Information Technology in Economics

Informatization of society leads to the internationalization of production. The foreign trade balance of relevant professional knowledge is an indicator of the technical power of the state, and this is precisely what the concept of information technology is associated with. It is implemented through the market for manufacturing product licenses, various know-how, as well as advice on the use of high-tech products.

Thanks to the evolution of the world market, an advantage appears for a country that is engaged in the sale of high-tech products, including modern professional knowledge and the latest technology. Actively trading in an invisible product in the form of knowledge, culture, actively impose stereotypes of behavior. This was the reason that in the information society, information, creativity and knowledge act as a strategic resource. And since talents are not created, there is a need to form a culture, that is, an environment in which talents can develop and flourish. The influence of computer technology, expressed in distance learning, computer games, video films, etc., is enormous here.

Information technology in the economy and their implementation

The purpose of the information system is the storage, search and delivery of data upon requests from users. The essence of the economic information system is the processing of relevant information. The subject area here is statistics, accounting, insurance, credit and financial, banking, as well as other types of commercial activities. To use the economic information system in the workplace, it is necessary to design it using information technology. It is important to note that earlier the system design process was separated from the processing of information in the subject area. At the moment, it also exists on its own, requiring highly qualified designers. At the moment, there are information technologies in the economy that are not only available to any user, but also allow you to combine the design process of individual components of the system with information processing. This can be an electronic office, e-mail, table and word processors and more. The trend towards creating information technology accessible to users continues.

It turns out that at the workplace both information technologies in the economy, which are developed by designers, and information technologies, which make it possible to automate activities in their workplace, are used.

One can distinguish such features of the transition to the informatization of society: reorientation of the economy towards the exploitation of information resources, replication of professional knowledge, involvement of professionals in the formalization of knowledge, as well as acceleration of the โ€œknowledge-production-knowledgeโ€ cycle.

Information technology in the economy involves the use of telephone communications, cable television, replicating equipment, computers, the production of training programs and more. Thanks to the development of market relations, new types of entrepreneurial activity appear , this concerns the creation of companies that are engaged in the field of information business, the development of information technologies, and the distribution of components of automated systems.

Thanks to this, it is possible not only to quickly disseminate and effectively use information technologies, but also to create them in a huge variety. And here it is important to understand that economic information is an important component of the whole process.


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