The consequences of using marijuana: the effect on a person, the methods and timing of use, malfunctions in the body, the extinction of brain activity and possible pathologies

There are various rumors about marijuana, but more often than not they are not supported by any facts. Few people are interested in the effect of soft drugs on the body. Apparently, this is due to the fact that there are not a large number of people having problems after using them. But many drug addicts sitting on hard drugs say they started their journey with marijuana. So, addicted people who cannot cope with their problem on their own, and those who like to indulge in weed, are not taken under control. In the early stages, such a contingent is interesting only to the police, but not to doctors.

Natural drug

after marijuana use

If you do not think and do not know about the consequences of using marijuana, you may get the opinion that it is completely harmless. After all, this is a substance of plant origin. And all that is natural, usually arouses trust, and it is used with greater willingness. This drug is made from hemp leaves, from flowers and stems. From the top of hemp, a resinous substance - hash is collected.

All derivative herbs are consumed in their pure form and are smoked with tobacco. They can chew, swallow, or eat with food.

Initially, an illusion can be created that there can simply be no harm from using marijuana, because it is an ordinary herb. After all, tobacco is also smoked, and it's okay, people can smoke it all their lives. But actually it is not!

Human weed effect

Any substance that causes addiction is not good for humans. And hemp is addictive. First of all, this happens on an emotional level (psychological dependence). A person likes the state in which he is after smoking the grass, and he has a strong desire for it to be repeated again and again.

After using marijuana, there is a dependence on the physical level, it is not strong, although it manifests itself in withdrawal symptoms. At the same time, the drug user is irritable, impatient, and has a bad mood.

Different people have different manifestations: appetite may disappear, a person may lose weight, suffer from insomnia. Tremor and chills, pressure in the temples and chest - all these are side effects caused by substances that make up marijuana. This syndrome can last up to 5 days.

Mechanism of action and manifestations

result of marijuana use

Under the influence of marijuana, malfunctions in the brain begin. Such manifestations are caused by the fact that the plant contains a strong poison - an active chemical substance. In different varieties of hemp, the content of this poison is different.

The substance tetra-hydrocannabiol (THC) is very harmful to humans. What will marijuana use lead to? Moreover, the smoker will have impaired many brain functions, somatic and mental. Even single use leads to changes in the sensation of space and time. Colors and sounds are perverted, and communication with the real world is lost. At the first stages, people think that it is funny and harmless.

THC acts on the brain, and marijuana users become distracted, forgetful, think in fragments, and are in a state of unreality. And this is not all the consequences of marijuana use.

Under the influence of the drug, a person is extremely dependent on external influence, his feelings of his β€œI” disappear. In addition to disorders at the psychoemotional level, physiological disorders also develop.

Intoxication psychosis passes with delusions, hallucinations and illusions. The person is in a state of fear and panic, at this moment depressive thoughts come, including about suicide.

What is the danger of prolonged use of grass

Does society need a man who is indifferent to everything that happens around him: to study, work, to the whole world around him? He becomes a burden both for himself and for those who are close by.

Total indifference to everything that happens around is the consequences of prolonged use of marijuana. This manifestation is called amotivation syndrome, it manifests itself in 40% of chronic marijuana users, especially adolescents. If in the company of a teenager there are hemp smokers, then he is at risk. The likelihood that he will also begin to use and become dependent on cannabinoids, increases by 15 times.

the harm of marijuana use

Teenagers are more likely to use the drug, believing that it is harmless and helps create a mood in the company, but marijuana can result in severe brain damage.

From a single drug use there can only be a temporary imbalance and loss of a sense of reality, then a person feels the same way as before and this gives a false impression that it will always be so, and, starting from a small one, it becomes dependent.

The consequences of prolonged use

The doctor, communicating with the patient and observing him, notes a number of deviations in the patient's behavior. He sees signs of marijuana use and overall well-being. It could be:

  • insomnia;
  • weight loss or exhaustion caused by loss of appetite;
  • headache.

Small doses of marijuana

Even small doses of weed can significantly impair memory. During training, short-term memory is extremely important, namely, it is violated in the first place. The functions of understanding goals and objectives are erased and destroyed. The smoker cannot concentrate, he is inattentive, his need for communication disappears.

If you smoke one cigarette with hash, the memory is suppressed for 37 days. For regular consumers, the risk of developing schizophrenia increases sharply.

It was noticed that even children under 4 years of age, in the presence of which their parents constantly smoked marijuana, had poor memory and speech disorders.

Failures in the whole body

what will marijuana use

The consequences of frequent use of marijuana adversely affect the work of the whole organism. Its overall resistance is reduced. Even if you smoke one cigarette with marijuana per day, the number of white blood cells is reduced, which indicates the depletion of the protective capabilities of the body.

