Professions for a choleric: character traits, how to choose a suitable job

It is no secret that any profession is a type of work that requires the possession of certain qualities on which success and comfort depend. There are professions for choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic. Psychologists have long been helping people find a work of life, choosing a profession for temperament.

Determination of temperaments

Types of temperament

Already, probably, even children know that there are four types of temperament, and each has its own characteristics and features. First, we will collect a general definition, and then compare them with professions.

Who is choleric?

This is the person who knows how to overcome difficulties. Such people do not tolerate when they are told what to do, and try to lead them. All because they love independence and strive for it. Choleric people tend to create something new, easy to climb, can not only start, but also finish what they started. They always work with pressure and zeal, but often are not able to squeeze a situation or person. Of the negative qualities, one can note overstated self-esteem, which leads to an overestimation of labor.

Which professions are suitable? What is absolutely contraindicated?

These are very stress-resistant workers who are able to quickly restore their strength. Choleric people are considered natural leaders, so they can easily take almost any leadership position. Gambling people who prefer outdoor activities.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the most suitable choleric professions associated with communication. It will make an excellent journalist, designer, businessman. In addition to these specialties, you can add any profession with a free schedule. Where responsibility and energy are needed, the choleric will show himself best. Optimal professions for this type of personality: trainer, director, cook, electrician, surgeon, geologist, pilot, actor, investigator, driver.

Choleric should not choose a specialty where one and the same job needs to be done. Such professions include accountants, document managers, librarians, factory workers, and so on.

Who is a sanguine person?

Profession and Temperament

A person with such a temperament is an ideal leader. These people know how to win over, they are always open to others. They have no problems with self-esteem, but difficulties arise with some activities. For example, conveyor and monotonous work is contraindicated for a person with such a temperament. But the sanguine, like no other, will be able to calculate the situation and circumvent possible risks.

If we compare the choleric and sanguine, we can find many common features. Not surprisingly, some professions for choleric and sanguine intersect.

Suitable professions. What you can’t work

Most sanguine fit mobile and creative professions. These include a teacher, manager, waiter, teacher, psychologist, doctor, engineer.

Sanguine can not tolerate the same type of work, which is accompanied by increased attention. That is, a person with this temperament will not be able to work as a tailor, secretary, librarian, restorer, watchmaker, accountant, archivist.

Who is phlegmatic?

The most balanced people have a phlegmatic temperament. There is no aggression in the character, but nature did not reward them with violent emotions. These people prefer calm conversations to loud showdowns, they are difficult to lift and do not immediately converge with people. But this same slowness is considered a big plus, because in an emergency, only phlegmatic people will not lose their heads and find a solution. They carry out any tasks to the end, but do not take the initiative and do only what they want from them.

Recommended Occupations

Possible professions

Sometimes people think that all existing professions are for choleric people, but this is not so. In many areas, rush is not needed, but calm is very important. The phlegmatic will feel fine, working as a mechanic, therapist, physicist, jeweler, electrician, laboratory assistant, economist.

What you can’t work

In no case should phlegmatic people choose professions suitable for choleric people. After all, their calm disposition is incompatible with public, active and decisive specialties. Phlegmatic people cannot work as surgeons, actors, journalists, businessmen, managers.

Who is a melancholic?

A distinctive feature of melancholy is the love of loneliness. They’re most comfortable alone with themselves. This type of people has a very developed sensuality and sensitivity, sometimes they suffer from it. Lack of mood and sadness are frequent companions of people with such a temperament. But at the same time they are very observant and well versed in their field. True, the pride of the melancholy is very easy to hurt, so they constantly need to be supported and helped.

The best specialties

Such people should give preference to quiet professions that do not require frequent communication and lightning reactions. Melancholy artists become excellent designers, writers, accountants, livestock specialists, agronomists, composers and so on.

Do not even try to work

Here it is necessary to act from the opposite. That is, to understand what professions are suitable for choleric people, and in no case should they be chosen. The specialty of a surgeon, pilot, rescuer, driver, and so on is prohibited.

External signs of choleric

Choice of profession

Each type of temperament can most likely be determined by external signs. This is often used by employers when hiring. What reveals choleric? First of all, these are:

  • a sinewy, thin body that seems very fragile;
  • very thin wrists and ankles;
  • the chest is flat and has a rib angle;
  • the forehead is straight, but tapers upward;
  • the skull is ovoid or oval;
  • the chin is most often pointed;
  • nose with a hump or hooked;
  • swan neck and pronounced Adam's apple;
  • narrow thin feet.

The list of successful specialties

High-risk professions

In order not to get confused once again, it is better to make a list of professions for choleric people who discover these people from the best perspectives. These include:

  • actor;
  • diplomat;
  • surgeon;
  • journalist;
  • correspondent;
  • pilot;
  • merchandiser;
  • Supply Provider
  • businessman;
  • driver;
  • producer;
  • cook;
  • electrician;
  • manager;
  • investigator.

The main features of choleric

Choleric incontinence

When choosing a profession for a choleric (girl or guy), you need to consider their personal qualities. Choleric can be described in the following words:

  • These people cannot be controlled, they are not subordinate to anyone.
  • Their mood instantly changes to the opposite.
  • Choleric people subtly sense time.
  • They keep any conflict under control. It is in their power to inflate or nullify it.
  • People with such a temperament are not inherent in patience. Also they do not know how to restrain themselves.
  • They do not tolerate monotonous work.
  • They can adapt to any conditions and feel comfortable.
  • Cholerices are sprayed a lot, it is difficult for them to focus their energy on one thing.
  • They are distinguished by quick speech and a loud voice.
  • An unstable psyche is also characteristic of choleric.
  • These are very resourceful people. They can lead to conflict, but very quickly calm down.

Pros and cons

Choleric Conflicts

In order for everything said to look more clearly, it is necessary to summarize thesis.

Pros of CholericCons of choleric
pounding energyannoying them a lot
easily find a common language with peoplehot temper
often take the leadtoo straightforward
interest peopledon't hold back emotions
born leadersincorrectly calculate own resources
do not give in to life's difficulties and barriersdon't always finish everything to the end
do not get hung up on some bad situations, but move ontalk too much
often deliberately bring people to conflict

Extrovert or introvert?

But in addition to temperaments, the character trait also matters. Whatever the person may be: a sanguine person, a phlegmatic person, a melancholic person or a choleric person, one should choose a job based on his socionic type.

They are distinguished by two:

  • introvert;
  • extrovert.

We will analyze each in more detail.

Personality types

Introverts are people who find it difficult to make new friends, for this reason they have very few friends. In addition, such closed people are more concerned about their inner feelings and impressions of the outside world. Introverts do not try to learn new information, they lack their knowledge. But they are constantly looking for silence. People of this type are very balanced, laconic and constantly thoughtful. They do not respond well to surprises, they love it when everything is according to plan. Of their strengths, one can single out perseverance, meaningful work, the depth of feelings and emotions.

Extroverts are open and sociable. They are ready to take the initiative in their own hands, take risks, be active in business. In addition, it is easy for them to make new acquaintances and break old ties, extroverts immediately dispose to themselves. People of this warehouse are not afraid to express their opinion, work well with the team and reckon with the opinion of others. Negative aspects of introverts are impulsiveness, frivolity in feelings, scattered attention.


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