Shop "Girlfriend": reviews, description, addresses and mode of operation

As you can see from the reviews, many people like the Podruzhka store because of its vast assortment, but the quality of the presented goods is sometimes disappointing. Persons working on this network note that the conditions here are more pleasant than in many places, although they still leave much to be desired. There are responses about those who participate in the franchise. Such entrepreneurs generally note that "Girlfriend" is a fairly profitable investment. Opening a store is not a problem and gives excellent profits. What is this network?

What is it about?

The chain of stores "Girlfriend" specializes in cosmetic products (for skin care, decorative). Here is a wide variety of perfumes. There is a choice of jewelry and a variety of accessories necessary in everyday life. You can buy the necessary household chemicals. Under this name, there is a huge network of stores located in different parts of the country. Since stores are forced to exist in conditions of fierce competition, one of the distinguishing features of the network is the presence of a variety of special offers and regularly appearing profitable promotions. Many buyers note that it is for this reason that they loved “Girlfriend” so much. Here you can buy goods at a profitable and affordable price, become a member of an internal discount program that provides access to specialized benefits.

What do customers like?

In reviews about Podruzhka stores, the greatest emphasis is usually placed on special offers. The network is constantly announcing new promotions that attract attention with its availability. Participants are goods that are very popular. Especially a lot of feedback can be seen about special offers on cosmetics made in Korea. In general, as many recognize, it’s “Girlfriend” that offers almost the largest assortment of Korean cosmetics that has become so popular and fashionable. If you do not take into account specialized virtual stores, it is difficult to find another point of sale where such a wide variety of reasonably cheap, therefore affordable Asian products would be presented to a wide buyer.

As regular customers note in their reviews of Podruzhka stores, it’s hard to find another point of sale where you would be able to see, touch Asian goods before purchasing them. For such cosmetics, which has been incredibly popular in recent years, especially among young people, there are special stands. Many with particular pleasure say that here you can profitably buy shampoos and conditioners, hair conditioners. The purchase of such heavy goods via the Internet forces a lot to pay for delivery, so "Girlfriend" is becoming an ideal option: this is almost the only opportunity to get the desired products at the right price, without overpaying for additional services (such as postal services).


Another aspect that customers always mention in their reviews of Podruzhka stores is related to pricing. In general, the cost of production in this network is not the lowest, when compared with some other networks, but specialized offers and programs have been introduced. Offer discounts regularly. Due to this, the acquisition of certain positions in the stores "Podruzhka" becomes more profitable than at any other point of sale. In addition, since such stores are very common in large cities, you do not have to spend time and money traveling to a point of sale where you can purchase the necessary goods. It also saves money.

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The most favorable discount, which is mentioned in almost any review, is the open on the 15th. The essence of such an action of the Podruzhka stores is that every month on the 15th day every customer can get a 15% discount on any product that he liked. All buyers can count on such a favorable price reduction. True, they take into account that this offer does not add up with other discounts offered by the network. Those who buy in a regular store and those who like to purchase goods on the network website can participate in the promotion. If a person has the right to receive a 5% discount because he makes a purchase before 12 days, he can count on a particularly advantageous position: these two mechanisms for reducing prices add up, so you will have to pay 20% less than the set price.

Holidays & Gifts

The network of stores "Girlfriend" provides discounts and promotions for birthday parties. Access to them is available only to those who have a discount card for this network. If the buyer makes an purchase of less than a thousand, he can count on increasing the base discount to 10%. When buying, the amount of which is no more than one and a half thousand, you can count on increasing the discount up to 15%. If a birthday person makes an purchase worth more than one and a half thousand on his birthday, his basic discount on a discount card rises to 20%.

In addition to the birthday itself, a special discount is relevant for the whole month for which the event occurred. To get access to the possibilities of this promotion, you must fill out a special form on the site. You can contact the call center. The call is completely free. You must complete the questionnaire three weeks before the birthday or earlier.

Products and offers

As you can see from the feedback, the catalog of the Podruzhka store is really popular with customers, because it contains all the categories of products needed by a modern woman who wants to be beautiful and elegant, well-groomed and stylish. Among the general variety of goods provided a variety of small "female things." Such are taken out in a separate group of goods. There are products to ensure cleanliness and order in the house, there is a wide variety of products for face and body care. In “Girlfriend” you can buy decorative cosmetics and excellent, but fairly cheap perfumes.

