Priory Palace in Gatchina - how to get there?

The Priory Palace in Gatchina is a unique building, the only remaining earth structure in the country. Created for the Order of Malta, it has been a true jewel of architecture and a true symbol of Gatchina for more than two centuries. Of interest is the technology of its creation, and the circumstances under which the construction was carried out, and the legends surrounding the palace. Today it hosts fascinating excursions. Let's find out what is the history of the palace, how to get to it now.

The appearance of the palace

The castle was erected in a style typical of Russian architecture of that time. In appearance, it resembles a Catholic medieval monastery. This is facilitated by a tower resembling a bell tower, and a common composition with a courtyard and a characteristic fence. The interior of the castle, as befits the holy monastery, is very ascetic. And this applies not only to the style in which the walls and towers are built, but also to a fairly simple color scheme - white rooms and red roofs.

Priory Palace in Gatchina
However, by the time of construction the palace looked more solemn. Gilding weathercocks and silver pudostsky stone, red-brown paths and snow-white walls, black poles along the fence. It is believed that the architect was inspired by the white and red cloaks of the Knights of Malta, as well as the black cassocks of the monks.

The highlight of the Gatchina Palace is that from different sides it looks in a new way, completely not repeating itself.

So, from the south it is similar to the Gothic chapel, and its northern part seems to grow out of the water. If you look at the castle from the side of the lake, you get the impression that it was built on the island. Thanks to this, a peculiar parallel is drawn with Malta. The retaining wall makes it look like a fortress, and from the main entrance, the Priory Palace resembles a country estate. However, the castle looks surprisingly solid. Bright originality and emphasized asymmetry of the structure was noted by all scientists studying it.

Architectural features

Although the Priory Palace is not as magnificent as many other castles located in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, this does not reduce its significance. It is largely due to the uniqueness of the building. The fact is that this is the only building left in the country, created using earthbit technology. This means that the layers of loam, tightly pressed, were impregnated with a solution of lime. So the walls of the palace and the fence were built, as well as some buildings located near the building.

The uniqueness of the castle lies in the fact that, being built from the ground, it managed to stand for almost two hundred years, without needing reconstruction. And now it continues to look impressive, proudly speaking against the backdrop of the Black Lake. By the way, due to the construction technology, the castle received another name - Zemlyanoy.

Priory Palace in Gatchina cost

The background of the palace

The history of the Priory Palace has more than two centuries. It was created in 1799 specifically for the Order of Malta. Rather, for the French prince Conde, who was the prior of the Order.

The history of the palace is closely intertwined with the events taking place in Europe in the 18th century. The French revolution proved destructive to the order. During it, he lost most of the land. The Russian Empire has long maintained close friendly relations with Malta.

Therefore, the knights asked for help from Paul I, who had recently ascended to the throne. In response to this, the emperor approved the “great prioritization” of the Order of Malta in the state. It happened in 1797. By convention, the Vorontsov Palace located in the capital was transferred to the order. In addition, Paul I ordered the construction of a castle in Gatchina for Prince Conde, who was then in exile.

Palace building

The architect of the Priory Palace is Nikolai Lvov. He excelled not only in this field, but in many others, for example, was an excellent poet, musician. Lviv had many talents. Therefore, during his lifetime, he was nicknamed the Russian Leonardo da Vinci. The memory of this amazing man is still alive.

History of the Priory Palace
He was entrusted with the construction of the palace for the order. Nikolai Lvov prepared several projects, and even before the construction began, he erected several structures using the same technology by which the palace was later created. The architect's idea was stylistically similar to medieval Swiss castles, but in no case did not copy them. Construction began in 1797. The palace was erected extremely quickly. Two years after the start of construction, finishing work was carried out in it and the furniture was completed. In the summer of 1799, the highest review of the palace and its transfer to the order took place. At the same time, Paul I as the Grand Master was also the owner of the castle.

The fate of the palace

Later - during the reign of Emperor Alexander I - the Priory Palace was transferred to the treasury. Then it was almost never used. In the 1920s, the palace played the role of a Lutheran temple. By the end of the century, it underwent a significant reconstruction. Water and sewage systems were arranged in the castle, the building was strengthened and adapted for the simultaneous residence of fifty people. Thus, it became possible to provide premises for courtiers to stay.

