What are the norms of production in agriculture of the Russian Federation?

Unfortunately, agriculture in our country today is far from the highest level. Despite the vast territories and fertile lands, production standards in agriculture indicate the insufficient development of the state economic activity in this area, which should be given great attention. How is it that our country has an underdeveloped agricultural supply system, and quite often buys many products from abroad? To answer this rather interesting question, you should carefully consider how this industry has developed and what constitutes the labor market in agriculture today.

Historically, the development of land was promoted by favorable natural conditions, as well as the natural lands of our country, which stretched from the Black and Baltic Seas in the west to Siberian lands in the east. However, despite the fact that the majority of peasants lived and worked on the earth, to the reign of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, the crisis in this area reached its peak. Despite a series of reforms that were first undertaken by the king, and after the new government, although agriculture was developing, the pace of this process was clearly insufficient to meet the growing needs of the population.

With the advent of new technology, production standards in agriculture increased, however, as it turned out later, scientists did not always choose the methods of doing agricultural work correctly, as a result of which many lands turned into completely unsuitable for work. Examples of such erroneous directions are the corn saga undertaken by Khrushev and the plowing of virgin lands under Brezhnev. However, despite this, there were positive aspects in this industry, as a result of which the USSR managed to achieve full satisfaction of its own needs for food, and even access to world markets (grain export).

Today, production standards in agriculture are still insufficient, since the pace of development in this area lags behind global trends. Unfortunately, we still do not have enough modern equipment in the fields, and many farms are in decline. The farm is gradually developing, however, according to statistics, today it is clearly not enough to reach the proper level. That is why today it is impossible to do without subsidies and support from the state.

Modern standards of production in agriculture are established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in accordance with the calculation procedure, which depends on the gross income and remuneration of each specific employee engaged in this field of activity. It should also be borne in mind that production rates can sometimes decrease when performing mechanized work and repairing agricultural machinery. In addition, a decrease occurs within 3 months with the independent work of young specialists, as well as for female machine operators. When working experience and improving the qualification level of agricultural workers, the norms can be increased, depending on the development plan of a particular area, as well as those indicators that are set as the norm by the regional board.

Thus, it should be said that the features of labor in agriculture have their own specifics, which speaks of a rather large risk in conducting such work. No other sector of the economy can be so unpredictable in terms of achieving certain results than agriculture, since here there is a direct dependence on weather conditions, which recently, unfortunately, present unpleasant surprises in the form of summer drought and fires. That is why the state should provide timely and constant assistance to this sector of the economy, which, if properly developed, will become a reliable support for the whole country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32222/

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