Regular customers can rely on special prices that are more favorable than generally available. To access them, you need to purchase a discount card. All products presented in the catalogs of Podruzhka stores can be bought 3% cheaper if you present your personal card at the time of purchase, confirming that you are a regular customer. If a person makes a purchase for a thousand rubles, this whole month he can purchase store goods with a 10% discount on his discount card. If the check amount exceeds 1,500 rubles, then a 15% discount will be relevant until the end of the month.

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Regular discounts and their features

The product catalog of the Podruzhka store attracts with its volume - there are offers for everyone and everyone. This chain of stores, according to feedback, specializes in products that almost anyone needs. That is why many residents of large cities, having such a store nearby, make all purchases in it. The benefit is really beneficial. Most of all are satisfied with those who own a discount card, as well as those who have enough free time to visit the outlet until noon on the 15th. Such a person can purchase any product with a 20% discount. This special offer is available to everyone, regardless of the presence of a card indicating that they are regular customers.

However, as many say, do not forget to present a card, even if you happen to visit the store at a time when the discount is maximum even without it. Any amount, any purchase is recorded in the customer database and information about this is stored with reference to the card presented at the time of purchase. Podruzhka stores located in large cities (especially there are a lot of them in Moscow) attract the attention of customers not only with a large selection of positions, but also with the possibility of developing their own regular customer account. If a person has a discount card, he can purchase network goods as profitably as possible, not even on the 15th. To do this, you need to come to the outlet in the morning: up to 12 hours there is a special additional discount of 5%. And if you present a pension certificate, then this discount will double.

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The solution for those who need a gift

As you can conclude from the reviews, many turn to the products of the Podruzhka stores in search of gifts for their relatives, friends and colleagues. In our country, a number of traditional, easy burdens include a variety of shampoos, gels, conditioners, in a word, all kinds of universal remedies for body and hair care. You can give such gifts to colleagues for the New Year, you can congratulate the women's team on March 8. Many people are looking for birthday gifts for girlfriends and relatives in the Podruzhka stores. But to choose among all this variety of products is very difficult.

Network marketing specialists offer their own solution to the problem: gift certificates. As can be seen from the reviews, many use them. Regular visitors of Podruzhka stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities where points of this network are present are sure that the certificate is almost the best solution. Thus, a person will give another something that he really needs. The certificate purchased as a gift is valid for a year and is intended to pay for one purchase. There are different options: from 300 to 3000 rubles. As buyers note, it is convenient, profitable, universal, in a word, suitable for any occasion. Feedback on this service is positive.

Is everything so good?

The opening hours of the Podruzhka stores are from 9 am to 9 pm In some cities, shops are open until 10 pm. Deviations from the standard schedule are possible due to the individual characteristics of the store, due to a major holiday. Points work without a break, so you can come at any convenient time. According to some, it is worthwhile to prepare mentally for a visit in advance, since this network has its own standards of service. As they say, those who have bought here more than once, almost everywhere consultants are too persistent and even annoying, while not delving into the needs of the client and irresponsibly choosing goods. As a result, they are not suitable for the buyer. As can be seen from the responses, a similar problem is characteristic of shops located in very busy areas, and retail outlets open in places with relatively low traffic.

Another point that buyers pay attention to: although the addresses of Podruzhka stores are many, you should not spend time visiting several in a row in search of testers. The company’s policy is that there are practically no trial copies, so it’s impossible to find out what is hidden in the package. Although the acquisition is not so blind as through the Internet, it will not work out especially with the product, which means that it may not come up. Among the goods there is everything that the female soul asks for: from mascara to washing powder. Rare stamps brought from abroad are sold here, which means that the buyer has a minimum of information about them. In such a situation, the lack of a tester seems to be especially disadvantageous for many, which makes it possible to assess the quality, consistency, smell and other technical characteristics of the product in question.

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On the pros and cons

From the responses devoted to the chain of stores in question, we can understand what customers rate most positively and which most often causes dissatisfaction. Among the positive aspects, the abundance of addresses of Podruzhka stores is noted, so you can visit the outlet, spending a minimum of time and effort on the road. Also, the main advantages are the presence of a discount program, the ability to purchase certificates, a large assortment of goods and the ability to buy online. In addition, it is possible to buy goods in defective, rumpled packaging at a discount.

Among the obvious shortcomings are the inflated prices for some positions. Security works quite specific. Almost all the buyers who shared their opinions about the service at various addresses in the Podruzhka stores in Moscow and not only mention that the guards literally follow the visitor’s trail, clearly tracking each person’s movement. This is quite inconvenient, especially when the client came for hygiene products.

