Beer "Okskoe" barrel: reviews

Beer is one of the most popular low alcohol drinks. It is sold in almost every country in different containers and with different tastes. Each region has its own brewing traditions, while its lovers are always interested in the offers of domestic manufacturers. Beer Okskoy Bochkovoy can safely compete for the title of a quality product. This product is becoming more and more popular due to its feature set.

Manufacturer "light"

Beer has been popular since ancient times. The Slavs used the word "beer" in the meaning of all kinds of liquids intended for drinking. And only with time did the concept of a low-alcohol drink become entrenched in it.

The fact that he was known many centuries ago is an indisputable fact. It was cooked by representatives of the Sumerian culture, the Egyptians, the Babylonians about 3000 thousand years BC. e. Enjoyed beer and other nationalities. At first it was thick, like porridge. The ingredients were wheat, oats, spelled, rye, rice, fruits. Drinking acquired a more modern look in the Middle Ages, when in Europe the monks, who took beer seriously enough, began to use hops as a preservative for this process.

Since then, the improvement and distribution of this product has not stopped. Perhaps that is why there are currently millions of his fans. Today there are many types of beer (about 1000). They satisfy the tastes of the most capricious alcoholic pop lovers.

But good manufacturers are not afraid of the competitive environment, because they keep up with the times and offer products that easily win the respect of consumers. Among such companies is Volga Brewing Company LLC. In 2004 it became a part of Heineken Breweries LLC. During its existence, the organization has established itself as high-quality goods, interest in customers, a wide variety of assortment. It is constantly improving its goods and the development of new types of low alcohol drink.

Recently, the company presented a new product on the market: draft beer under the Okskoy brand. It is boiled in Nizhny Novgorod. In addition to quality, the manufacturer has worked on the design. The blue color of the label symbolizes the purity of the product, and the rook depicted mentally returns a person to a glorious past. This trademark creates a sense of the Russian soul, the identity of the people and causes a feeling of pride in the domestic manufacturer.

Beer producers

Characteristics of the drink

Beer "Okskoye" refers to light pasteurized. Contains 4.7% alcohol. This indicator is not high, therefore, it allows you to drink in large quantities. Drinks are produced in glass bottles of 0.5 l, plastic bottles of 1.4 l and 2.5 l, as well as in cans. They are tight, so you can safely use the foam after opening the container. The cost of beer is low, so that an ordinary buyer can afford it.

Successful marketing move

It is known that for advertising a product, employees of each company develop techniques aimed at increasing the client audience. Nizhny Novgorod also could not do without it. Considering the fact that not only men, but also women drink low-alcohol drinks, the company released a special, "ladies' version" of stylish packaging for Oksky Bochkovoy beer (limited edition).

Now the fair sex can not resist a can of cold drink, painted under Khokhloma. Bright colorful flowers on a black (as well as red and blue) background are elegant and intriguing. And the fact that the contents of the package corresponds to an attractive external image is pleasing. All this hides a certain subtext: the foam is brewed in Nizhny Novgorod, and this land is also considered the birthplace of colorful painting (Kovernnichesky district).

Thus, a hint is read that for a long time masters have lived in this territory not only in art, but also in brewing. Not surprisingly, many women are happy to choose "Okskoe" beer producer Volga Brewing Company LLC in a tin container. Banks are so beautiful that creative people can use them even after consuming the contents (they will make good lampshades for lamps, candle holders, glasses for pens, etc.).

Creative design

Beverage ingredients

To prepare the foam, use purified drinking water. Mandatory components are light malt, malting barley and malting barley. When making wort (pulp from crushed grain products and water processed at different temperatures), hops are added to the production, giving the drink taste and aroma, as well as other components. Contained in the drink and a well-known natural preservative - gluten. It allows you to preserve the properties of beer.

At the same time, the nutritional value of the product is 2.6 g of carbohydrates, and the energy value is only 39 kcal (per 100 kcal). Alcohol 4.7% of the turnover. The ethyl alcohol content of 4.7 ml in 100 ml of beer.

From the listed components it is clear that the hop liquid does not contain any chemical additives. Calorie content is low, which is why lovers of Okskoy beer, according to customer reviews, are not worried about gaining extra weight. The alcohol content is standard, so the drink meets its "low alcohol" status.

Beer ingredients

Professionalism of the company

It is not surprising that the Okskoye brand is one of the Russian leaders in beer sales, because all the types presented by it are popular among fans of a hop-drink. Sustainable beer market position has "Live beer" ("Okskoye"), it is familiar to consumers for almost 5 years. This "hop nectar" is not pasteurized in order to destroy microorganisms.

Due to this procedure, the shelf life is reduced. The product is not heated to preserve all the taste and characteristics of the drink. A clarification procedure is also carried out, which helps to mature the beer and increase the shelf life. That is why the drink is considered "alive", because all its beneficial substances are preserved. Beer is light yellow in color, without bitterness, with a pleasant malt aroma. And not surprisingly: for such a short period of time, people liked it and deservedly received a number of awards.

The track record of the brand includes 3 gold medals (2014), indicating a high level of quality of the product. In the same year, the brand's design was updated, which made its products even more attractive to the buyer.

Company Achievements

Beer "Okskoye" Heritage

This drink appeared on the shelves of supermarkets not so long ago and has already managed to please consumers. It has an original taste, in which a hint of rye bread crust is felt. The eccentricity of the foam is achieved through the use of special hops and yeast breeding in 1974. Okskoye beer lovers, according to customer reviews, are saddened by the fact that not a liter and a half, but 1.4 liters are poured into a plastic bottle.

Advantages of the Volga Company Product

Foam consumers, as a rule, immediately react to new products, and either recommend to friends or give a negative rating to warn people about the quality of the purchased goods. Regarding the Okskoy beer, the responses did not take long. Buyers note a sweet taste with a slight bitterness, a pleasant beer aroma, a good level of foaming, a long shelf life (subject to the temperature regime), and different volume of bottles. You can advertise Nizhny Novgorod beer in every possible way, but the personal opinion of consumers is always decisive. And in this case it is positive.

Consumer Assessment

Recommendations for use

In order for beer not to lose its qualities, it is necessary to adhere to some rules when saving and consuming a product, namely:

  1. Keep the drink in the refrigerator or indoors, the temperature regime of which does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius.
  2. Before serving, Okskoe beer needs to be cooled to about 6 degrees Celsius, since it is in this state that the original harsh taste appears that quenches thirst.
  3. It is better to drink immediately after opening the bottle (can).
  4. Beer goes well with snacks, chips, salted nuts and fish. It is necessary to take this point into account when purchasing (ordering) foam.
Beer Rules


The manufacturer indicates that the drink should not be consumed by children, women who are in a position nursing mothers, people suffering from various diseases of the nervous system, digestive tract, liver and kidneys. The Volga company also reminds everyone that this drink, despite the fact that it belongs to the category of low alcohol, and the level of harmful substances in it complies with the established permissible standards, will not bring special health benefits, but rather, on the contrary. Therefore, all beer lovers need to control the volume of the hoppy "pop."

In friends company

Low alcohol drinks are very popular today. And each buyer is looking for products that will satisfy him in appearance, taste, storage features, price. Drinking products of Volga Brewing Company LLC, in particular, Okskoy Bochkovoe beer, according to reviews of foam lovers, is a drink whose quality is worthy of respect. And the fact that the product is produced by a domestic producer awakens the Russian man’s soul with pride in his country and contributes to the demand for goods from the consumer.


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