Antitank complex "Chrysanthemum." Chrysanthemum-S self-propelled anti-tank missile system

Russian weapons have traditionally been highly effective in combination with ease of use and reliability. An example of such an approach to designing a powerful field system is a combat vehicle, which is a mobile missile system designed to combat armored vehicles equipped with modern protection, including dynamic protection. It is produced at the Saratov Aggregate Plant. At the moment, there are no analogues to this model in the world. The Chrysanthemum anti-tank complex can destroy several enemy military vehicles in a matter of minutes, appearing suddenly, and get away from a retaliatory strike.

anti-tank complex chrysanthemum

The problem is dynamic protection

In the early eighties in the world tank construction, and more precisely in the theory of armor protection, an important shift occurred. Now you can counter cumulative shells that pose a threat to any equipment in the event of a successful hit. A jet of hot gas, burning through a layer of precision heavy-duty metal, created the conditions for penetration into the charge body. Multilayer armor with a quenching layer of ceramics partially solved the problem, but the main means of protection were small quantities of explosives, integrated into the upper layer of protection or located in special containers fixed on the outside. When a cumulative projectile hits, detonation of explosives occurs, the plasma jet dissipates, and the piercing effect decreases. For the first time, Lebanese armed forces encountered active armor during the war with Israel (1982). The new technological approach was applied by German designers of armored vehicles.

The information that it became much more difficult to hit a target with a conventional anti-tank guided projectile prompted the Soviet leadership to seek new technical solutions. What was needed was a missile system that could overcome any defense.

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The main combat element of the system was a rocket guided missile with the so-called tandem charge. This means that the warhead of the RS sequentially produces two explosions, the first of which neutralizes the action of dynamic protection, and the second directly destroys the armor protection. The Chrysanthemum anti-tank complex is armed with 4 types of ATGMs with different guidance systems:

  • 9M123 - with laser guidance;
  • 9M123-2 - with radio beam guidance, equipped with a super-caliber warhead of tandem-cumulative action;
  • 9M123F - with warheads of a high-explosive and thermobaric lesion and laser guidance;
  • 9M123F2 - with warheads of a high explosive-thermobaric lesion and radio guidance;

All four shells have a high destructive power and are quite heavy (up to 50 kg). In order to successfully use them, you need a special combat vehicle.

missile system

Flotation and mobility

One of the main qualities of modern military equipment is mobility. The appearance of a mobile and effective anti-tank weapon on a critical stage of a theater of war can radically change the situation. In order for the problem of the enemy using armored vehicles for the offensive to arise as suddenly as possible, the anti-tank missile system must be able to deliver airborne vehicles. Therefore, the machine should be light enough. In addition, the degree of terrain and water barriers should not matter to her. The Soviet school of building armored vehicles had a sufficient number of developments. The anti-tank complex "Chrysanthemum" is mounted on a chassis widely used in the armed forces of the BMP-3. The 9P157-2 combat vehicle includes, in addition to the chassis, a firing control system, a radar station operating in the millimeter range (100-150 GHz), two launchers that can be retracted into the hull and the crew seat of two people. Its power reserve is 600 km.

Chrysanthemum anti-tank missile system with

How is shooting

Externally, the anti-tank complex "Chrysanthemum" is similar to a conventional BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle with a gun turret removed. This apparent unpretentiousness, however, is deceptive. From a transport vehicle to a combat condition, the vehicle is transferred very quickly. First, a radar emitter is pulled out of the hull, and soon the crew will be able to assess the operational situation. In the case of a decision to launch a fire strike from the armored corps, a double launcher is removed, which produces shots. The number of shells in the ammunition kit is 15; they are stored in the weapons compartment with wings pressed to the cylindrical body. For their straightening is a simple and reliable spring mechanism. Having fired the required number of shots, the Chrysanthemum-S anti-tank missile system re-enters the transport position and leaves the operational area.

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Not only against tanks

The main purpose of the system is the fight against tanks, but its technical capabilities allow it to perform other combat missions. "Chrysanthemum-S" can hit aircraft (low speed, up to 340 km / h), defensive structures (thermobaric ammunition is the best suited for this), enemy manpower and small surface ships. At the same time, neither the time of day, nor the meteorological situation, nor the degree of smoke in the area affects the effectiveness of firing. The shells fly at a supersonic speed, it is almost impossible to intercept them. Firing range - up to six kilometers.

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The time required to bring the system to a combat state is minimal; it is calculated in minutes. The crew does not need to perform labor-intensive operations associated with loading or pointing, as well as leave the car during firing. Moreover, after the first launch of two consecutive, immediately you can engage in the selection of the next target, the coordinates of the possible options are calculated automatically. The entire fire control system of the Chrysanthemum-S installation operates on the principle of "shot-forgot", it is not necessary to accompany the projectile during its flight. Commands and control signals are given from an ergonomic remote control located inside the armored housing. A high degree of automation allows a crew of two people to cope with the combat mission, one of which is the operator.

anti-tank missile system

Auxiliary machines

During the performance of combat missions, the Chrysanthemum-S missile system operates autonomously, but additional regular technical units are needed to carry out maintenance, training personnel and preventive verification of systems. Thus, the anti-tank units include, in addition to mobile launchers, test vehicles (9V945 for the PU 9P157 and 9V990 for guided missiles themselves), a training simulator (9F852) and even a target (9F734). In addition to these units, units are also given sets of test equipment for testing rockets. Auxiliary machines are mounted on the basis of the chassis of trucks GAZ-66 and ZiL-131.

Command vehicles

With the battery organization of combat structures, a need arises for a unit that combines shock and coordinating functions. Commander’s vehicles received indexes 9P157-3 (platoon) and 9P157-4 (battalion). A modification of the combat main unit 9P157 was its improved version 9P157-2 BM, which is part of the 9K123-1 complex. Its features consist of more powerful information technology equipment and a high-performance interface that contributes to a high level of coherence. The command vehicle carries out centralized target designation, reconnaissance and operational cover units.

anti-tank missile system

The fastest and most powerful

No army in the world today has such a powerful and highly mobile anti-tank system as the Russian Chrysanthemum-S. A photo of this installation was published in 2012, when it was presented at the international exhibition "Technologies in Mechanical Engineering". Since 2005, it has been in service with the Russian Army. This is a truly outstanding example. The car is lightweight, weighs less than 20 tons, overcomes rough terrain at a speed of 52 km / h, and along the highway - 70 km / h. She makes the crossing of water barriers immediately, without any preliminary preparation, and also quickly (10 ka / h). These remarkable driving characteristics are provided by a powerful engine (500 hp) and a special combined aluminum armor.

Three suddenly appeared "Chrysanthemums" is enough to stop a company of tanks (up to a dozen), destroying most of it, and to put to flight those who are lucky to survive.

This weapon of the 21st century is constantly being improved. Apparently, rockets will become more powerful and more accurate, and the firing range will increase.


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