How to fool the brain: advice from psychologists

My brain is my enemy. Strange, but true statement. The human brain is a complex organ, with the help of which perception and impact are carried out with the outside world. Limiting the work of at least one of the sites leads to dire consequences, therefore a healthy brain is extremely important for a person’s normal existence. But did you know that he often plays evil jokes with his master? Overeating, addiction to addictions, inability to save, laziness and much more - these are all games of the mind. You have not thought about how to deceive the brain? It's time to do it. Let's find out together whether the brain can be fooled and why.

how can you fool the brain

How does the human brain work?

Its mass is approximately 2% of the total weight of the human body. This means that the brain of an adult weighs about 1.5-2 kg. The assertion that the heavier the brain, the smarter the person, is incorrect. It consists of 100 billion (!) Of various cells, most of which are neurons. They do not touch each other - they are separated by microscopic shells (synapses).

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, each of which has its own purpose. So, it is proved that the right side collects information from the environment through the organs of perception (vision, hearing, smell, touch, etc.). The left hemisphere, in turn. collects incoming information, analyzes it and reacts accordingly. So, for example, the right hemisphere sees just a cat. Left understands that this is a neighbor's pet, which is definitely not worth driving away.

can the brain be fooled

How is the brain tricked?

The science that studies various methods of deception is called psychoacoustics. It has already been proven that the human hearing organs do not perceive all sounds, but only their frequency, beginning and end, the strength of sound pressure. Everything else - the pitch of the voice, its timbre and volume - the work of the brain. For this reason, a person does not hear many sounds, but perceives them.

Researchers at London University College have found another way to trick the brain. In the course of his study, they were able to recreate the phenomenon, which was called "out-of-body experience." With its help it is possible to achieve a state when a person sees his body and himself directly from the side. In real life, this is possible with severe stress, in a state of clinical death, under the influence of hard drugs or some kind of disease. But the British researchers did not go to extremes - they constructed a unique helmet, on the inner surface of which video displays were placed. As soon as the subject puts on his helmet, images appear from cameras located behind the person’s back. In this case, the brain was tricked by two sticks, one of which stroked the test subject, and the other - moved in front of the cameras, creating a feeling of touching the phantom body. At the end of the experiment, a person had a persistent feeling that his location was where the phantom body is located.

How to trick the brain without resorting to the development of London researchers?

how to fool a human brain

Why do you need to know this?

It turns out that there are many ways to deceive the brain. How to do it? What is it for? In fact, the human brain is a unique structure, each department of which is closely connected not only with the neighboring region, but also with the human body as a whole. Using simple tricks, you can not only surprise yourself and anyone else, but also change your life for the better.

Do you know how to cheat the brain and lose weight? Maybe you know several ways to cheat, allowing you to start saving money? You will be very surprised if you learn how to trick the brain into quitting smoking. All this is possible. But first, pay attention to interesting experiments that make it clear that you can control your own mind.

how to fool the brain

Funny experiments

Let's learn together how to fool the brain at home! Let's pay attention to the following experiments:

  • Gentzfeld's experiment is aimed at deceiving the auditory department. For the experiment you will need the most ordinary radio and tennis ball. You need to tune the radio to an empty wave so that you can hear only hissing, lie down on a sofa or bed and put half of a tennis ball in your eyes. They can be fixed with tape. Lie down and think about nothing. After a while, you will begin to see hallucinations. This is because a small amount of incoming information is a prerequisite for creating your own picture, that is, the brain independently "draws" the world around it.
  • Knowing how to trick the brain can reduce pain. So, if you look at the cut finger in the back of the binoculars, not only the size of the cut, but also the pain itself will decrease.
how to cheat the brain and lose weight

Pinocchio experiment

This well-known illusion of deception clearly demonstrates how to deceive the human brain through the organs of touch. It will take two stools and a blindfold to blindfold. The man closes his eyes and sits on one chair, and in front of him sits the second participant in the experiment. The one who has his eyes closed puts one hand on the nose of the second person, and the other on his own. Then he begins to stroke the tips of both noses with both hands. After some time, it may seem to someone who has his eyes closed that his nose has become a little longer (at least more than 50% of participants in such an experiment claim this).

how to fool the brain with a hand movement

Purkinje Experience

Want to see something beautiful and magical? We offer a unique experiment with your brain. On a cloudless day, turn your head towards the sun and close your eyes, raise your palm to eye level and begin to drive it in different directions. Literally in a minute you will be able to see multi-colored circles, balls and other figures.