Priory Palace in Gatchina how to get there

Priory in the twentieth century

Since the beginning of the last century, tours have begun in the castle. During the First World War, the Priory Palace in Gatchina served as a hospital for wounded soldiers. Later, recreation facilities were located here. During the Second World War, he miraculously survived, although some of its buildings were completely destroyed.

In the second half of the century, it housed first the House of Pioneers, and then the Museum of Local Lore. The Priory Palace was rebuilt in the 80s. The restoration lasted about twenty years, and already in 2004 the castle opened its gates for excursions.

Legends and interesting facts

The most incredible legends go about the Priory Palace. One of them, for example, refers to the existence of a secret underground passage. According to legend, he connects the castle with the Gatchina imperial palace. It is difficult to say whether this is so, but it must be mentioned that during the work on strengthening the foundation such a move was indeed discovered. It is laid out with stone and, at first reaching a height of almost two meters, gradually decreases. But until the end this move was never completed, so its purpose could not be determined.

Gatchina Priory Palace
An interesting feature of the palace is that it was actually built on a swamp. This is due to one event that happened during the design. We are talking about the fact that during the construction, the creator of the castle Nikolai Lvov did not communicate directly with the emperor, but with one of his close associates, Prosecutor General Obolyaninov. He rejected several proposals by the architect regarding the construction site. Then Lviv suggested Obolyaninov personally choose the site on which the palace will be erected.

The prosecutor general pointed to a swamp near the Black Lake - perhaps the most unattractive and unsuitable place for this purpose. And the architect agreed to this condition. True, the construction had to spend much more effort and money. So, it was necessary to lay ditches and dry the swamp. And on a hill formed from excavated land, the Gatchina Priory Palace was built.

Palace in art

The unusual beauty of the castle has long attracted painters. Inspired by the stunning views of the palace, the artists sought to display on their canvases. In many ways, the love for this castle was explained by its already mentioned feature - from different angles it looks completely different.

The Priory Palace was captured in the paintings of M. V. Dobuzhinsky, T. G. Shevchenko and other painters; poets composed poems about it.

Palace today

Today, the castle looks the same as two hundred years ago. During the reconstruction, its original appearance was restored. Currently, fascinating excursions are held here, where they introduce the history of the building. And the most interesting exhibit is rightfully the Priory Palace itself. How to get to the castle is known not only to residents of St. Petersburg, but also far beyond its borders.

Priory Palace how to get there
In addition, ancient traditions are actively reviving in the palace. One of them is regular concert nights in the chapel. Excellent acoustics, a bright spacious hall and brilliant performance attract many music connoisseurs here and not only. Also in the chapel of the castle are various celebrations, meetings, poetic evenings and concerts, conferences.

How to get to the palace?

More and more visitors are attracted to their walls by the Priory Palace in Gatchina. How to get to the castle and admire this gem of architecture? From St. Petersburg to Gatchina can be reached by train, as well as by train. The road will take no more than one and a half hours. In addition, to get to Gatchina, you can use the minibus.

Once in the city, you can ask any of the residents where the Priory Palace is located. Address: Chkalova street, Priory park, State Museum-Reserve "Gatchina". And you can get to the castle itself on foot, at the same time enjoying incredible views around.

Excursions in the palace

Currently, the palace hosts interesting excursions. Visitors are told about the history of the Order of Malta and the castle itself. In addition, you can learn a lot about the earth-moving construction technique, as well as get acquainted with the personality of the architect Nikolai Lvov.

The museum is open to visitors daily except the first Tuesday of every month. Entrance to the Priory park is free. By the way, this green zone was also created at the end of the 18th century to emphasize the beauty of the castle. Later, many picturesque walking paths, artificial lakes and islets were pitched here. The park has long been a favorite vacation spot for both local residents and St. Petersburg residents. The Priory Palace in Gatchina, the cost of visiting which will be from 60 to 120 rubles, will give a truly unforgettable experience. And you will definitely want to come back here repeatedly.

Museum Priory Palace
Time flows in a completely different way, in the spirit of a medieval monastery. Visiting the palace towers, pavilions and gardens, you can truly experience the unforgettable atmosphere of a knight's castle.


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