Failures in the body of men

Men who use cannabis have problems conceiving. Their sperm are inactive, and they are extremely few. Cases of impotence in drug addicts are more common than in men who do not use weed. In smokers, even beard growth is delayed, and sexual activity is reduced.

Studies were conducted where it was revealed that 5 marijuana cigarettes have the same cancer-causing ability as 113 regular cigarettes. Marijuana is not excreted quickly, it stays there for 3-5 weeks and all this time has a negative effect on physical condition and mental activity.

Failures in the body of women

In addition to the general health problems that are characteristic of men and women, the weaker sex is also faced with other consequences of marijuana use. In women, the number of cells in which DNA molecules are damaged increases significantly. Ovulation is often disturbed, the menstrual cycle shortens or complete infertility sets in. Not all weed smokers will have the same manifestations, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Specialists see signs of marijuana use and help get rid of addiction. A narcologist works with such a problem. And where mental disorders have also been added, the help of a psychotherapist or, in severe cases, a psychiatrist is needed.

How long does it take for the active substances of the drug to leave the body?

smoking weed

THC and other active substances of hemp, which produce intoxication of the body, are not excreted instantly. In this matter, the duration of smoking and the activity of the smoker in this period, how often he smoked, and how much time has passed since the last long abstinence, are of great importance.

If cannabis use was daily and several times a day, the withdrawal process will be long. Marijuana is deposited in subcutaneous fat cells and excreted extremely slowly.

A full withdrawal may take a month and a half. An everyday smoker quickly completely saturates the cells with a drug, two months are enough for this. What happens when using marijuana? Blood is saturated with active narcotic substances, they enter the bloodstream and are absorbed by the fat cells that filter it. The psychoactive effect is smoothed out, and a person cannot feel the state of euphoria from the weed, while the fat cells continue to filter it.

How to speed up the process of removing marijuana from the body?

what happens with marijuana

Since the consequences of using marijuana have a bad effect on the body, it’s worth the effort to remove the poison from the body as quickly as possible. Since it is more concentrated in fat cells, overweight people have more storage space for cannabis. Those who have virtually no subcutaneous fat get rid of harmful substances faster. For 3-4 weeks this is quite realistic, but at the same time there should be complete abstinence from smoking weed, even if before that the person was an active consumer of it. Overweight people need several months.

To somehow speed up this process, you need to give a person physical activity. This is the only way. As loads you can choose running, hiking, cycling, swimming and cardio exercises.

Myths or truth?

It is worth saying that around the topic of marijuana consumption there are many different conversations, moreover, not only among ordinary people, but also scientists. There are a number of scientists who say that the effect of marijuana active substances on the brain is destructive, brain cells are killed and are no longer being restored. Others argue that none of this exists, and one hour after smoking, the person becomes the same as before, and there are no more consequences of marijuana use.

In laboratories, hundreds of mice and primates inhaled doses of smoke equal to several smoked cigarettes with marijuana per day, but no one gave unequivocal results, and none of the adherents of the two views went over to the side of the opponents.

Smoker Observations

Whether it is prank or not, everyone decides for himself, because for his health only the person himself is responsible. But when health problems begin, there will be no point in talking about the opinions of scientists. Who is to blame then? It is only clear that marijuana has often become a springboard to the world of addiction to hard drugs.

It attracts with a relatively low cost and the fact that it gives a pleasant state of euphoria. But for many, smoking can be accompanied not only by pleasant feelings, but also by a feeling of fear, panic.

The consequences of marijuana use have been described above and it has been said that not everyone believes that it is so harmful. And if you watch the smoker, you can see that almost immediately he becomes "dreamy." It becomes difficult for a person to coordinate his movements, his heartbeat quickens. After 30 minutes, the culmination of the action occurs, and it completely stops only after 2-3 hours. After this time, a person looks the same as before.

It all depends on the quality of marijuana and the initial state of the smoker, it also takes into account whether marijuana is used alone or mixed with other drugs.

And what after smoking?

signs of marijuana use

Inhaling the smoke of this herb, the smoker holds his breath for longer than what happens with regular tobacco smoking, in this mode the lungs do not work as they should. When the tide of euphoria passes, a feeling of drowsiness manifests itself, joy can be replaced by depression, some admit that they had a feeling of panic.

Marijuana accumulates in fat cells and is not excreted in the blood and urine. When the β€œbuzz” from a smoked cigarette no longer comes, but you still want a pleasant sensation, then the search for other stronger drugs begins. While scientists have not decided on the conclusions regarding the effects of marijuana on human health, it is better to refrain from such games of the mind and remain in a solid mind and sound memory, without resorting to such stimulants of joy. The consequences after using marijuana will be the one who used it, and not the one who investigated its effect in the laboratory.


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