As you can see, it’s not so difficult to fool the brain with a hand movement. How to do this, you already know. The main thing is to know effective methods and use them for the right purposes. We learned how to trick the brain with interesting experiments. Now we’ll learn how to use skills to achieve more serious goals.

how can you fool the brain

How to stop wasting money?

Paradoxical as it may seem, the senseless squandering is a minor mental disorder that leads to tangible financial problems. And in this case, the ability to deceive your own brain will be most welcome.

Knowing how to trick the brain and learn programming effectively is not for everyone. But the ability to save money is a very useful skill that will help to become the owner of your own car or real estate. Here are some tips to manipulate your own hemispheres:

  • Autopilot. Automatic transfer of a small amount to a deposit account is a good contribution to the future. A person is inert by nature: not everyone can go to the bank after each salary in order to transfer several thousand to the account - laziness. Another thing is automatic translation. The main thing is that the amount of the monthly payment should be comfortable (no more than 20% of the monthly income).
  • Fictitious loan. Imagine you took a big loan from a bank. Debt obligations are a serious reason to think about senseless spending. Or take a loan, pay it in good faith, but continue to set aside a certain amount each month. Have you learned to live without several thousand rubles? So continue to use this skill, but for the purpose of accumulation.
  • Calculate the cost of one hour of your work. And the next time you want to buy the latest smartphone model, count how many hours you need to work. If the new phone costs 500 hours, but you are ready to work so long to buy it - go for it!

Make a bet. Argue with a friend or close relative that by a certain day you can accumulate a certain amount. The price of loss will be the accumulated or pre-determined (but incredibly painful) amount that will have to be given to the poor, to donate to the orphanage or church.

how to trick the brain and learn programming effectively

We cheat the brain and lose weight

The problem of excess weight is not rarely has a psychological justification. Frequent snacks are a consequence of stress. The need for sweets is a side effect of "dislike." There are a lot of examples, but one result - overweight and dissatisfaction with one's own reflection in the mirror.

It turns out that you can fool your brain and start eating right. And this, for a moment, is a serious step towards a beautiful figure. So, here are some tips to help you control your brain:

  • Always place the fork on the table. In the modern world, food is something ordinary, almost imperceptible - snacks on the run and driving a car, sweets in the glove compartment or purse. But the most important thing in eating is awareness. We forgot how to eat in silence - there should be a mobile phone or a computer nearby (at worst - a newspaper). To reduce the amount of food consumed, you need to learn to eat with concentration. Take a fork, prick a piece, put it in your mouth, and put the fork on the surface of a table or plate. Chew slowly, try to feel the aroma and taste, texture and smell of food. After the piece has disappeared, do not rush to take the fork again - let the stomach send a signal to the brain that the food has arrived.
  • Do not be distracted while eating. TV, conversation, reading, computer - all this distracts from eating. As a result, the brain is loaded with completely different information - it has no time to think about the comfort of the stomach. And the signals of the latter are simply not taken into account. As a result, more was eaten than it should have been.
  • Snack Plan. "I will definitely sing, but only when the time comes." Small portions of food in between its main receptions are a necessary thing, but only when structured.
how to fool the brain

Trick the brain to heal it

There are many more ways to start losing weight. It is enough to recall what methods psychotherapists use to rid their patient of addictions. The ability to control the work of two hemispheres is a great value, which greatly simplifies life.

Virtual reality is one of the methods that is increasingly used in modern neurosurgery in order to cure serious diseases. The future has already arrived - it is quite possible that very soon incurable diseases will become an inconspicuous sore that can be easily eliminated.


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