OJSC "Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant" - features and reviews

"Giant on the Irtysh" - this is the name of the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant during its construction. The object was considered an all-Union construction site, on which the advanced developments of the leading scientific institutions of the country were used. More than sixty research institutes took part in the construction of workshops, the development of technological lines and the debugging of production processes. To date, the plant has strengthened its market position by launching new production facilities.


The development of the project of the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant began in 1974. The plant was built to provide the domestic market with synthetic rubber, consumer goods, plastics and other necessary chemical products. The site for the location of the enterprise was chosen six kilometers from the ancient city of Tobolsk. Together with the production complex, the surrounding infrastructure was also erected. In 1984, the central gas fractionation unit was launched, which entailed the influx of qualified specialists.

Workers and engineers went to work at the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant with families from all over the Soviet Union. For several years, the population of quiet Tobolsk has substantially increased, and the enterprise has received the status of a city-forming object. At the end of the 80s there was a peak in capacity building. In 1987, butadiene synthesis plants were commissioned; their capacity was 180 thousand tons per year.

equipment of the Tobolsk petrochemical plant

In 1988, the first stage of the joint Soviet-Italian project on the construction of butyl rubber and halobutyl rubber production lines began; the design capacity of the lines was planned at the level of 90 thousand tons of finished products per year. Equipment was delivered to the selected site, construction of workshops and laying of communications began. Financing was provided through credit lines of foreign banks. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a halt in funding and the freezing of the project.

Crisis nineties

A change in the economic and social system in the country, a break in production ties put the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant on the brink of survival. During this period, the supply of raw materials was significantly reduced, depreciation of production assets in some places amounted to about 70%, wages were rarely paid - the plant was in this position until the end of the 90s. In fact, the company was bankrupt. In 1999, Tobolsk-Neftekhim was transferred to the management of SIBUR, having received the status of an open joint stock company. The company divided the spheres of influence, leaving only the work functions for the production complex.

tobolsk neftekhim llc

Since the 2000s , Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant OJSC has begun restoring its potential. Quite quickly uninterrupted supplies of raw materials were established in the required volume, markets for finished products were found, production capacities were fully loaded, the wage fund was fully restored, and debts to the labor collective were repaid.


The petrochemical complex of Tobolsk was included in the structure of SIBUR as a branch of Sibur-Tyumen JSC, since 2001 the legal status of the plant has been changed and now the company is Tobolsk-Neftekhim LLC. Today, the company is one of the largest petrochemical production complexes. The plant’s capacities include a central gas fractionation unit that produces up to 3 million tons of gas per year, production facilities for the production of monomers, which are the main raw material in the production of synthetic rubbers, produce 180 thousand tons of butadiene and 86 thousand tons of isobutylene per year.

Jsc Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant

In addition to the main products, the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant produces environmentally friendly gasoline additives (methyl tert-butyl ether), the use of which significantly increases the octane number of fuel. On the basis of the production complex, large-scale investment projects are being implemented. In 2010, another gas fractionation unit was installed to work with light hydrocarbon fractions, the equipment capacity is 2.8 million tons per year of the finished product.

The gas fractionation unit, which has been operating for many years, has undergone modernization. Now its productivity is about 3.8 million tons of products per year (it was - 3 million). After the implementation of two projects, Tobolsk TNKhK OJSC became the largest global producer of a wide hydrocarbon fraction.

The plant produces the following products:

  • Liquefied gases (n-butane, propane, isobutane).
  • Polypropylene.
  • Monomers (butadiene, isobutylene).
  • The methyl tert-butyl ether.
  • Highly flammable liquids (hexane, isopentane, n-pentane).

Positive reviews

OJSC “Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant” received reviews with positive reviews from many employees. They wrote that, in spite of not rigid selection of personnel, they would agree to go through this stage again. The result of careful selection of staff was a team of excellent professionals with whom it is quickly possible to find a common language. It is noted that most specialists easily cope with the tasks assigned to them, see the goals and achieve them.

The company has created good working conditions at every level, this is noted by workers and top managers. The salary paid is sufficient in order not to feel infringed, high rates and bonuses allow you not to think about finding additional sources of income. Some wrote that having received an offer to move to Tobolsk to work at a petrochemical plant, they were pleasantly surprised by the conditions.

The employee was compensated for the costs of moving the whole family, provided a comfortable apartment in a new housing stock with the possibility of subsequent redemption, and with a 50% discount. At the same time, the employee received lifting payments, the declared salaries and bonuses fully corresponded to the indicated amounts in the employment contract.

Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant

Engineering specialists indicated that in addition to an interesting field of activity with non-standard tasks, each of them has the opportunity to improve their qualifications at scientific seminars, symposiums, meetings with foreign and domestic scientists, and professionals from related fields. Most of the employees recommend getting a job in SIBUR Tobolsk, although it will take a lot of effort, but it's worth it - it will certainly bring tremendous experience, excellent working conditions, real career prospects.

Negative reviews

A small part of the negative reviews says that HR specialists are not always responsible for their work - they can forget about the applicant at the last stage of his testing. That is, to promise to give an answer and in the end not to do it. Tightening processes is also not uncommon. Many want to get a job at the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant and are ready to wait for the personnel department to select the full staff from the applicants who have received a positive decision. Sometimes the process takes 3-4 months, during which time the applicants receive offers from other companies and refuse them, but as a result it turns out that the candidate, for some undeclared reasons, did not fit SIBUR. As a result, the employee is without several excellent prospects, it is almost impossible to contact the personnel department.

A part of the working staff wrote in the reviews that they rarely receive the promised bonuses, and also believe that the hazard class of the enterprise is not objective and health damage is very noticeable. They also note that the company regularly sends employees to the medical commission, all expenses for its payment are borne by the company, and the employee receives the necessary treatment for free according to VHI policies.

General impression

jsc tobolsk petrochemical plant reviews

In general, the overwhelming majority of employees who wrote reviews wrote that working at the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant is a great success.

The company creates not only the product necessary for the country, but also invests in environmental protection, creates high-quality working conditions for all employees, pays a decent remuneration for work and is engaged in staff training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32198/

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