Renaissance hairstyles: what were, description, photo

Renaissance hairstyles have changed dramatically compared to previous years. Cheerfulness, freedom, flight of fancy - that is what was embodied not only in the ideas of that time, but also in the styling of hair styling. Ladies were free to use all sorts of images, since in the XV - XVI centuries, women's hairstyles became the subject of chanting. Men were limited to long hair with curls.

Renaissance hairstyles of the 15-16th century

Renaissance Fashion

This era brings completely different values โ€‹โ€‹to the world. Strict adherence to religious dogmas fades into the background. Life becomes freer and more joyful. Girls and women want to be different from the rest, stand out from the crowd, so the history of hairstyles takes a different direction. Vivid looks, all kinds of accessories, as well as light make-up are becoming the normal norm of that century.

There is a complete revolution in worldview, a person seeks to meet the standards of beauty of ancient times. The trend is on blonde hair, it is considered a luxury and a sign of "blue blood". Many used chemical mixtures to brighten or simply spent hours in the sun, waiting for the result.

Hairstyles did different, but always highlighted a high forehead. To this end, many shaved part of the hair to increase its size.

It was believed that the higher and more intricate the hairstyle, the higher the status of a woman. The images are emphasized by expensive hairpins and tiaras made of precious stones and gold.

Italian hairstyles

Layered Hairstyles

In Italy, Renaissance womenโ€™s hairstyles were created on the basis of various curls, as well as braids, which were fixed with hairpins and jewelry. Girls in different regions of Italy created their styles in different ways, but the desire for antiquity was common. That is why the braids used were twisted into a small knot. "Florentine braid" is a hairstyle that has become the most common among women and men.

Male images were about the same. All of them were created on long hair, which curled magnificently. Often you could see the spherical hairstyles that were revered in that period. The elliptical haircut โ€œFlaskโ€ was also widely spread among the male population.

Men's fashion Italy

When high collars come into fashion, the Renaissance hairstyles are noticeably shortened, but do not change their outlines.

French images

Men's hairstyles

France was greatly influenced by Italian beauty ideals. The priority for men was short hairstyles, to the shoulders with small curls or large curls. A short haircut with a curl became a cult in France of the 16th century due to the coming to power of King Henry IV, who was very fond of this type of hairstyle.

In the clergy, hairstyles with a trimmed crown - tonsure spread, which were complemented by beards with gray hair. It was the presence of gray hair that was considered the highest manifestation of style.

Among the French ladies, there was also a noticeable trend in Italy, many of them sought massive, multi-level hairstyles with diverse curls. Wigs of different colors are also used, and women and men are actively using them.

New fashion

Renaissance hairstyles are not the only fashion trends. The human body was extolled, the cult of sexuality was clearly reflected in the field of art. Female bodies tried to portray wherever possible. Exalted were the full, chubby young ladies with pronounced hips and a narrow waist.

The main motive of creativity is the female breast, which was depicted in almost all the paintings. Trends did not affect Italy, since medieval asceticism still wandered around the cities. The female body was not exalted, but simply considered beautiful.

What hairstyles were in fashion before the Renaissance?

In the Middle Ages, many men followed the Byzantine fashion, which allowed them to wear only short haircuts and forbade having excessive facial hair. Only after several decades, an image with a hairstyle that covered the neck becomes popular.

Among the girls it was fashionable to do styling in the manner of Roman ladies. Small and frequent curls gathered in a compact hairstyle, representing a miniature โ€œshellโ€ that completely fringed the face.

Among the jewelry for hairstyles, ribbons, flower garlands, and caps were popular.

In Russia, the Slavs used slightly different hair styling methods. Men preferred medium length, since short hair was considered acceptable only for slaves. Women, too, were not particularly zealous in this matter, married women wore ordinary bundles, and wore a scarf on top. For girls, braids with ribbons or simply loose hair were characteristic.

Roman hairstyles

What becomes popular after?

After hairstyles of the Renaissance, baroque styling becomes fashionable. They were massive and heavy hairstyles with curled curls that were almost not collected.

Later, the images become less pretentious, closest to naturalness. Refinedness was given by the released curls on the sides, which were accompanied by a simple styling in the form of two semicircles, separated by a parting.

The hairdressing industry is growing and developing, so the Rococo era brings new spiritual images for girls. Simple hairstyles in the form of curled curls were collected from behind with a simple ribbon or tidied up in a small velvet bag.

The history of hairstyles is very full of diverse images that replace each other. Images become more and more natural with every century, abundant jewelry is no longer used.


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