What is right: “contract” or “contract”? Proper accent in the word contract

What is right: “contract” or “contract”? You will find a comprehensive answer to this question in the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you how to replace this word if you doubt its spelling or pronunciation.

general information

Not everyone knows about the right thing - “agreements” or “agreements”. And for most people who are directly related to the business sphere, such a noun becomes a stumbling block during preparation for a public speech or at a business meeting. That is why it is very important to know what is right: “contracts” or “contracts”?

What is a contract? We find out together

A contract is an agreement of two or more persons which establishes their changing or terminating obligations and rights. Parties to such a document can be both legal entities and individuals, as well as various public law associations (for example, the state, international organizations, municipalities, etc.).

Currently, the word “contract” is used in three different meanings:

  1. The contract as a legal fact that generates obligations.
  2. The contract as a legal relationship.
  3. The contract as a document that records the fact of the occurrence of certain obligations of the will of its participants.

Due to such a variety of meanings, it can be quite easily replaced by a synonym. But this raises a new question: "" Contract "or" contract "- how right?" It should be noted that there is practically no difference between these expressions. After all, the word "contract" means the same multilateral agreement, which stipulates the obligations and rights of all its participants. That is why, if you do not know how to pronounce or write a “contract”, you should simply replace it with the most appropriate synonym (document, contract, agreement, etc.).

What is right: “contract” or “contract”?

What if you do not know how to pronounce this word? The answer is quite simple: it is necessary to be guided by orthoepic linguistic norms prescribing a stylistic distinction between the use of the forms of “contract” and “contract” depending on a particular speech situation.

The traditional form of "contracts"

The plural of the word “contract” is “contracts”. This form is a traditional way of forming nouns of the 2nd declension of the masculine gender. As you know, such words in the plural are formed using the following endings: –y or –i . This rule is extremely important to know for the correct pronunciation of this expression.

So, imagine several masculine nouns in the plural:

  • turn - turn (s);
  • instructor - instructor (s);
  • contract - contract (s);
  • circle - circle (s).

Causes of Confusion

Why is it so difficult to remember how to write: “agreements” or “agreements”? The word "treaties" is the only correct form in the Russian literary language. It is this type of word formation that is characteristic of written and book speech. Its use is considered correct and appropriate in absolutely any speech context. However, confusion often arises. What is it connected with?

The Russian language is rich and diverse. It has thousands of different spelling rules. So, the plural words of the noun of the middle gender of the 2nd declension have the endings –a and –i :

  • window - window (s);
  • lake - lakes (a);
  • cloud - cloud (a);
  • village - village (a).

Note that in the Russian language there are many processes that violate a certain and already established norm, leading to the formation of new and stable forms. Confirmation of these words may well be the productive formation of plural nouns that end in -a or -i in the type of neuter gender. Here is an example:

  • board - board (a);
  • professor - professor (a);
  • pearls - pearls (a);
  • contract - contract (a).

In what cases should one or another form be used?

So how to pronounce the word "contract" in the singular and plural? To use this expression correctly in public speaking, emphasis should be placed on the third vowel. Moreover, in connection with all of the above, it can be noted that in the modern Russian language both presented forms of nouns in the plural can coexist and not be considered a violation of orthoepic norms. However, they are still divided according to the stylistic principle.

So, the use of forms such as “contract”, “scooter”, “cruiser” and others, by all standards, correspond only to highly professional and oral-spoken language. Regarding the use of the plural of the noun “contract” in the form of “contracts” (the emphasis falls on the third syllable), the rules of orthoepy strongly recommend that this option be used in journalistic and official-business styles. This will allow you to avoid incidents during public speaking at official meetings or receptions.

To summarize

Now you know when and how it is written: “contracts” or “contracts”. To remember this rule, we will consider what is the difference between these words:

  • The noun in the plural, “contracts” is formed by the type of masculine nouns of the 2nd declension. As for the form of “contract”, it is formed by the type of nouns of the middle gender of a similar declension.
  • In Russian, both of the presented forms (“agreements” and “agreements”) fully comply with modern literary standards. However, it should be emphasized that they vary in scope.
  • The traditional form of "contracts" is considered to be common. This means that it corresponds to absolutely all literary styles, including such as journalistic and formal business. The plural form of the “contract”, which was formed as a secondary kind, is permissible only in professional and colloquial speech.

Thus, thinking about how to correctly pronounce the word - “contract” or “contract”, you need to remember in which context you do it. If you just communicate with friends or colleagues, then both forms are appropriate (more often than “agreements” with emphasis on ending). If you need to repeat this word repeatedly in a public speech (for example, at a conference) or use it in writing a scientific text or article, then you need to use this word in the plural “agreements” (accent on the third vowel).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32264/

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