed. The diet of cattle and cattle, pigs, poultry, etc., should be developed correctly. All feed used on farms is divided into three broad categories: juicy, rough and concentrated. Root crops and hay, of course, animals must receive. But to the greatest extent the productivity of cattle, small cattle, pigs and poultry depends on how high quality concentrated feeds are used in their cultivation.


Concentrates are called feeds whose percentage of nutrients is very high. In most cases, such animal food is of plant origin. The food of this variety is usually digested by 70-90%. Of course, their main advantage is a high degree of nutritional value - 0.7-1.3 feed units.

Concentrated feed

Water in concentrates can contain up to 16%, and fiber - up to 15%. At the same time, such feeds, unfortunately, are poor in carotene, calcium and vitamin D. Quite a few micronutrients are also contained in concentrates. Such feeds on farms, of course, should be used only in combination with juicy and rough.

Types of concentrates

All feeds of this variety used on livestock farms are classified, first of all, into two large groups:

  • carbohydrate;

  • protein.

Both of these types of concentrated feeds are an indispensable part of the diet of agricultural animals. They are used, of course, in poultry farms. The main value of carbohydrate concentrates is that they contain a large amount of starch. This substance in their composition may include up to 70%. The second type of concentrates, as can already be judged by its name, contains a lot of proteins - up to 20-25%.

In personal household plots, on farms and in large livestock complexes, the following types of carbohydrate nutritious feeds are most often used:

  • oats;

  • barley;

  • wheat;

  • millet;

  • corn.

Of the protein concentrates, the most popular among farmers are:

  • peas;

  • soybeans.

Nutrient formulas for animals

Cake and meal also belong to concentrated feeds of this group. On farms, they can be part of the diet of almost any animal.

Also in farms combined concentrates are just very popular. Such mixtures have a balanced composition, ideal for a particular type of agricultural animals. This type of concentrated feed is used in farms for cows, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry.

Cereals: composition and application

The most nutritious type of carbohydrate concentrate is corn. The nutritional value of such feed is 1.3 k / unit. At the same time, 1 kg of corn contains about 70 g of digestible protein, 2.5 g of phosphorus, 0.7 g of calcium. A certain drawback of this type of concentrated feed is that its protein is poor in lysine, methionine, and tryptophan. Another disadvantage of corn is the impossibility of long-term storage. Animals are supposed to feed such grain in raw form for a maximum of 2 months from the day of harvesting.

Barley is the most popular type of carbohydrate concentrate among farmers. Especially widely such grain is used in pig and rabbit farms. The energy value of this concentrate is 1.15 c / unit. At the same time, a kilogram of barley contains about 113 g of protein, 49 g of fiber, 485 g of starch.

Quite often, wheat is also used for feeding agricultural animals. Such food is also considered very useful and nutritious. However, wheat is, unfortunately, somewhat more expensive than other types of concentrates. In terms of nutritional value, such grain is practically not inferior to corn (1.2 f / unit). At the same time, wheat contains more than any other cereals, proteins - 133 g per kilogram. Use such concentrated feed for cattle, cattle, pigs. It is also very often introduced into the diet of agricultural birds.

Grain feeding animals

What other cereals can be used

Farmers like this concentrated carbohydrate feed like oats are valued primarily for their high fiber content. Its composition of this grain is about 97 g per kilogram. That is, fiber in oats contains 2 times more than in barley. Protein in the composition of 1 kg of such grain includes 9-12%. Some disadvantage of this type of concentrate is that it contains 4-5% fatty acids, which negatively affect the quality of fat and meat. Most often, oats are introduced, of course, into the diet of horses. Sometimes they give such food to rabbits.

Another type of carbohydrate concentrate used on farms is rye. In composition, such a grain is not much different from barley. However, rye, unfortunately, contains a very small amount of nitrogen-free extractive substances.


The most valuable type of carbohydrate concentrates are, of course, whole or crushed grain. However, such a feed is, unfortunately, quite expensive. Therefore, it is fed to animals on farms in a mixture with bran. The last type of concentrate is ordinary waste from flour milling.

In terms of nutritional value, bran bran, of course, is somewhat inferior. However, they are richer in proteins, minerals, fats and vitamins of group B.

Bran bran used on farms can be barley, rye, oat, etc. However, wheat fodder of this variety has earned the greatest popularity among livestock breeders.

The use of bran on farms

Composition and use of bean concentrates

From the group of protein feeds, peas are most often introduced into the diet of animals on farms. The nutritional value of such a concentrate is about 1.19 k / unit. At the same time, 195 g of well-digestible protein and 54 g of fiber are part of 1 kg of pea. In terms of the quality of the protein contained, this type of feed exceeds all concentrates used for raising animals. The use of peas allows not only to increase the productivity of cattle, small cattle, etc., but also significantly improve the quality of fat and meat.

