Ammophos: formula, application features, composition and properties

Lack of fertilizer negatively affects plants. With a lack of phosphorus, productivity decreases and digestibility by a plant of nitrogen and other beneficial substances decreases. Ammophos fertilizer, the formula of which is presented below, helps to increase productivity, normalize growth and development.

ammophos formula

What is ammophos

Ammophos is one of the most effective types of phosphate fertilizers that are used for sowing, as well as at different stages of the growing season. Ammophos formula is a complex concentrated compound obtained by neutralizing phosphoric acid with ammonia.

A well-thought-out composition made it possible to create a very active phosphorus fertilizer with an easily assimilable active substance. And this, in turn, increases the possibility of applying top dressing.

Ammophos formula is an unusual top dressing for all types of plants, which can be used at any stage of the growing season. The phosphorus contained in the fertilizer is easily soluble in water and quickly absorbed by the plant. It is especially important to feed plants during the growth period. This time is considered critical and requires a high phosphorus content in the soil for the normal development of the root system and better absorption of nitrogen.

Top-dressing composition

The formula of ammophos is as follows: NH4H2PO4 + (NH4) 2HPO4 .

Here, (NH4) 2HPO4 is monoammonium phosphate, and NH4H2PO4 is diammonium phosphate.

The formula of ammophos in chemistry clearly shows what is included in the composition. There are no ballast elements in this fertilizer, which makes the use of a cost-effective and correct solution. The substance does not absorb moisture well from the air, but it is very soluble in water. This property allows you to use the tool in the form of solutions for foliar and root dressing.

ammophos formula

The ammophos formula is obtained through hard work. To obtain a substance, a chemical reaction is necessary to neutralize phosphoric acid with ammonia. The reaction produces about 10% ammonia and about 50% phosphorus. This ratio is considered ideal.

Many believe that the formula of ammophos has several disadvantages. The main one is a low nitrogen content (5 times less than phosphorus).

Physicochemical Characteristics

The special formula of ammophos made it possible to obtain an unusual substance useful for plants. Fertilizer has the following physicochemical properties:

  1. The substance is available in the form of granules about 3.5 mm in size.
  2. The developed ammophos formula made it possible to obtain an element that does not accumulate moisture from the air. Due to this, the substance can be stored for a long time.
  3. The granules are dense, not crumbly, which simplifies the work with fertilizer. In the process of pouring the substance does not form dust hazardous to humans.

Ammophos Properties

Fertilizer has a number of positive properties. Ammophos formula allows you to increase productivity and increase the resistance of plants to diseases.

ammophos formula chemical formula

The use of the substance allows you to strengthen the root system of plants, improve the quality of the resulting fruit. After top dressing, plants adapt more easily to any negative external conditions, while the yield and shelf life increase.

Instruction for use

According to the instructions, ammophos fertilizer is used not only as the main top dressing, but also as a supplement. This substance contains a small amount of nitrogen, therefore, to compensate for its deficiency, it is recommended to add phosphorus. Usually, dressings are applied in equal amounts. This ratio is suitable for all garden crops. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, before sowing winter crops, it is enough to introduce only ammophos into the soil. Additional fertilizers are not required.

ammophos formula property

You can use fertilizer on different types of soil, regardless of climatic conditions. In regions where dry weather prevails, it is recommended to introduce the product with a minimum amount of nitrogen.

Fertilizer is recommended to be applied to soils with an alkaline and neutral environment. This substance has a beneficial effect on the plant. Nitrogen and phosphorus are balanced in the ammophos formula. The chemical formula allows the use of the complex on protected ground.

The main introduction of ammophos into the soil is made in the middle of spring and autumn (April, September). In summer, plants are fed. The main application for vegetables comes from the calculation of 25 g per 1 m 2 . Fertilizing is carried out at 5 g in row spacing by pellet sealing to a depth of at least 6 cm.

Ammophos formula in chemistry

For root crops, the main application is carried out at the rate of 20 g per 1 m 2 of soil. Summer top dressing is carried out by filling granules into the soil to a depth of 8 cm (normal 5-10 g).

Fruit trees, shrubs, berry crops are fertilized in spring and autumn at the rate of 30 grams per 1 m 2 . Additionally, in the summer period of time, 5 g of fertilizer is applied by the method of incorporating granules into the soil.

Ammophos is suitable for fertilizing the lawn, decorative crops. In the main feeding make 15 g of granules per 1 m 2 . In the summer, make 5 g of fertilizer per 1 m 2 .

What is fertilized with ammophos

Phosphorus fertilizer is ideal for all types of plants. It is recommended to be applied to the soil when growing the following crops:

  1. Grapes When using fertilizer, this culture is saturated with all the necessary nutrients. Fertilizer is introduced in the spring in several stages, after diluting the ammophos with water (400 g per bucket of water). Two weeks after the first feeding, another one is carried out, diluting 150 g of fertilizer in a bucket of water.
  2. Potatoes. Phosphorus fertilizer helps increase potato yields. To do this, granules are applied directly to the wells at the rate of ½ teaspoon per well.
  3. Beet. The use of top dressing allows saturating root crops with sugars, which is valuable when growing sugar beets. Feeding is carried out at the rate of 5 g 1 per m 2 .

Feeding is also carried out when growing crops, sunflower, flowers, fruit and other types of plants.

Using fertilizer on different types of soil

For each type of soil, a certain amount of fertilizer is applied. For simple chernozem, a zone of steppes, it is recommended to use fertilizer without additional fertilizing, including nitrogen.

Meadow zones of chernozem on which flax, potatoes, beets, crops are grown, fertilizer is added with the addition of phosphorus and nitrogen.

ammophos fertilizer application

The unique ammophos formula allows the use of fertilizer even on saline and protected soils.

On sierozem and chestnut lands, the use of phosphorus fertilizer is carried out in conjunction with irrigation farming. Only in such conditions can a high yield be obtained.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the use of ammophos fertilizer allows not only to increase productivity, but also to increase the resistance of plants to various diseases. It is easy to work with granules, the main thing is not to forget about protective equipment.


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