There is one drawback that is closely associated with the plus in the form of a large selection of products. A lot of goods of foreign origin are presented, and there are almost no translations of the text on the packaging. There are only brief stickers that give a general idea of ​​what it is and what it is for. If with European goods, whose packaging is framed in English, there are no particular problems, then with Asian goods everything is much more complicated. When purchasing goods with inscriptions in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, often a person feels like buying a kind of "pig in a poke."

Although in a large city it is not difficult to find the address of the Podruzhka store near your home or work, another place where a person is often, this does not mean that you can buy everything you need. In the responses, regular customers note: the range of products varies from point to point. Many products that the general public loves may not be available in individual stores, while others are available in limited quantities and can only be bought immediately after the next delivery.

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To work or not?

No less curious are the reviews of employees about the "Girlfriend" store. The work here, as can be concluded from the responses, is not an easy job. This is explained by the conditions: to be a consultant or seller, in principle, is not easy, especially when it is a network of cosmetic stores. However, as many recognize, the main difficulty is the regime. Shops "Girlfriend" are open from 9 am and are open until 9-10 pm. If for some reason too few people go to work, those who come are forced to process, because, otherwise, the store simply will not be able to serve customers. This is typical, for example, during the period of mass epidemics, when many cannot come to work because of a serious illness. However, the mode of operation of the Podruzhka stores is just one aspect.

Others are sure that there is simply no way to find a better place, because there is always a pleasant, positive, friendly atmosphere, and the bosses are doing everything possible so that the employees treat each other in a friendly manner. Some note that the only thing that causes them to be fired is family circumstances. However, there are those who consider their attitude to themselves to be bad and unfair.

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Money and pleasure

As can be seen from the reviews, there are some problems with the payment of wages in the stores of the Podruzhka network. Some strongly believe that they are deceived in calculating money. There are responses in which people say that line personnel completely change in a month or two, precisely because the director and the accounting department regularly make payments. However, such problems are characteristic of outlets at specific addresses, and in other stores a similar problem, as can be assumed from the responses, is not observed.

Some in their reviews note the advantage of working here - an additional discount that is given to employees. In addition, workers may be the first to choose a product from a new receipt and purchase it sooner before it becomes available to the general public. Some say that working on the Girlfriend network is useful because a person learns various significant skills. New prizes are regularly introduced that motivate one to be even better, receive more useful information, and better serve the client. Others about such incentive programs respond as suppressive. However, everyone agrees that free training is an advantage of a chain of stores. Also, people who worked in the Podruzhka store recognize that this is not an easy activity, they have to spend a lot of time on their feet and breathe in the fumes of cosmetic products. But the result of the work is completely pleasing, although others believe that the wages here are not too high.


Network stores are available in many cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar. Addresses of some stores in Moscow:

  • st. Chertanovskaya, 32, p. 1;
  • st. Ural, 13;
  • Budyonny Ave., 29/1;
  • st. Chusovskaya, 15;
  • st. Festivalnaya, 53a;
  • st. 3rd Vladimirskaya, 24g;
  • st. Kasimovskaya, 29;
  • Green Ave, 28, p. 1;
  • st. Polyarnaya, 3, p. 1;
  • st. Kostyakova, 7/7;
  • st. Soldier, 6a, etc.

Should I start my own business?

Attractive are not only purchases in stores of the Podruzhka network or work here, but also the opportunity to start a business in this area. Today, "Girlfriend" is a network that is developing according to the franchise system, so everyone, having enough money to start, can open their own store. The first point under this name appeared in 2000, and today many people know these stores, which means that there will be no problems with attracting customers. When planning to become a member of the project, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and prospects of retail. The girlfriends franchise has been available since 2016. While there are no standard lump-sum contributions, the head office calculates this amount individually for each potential partner. No royalties. You should not expect that investments at first will be scanty. Experts believe that only one who has the opportunity to invest at least a million rubles in a business can become part of the Podruzhka network. On average, the payback period reaches 10 months. To become a member, you have to attend to the search for retail space of 100 square meters. m

girlfriend store catalog

To start a business in this network, you must send a request to the franchise owner. The main office will send the conditions under which it will work with anyone. They make decisions based on basic information: the goals of a potential partner, his launch capabilities, and the success of fulfilling basic working conditions. Basic requirements imply ensuring not only a sufficient area, but also all communications that are necessary for normal functioning. Only the owner of his own assets, sufficient for the first cycle of work, can count on success. It is equally important to formalize the official entrepreneurial status and get all the documentation from the tax.


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