A concentrate such as lupine is valued by farmers primarily for a very high percentage of protein content. The energy value of such feed is 1.1 f / unit. In this case, the protein in the composition of lupine is about 270 g per kilogram. Only low-alkaloid or non-alkaloid varieties of this culture are used in animal husbandry.

Meal and meal

This type of protein concentrated feed is appreciated by farmers, primarily for its high degree of nutrition. Both oilcake and meal are wastes from oil production. The first type of feed is obtained by pressing various kinds of seeds. Meal meal is made by extracting oil using a solvent.

About 2/3 of the feeds of both of these types are made from sunflower seeds. Also, meal and meal can be cotton, hemp, corn, flaxseed, etc. Such concentrates are nutritious, but they still contain fewer proteins than, for example, the same grains.

Everything else, when feeding animals meal and meal should follow certain rules. So, for example, cotton feed of this variety contains the toxic substance gossypol, which can cause anemia. Flaxseed meal is appreciated by farmers for having a beneficial effect on the digestive system of animals. But at the same time, this food contains poisonous glucose. Both cotton concentrates and flaxseeds are fed to animals in this way, only in limited quantities.

Poultry Concentrates

The most nutritious type of meal and meal are soy. They contain the most proteins. But unfortunately, soy is grown in our country, of course, rarely. Livestock farmers use farms in Russia, as already mentioned, mainly sunflower meal and meal. The energy value of such feed depends primarily on the husk content. According to the standards, it should comprise no more than 14% of oilcake and meal made from sunflower seeds, according to standards.

Compound feed

Concentrates of this variety are introduced into the diet of animals on farms very often. Compound feeds are produced in Russia according to recipes approved by a single standard. The composition of such concentrates is developed primarily taking into account the fact that the finished product must have high energy value. Also, feed must ultimately contain the amount of biologically active substances, vitamins, carotene, antibiotics, etc. necessary for a particular animal species. The nutritional value of the concentrates of this variety depends both on the degree of their balance and on the quality of the components used in the manufacture.

Compound feeds can be made not only with the use of cereals and legumes. Often they are a mixture of concentrated and roughage. Also, in the manufacture of such a product, premixes, carbonic and sulfate salts, waste from the food industry, yeast, whey powder, etc. are used.

Methods for processing concentrates

In Russia, the feed of this variety is most often pre-crushed, and then stored in farms or elevators in dry form. However, for the processing of concentrates in our country, the following technologies can also be used:

  • yeast

  • rejuvenation;

  • extrusion;

  • micronization.

Cereal animal feed


Grinding concentrated feed in most cases is a must. The advantage of this processing method is, first of all, that when it is used, the hard shell of grain and beans is destroyed. And this, in turn, facilitates chewing of feed by animals and increases the availability of nutrients contained in it. The advantages of grinding include the fact that animals of almost all ages, even the smallest, can give a crusher.


This processing method in the production of concentrated feed is also used quite often. In most cases, this technique is used to improve the taste of grain and, as a result, increase its absorption. In the process of malting, part of the starch in carbohydrate concentrates goes into sugar.

Food yeast

This method allows, first of all, to increase the protein content in the diet of agricultural animals. In the process of yeast enrichment of concentrates with protein. The protein content in processed feeds in this way can increase 1.5-2 times. Using this method of processing, farms are able to save 20-25% of concentrates. In addition, the feeding of yeast feed has a beneficial effect on animal health and increases their productivity by 15-20%


This type of processing allows you to transform the structure of the nutrients of concentrated feed. During extrusion, the physicochemical properties of proteins, starch, and fiber change for the better. In addition, when applying this method improves the sanitary condition of cereals and legumes.

In the process of preparing concentrated feed in this case, the grain is subjected to various kinds of mechanical stresses (friction, compression, etc.), passing from the high-pressure zone to the atmospheric region. Foods processed in this way have the smell of baked bread and a very pleasant taste, and, therefore, are better eaten by animals.


When using this method, the feed is treated with infrared rays. As a result, starch molecules begin to vibrate intensively inside the grain, which leads to the breakdown of this substance to sugars. After micronization, the feed is additionally subjected to conditioning and cooling. The use of such concentrated feed for cattle, for example, can increase productivity up to 12-15%.

Quality requirements

Of course, the animals on the farm are supposed to offer exclusively high-quality concentrates. Grains and legumes should, for example, have an inherent color. Soaked concentrates of this variety lose their luster and become dull. Their feed value is reduced.

Cereals and legumes used on farms, among other things, should have a fresh (or barn after storage) smell. You can not enter into the diet of animals the concentrates of this variety must be moldy or heated in heaps, as well as affected by pests. Different kinds of weed impurities in grain and legumes used on farms should contain no more than 1-2%.

Compound feed for animals

Approximately the same requirements are imposed on the quality of concentrated feed combined, meal and meal. These products should have a characteristic color and smell. The degree of grinding of the components of the combined concentrates should be consistent with the formulation and standards. The quality of such feed is determined taking into account the requirements of GOST 13496.


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