Perfect cosplay: anime hairstyles and their features

Japanese culture is now more than ever popular around the world. People enjoy sushi, listen to ethnic music, meditate in nature and, of course, watch anime. This genre found a response in the hearts of people not only due to unpredictable plots and sincerity of the depicted emotions, but also due to the brightness of the characters, both internal and external. Since the advent of the genre, fans have tried to imitate their favorite characters, and thus the concept of cosplay appeared in Japan.

anime hairstyles

Good cosplay involves the selection of suitable clothing that closely resembles the style of the character being portrayed, realistic makeup, as well as a hairstyle. The variety that characterizes anime hairstyles sometimes allows fans from all over the world not only to become like their favorite hero, but also to find their own unique style.

Big bangs - the main trend of anime style hairstyles

If you want to be like such a character, just grow yourself a long bang! Anime hairstyles , especially for women, are full of bangs. The Japanese love to draw characters with long hair of acid colors, covering half a face, with this trick they give the heroes a certain flair of mystery, which makes them even more attractive for cosplay. Bangs can be beautifully laid, smoothed or representing a strand of hair carelessly falling on your face - no matter what the fringe, it will become the highlight of the whole image.

anime hairstyles for guys

How to create the perfect anime look?

  • If you have too short hair, you can use the extension, but contact an experienced hairdresser who knows how to make an anime hairstyle in such a way that it looks natural.
  • If you do not feel sorry for your hair, try to pick up the paint as bright as possible to best match the character's image.
  • Hairstyles of anime heroes differ in volume, and the strands are most often straight. If nature has rewarded you with curly curls, it is better not to mock and buy a wig, it will look much more natural than forcibly straightened and burnt hair.
  • The optimal length of hair - to the middle of the waist. Longer hair will begin to fall out and lose volume, which will not give your image any appeal.

how to do anime hairstyle

Japanese games and hairstyles of anime heroes

Based on the most popular and loved by anime fans, the creators make games for computers, phones and X-box. Some characters remain unchanged, but sometimes new faces and new hairstyles are added to the plot. Some of them are so ridiculous that they cannot be cosplayed, and in everyday life they look just monstrous, but most of them look pretty well on real people. Basically, these are anime hairstyles for guys, which are simple haircuts and simple styling.

Women's hairstyles are more intricate and require much more effort. Most heroines wear long hair, so styling is a lot of trouble. However, there are simple options that can be easily implemented. Take, for example, the two most popular heroines from the Japanese game: Rinoa and Yunu. The first hair is of medium length, and styling is done in layers. The bangs cover part of the face, and the ends of the hair are curled outward. Yuna has a short haircut, strands on all sides are evenly laid and tinted.

anime style hairstyles

Tips for hairdressers and cosplayers

  1. First of all, indicate a work plan. The desired character can wear something completely unthinkable on your head, so you will need all your skills and a lot of time to bring such hairstyles to life. The anime is famous for the turbulent imagination of artists who create implausible images, even in ardent informals, causing a shudder.
  2. Ask the client to present the image of the desired hairstyle. Most likely, you will be given a screen from the cartoon, so immediately explain that the anime hairstyles just can not look in real life like in the picture. Often heroes have unnaturally thick hair and acid colors, which, when dyed, can simply "kill" hair.
  3. Explain also that the popular long bangs will constantly poke into your eyes and interfere. Not only can the client not be able to see normally, he also risks earning conjunctivitis. Are there any hairstyles worth the risk? Anime, of course, allows you to temporarily go to the magical world of fantasy, but health should be taken care of in any case.


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