Carving hair: advantages, types, description of the procedure and reviews

Carving hair is the choice of those who want to diversify their appearance without harming the curls. After this procedure, your locks will look like light waves, and your image will become more feminine and romantic.

What it is

Hair carving is a gentle perm. It allows you to make your curls slightly curly, without damaging their structure. This is made possible thanks to a special composition that does not penetrate into the hair, but envelops it.

Carving lasts from a month to six months. It all depends on the structure of the hair: the more porous it is, the less persistent the result. You can repeat it no more than once every 3-4 months. The price of carving hair depends on its length and on what means the master used. The cost varies between 1000-5000 rubles.

long hair carving

Recommendations and contraindications

Carving hair will look good on thin strands. The hairstyle will visually appear more voluminous. This procedure is also suitable for those whose hair is prone to rapid contamination. With carving, they can be washed less often. You can try to make it to ladies with very stiff hair, because curls of this type are difficult to style.

But carving has contraindications:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Recent staining.
  • If the hair is too long and thick.
  • Manifestations of allergic reactions.
  • Brittle and too dry hair with split ends.

Despite the fact that carving is a gentle type of perm, you need to objectively assess the condition of the curls so that the procedure does not harm them, but makes them even more beautiful.

The difference between other curls

Carving hair, like a regular perm, refers to the creation of long-term styling. However, these two procedures have a number of differences:

  1. Unlike standard perms, carving has a milder effect on curls.
  2. Curls after perms are more elastic and pronounced, and carving helps to create soft curls.
  3. The composition used in the classical perm, penetrates the hair, and carving is a surface effect on the strands.
  4. With a perm, as the hair grows back, a noticeable difference between straight hair and curly hair becomes visible. And after carving this border is not visible.
  5. The composition for a gentle procedure can be varied in degree of rigidity, focusing on the condition of the hair, but it cannot be changed for perm.
  6. Carving resistance is less compared to other types of curls.

There is also such a type of styling as biowaving. It can be attributed to skincare procedures due to the fact that it contains protein that is similar to the structure of the hair.

Therefore, if you do not plan to walk with curly hair for a long time and do not want to harm them, then you should choose carving.

what does carving on short hair look like

Benefits of this procedure

Carving hair has several advantages:

  • Soft effect.
  • Curls look more natural than with standard chemical wave.
  • On ordinary hair, the effect lasts from 1 to 3 months, and if it is done on dyed hair, it lasts up to six months.
  • You can make curls of various diameters.
  • No need to spend a lot of time creating styling.

Due to these advantages, carving is a popular procedure.

The disadvantages of gentle styling

Before you decide to make such a long-term hairstyle, you need to consider not only its advantages, but also the disadvantages:

  • In order to get pronounced curls, it is better to do bio-curling.
  • Composition for carving has a specific smell that lasts for a while.
  • Split ends may appear.
  • Hair loss may begin.
  • The procedure for staining or highlighting will be possible only a few days after carving.
  • To create the hairstyle and the desired shape, you will need styling tools, despite the fact that you have done carving.

After weighing all the advantages and disadvantages, you can understand whether you should do such a long-term styling.

hair carving

Varieties of curling

To get the desired result, you need to decide on the type of curls that you want to make.

  1. Large. For this, the master uses large-diameter curlers.
  2. Middle curls. To create them, use curlers and bobbins of medium diameter. Thanks to this, the curl is airy, but not too fluffy.
  3. To create small curls you will need the smallest bobbins, so your hair will be very voluminous.
  4. Often choose a vertical curling method for the entire length of the curls.
  5. Textural. In this embodiment, curlers and bobbins of various diameters and shapes are used. This option is suitable for those who want to mask the result of unsuccessful staining and for owners of a multi-stage haircut.
  6. Basal carving. A curl is created only at the roots, and only on some strands or ends of hair.
  7. Vertical. To create it, use spiral curlers. Curling is done along the entire length, so the hairstyle is voluminous.

Regardless of the method chosen, your image will turn out to be bright and effective.

Curlers and composition for carving

The look of your curls depends on the correctly selected curlers. They are as follows:

  • Bobbin is the smallest diameter carving tool. Thanks to this, a voluminous hairstyle is obtained.
  • Spiral - they are used to create a large number of curls.
  • Volumetric - needed to create a soft wave and volume at the roots.
  • "Boomerangs" are foam rubber curlers, thanks to which you can get curls of various diameters.

It is important to choose not only curlers, but also the composition that the master uses to create carving. It should not have ammonia and thioglycolate. Only in this case, the perm will be gentle. Also, when selecting a tool, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The composition must be selected taking into account the type of hair.
  • The retainer and fixed asset must be of the same brand.
  • Before using the composition, you must perform an allergy test.

If you make carving using quality products, then you will have a spectacular and beautiful hairstyle.

short hair carving

Short hair

Some people think that on short haircuts, the curl will not look as beautiful as on long hair. This is a big mistake. Carving on short hair looks very provocatively. This is a great way to diversify your image.

Curls of any kind will look beautiful on short haircuts and make the hairstyle more textured. The undoubted advantage of such hairstyles is that carving on them lasts longer than on curls of a different length.

Curl on medium curls

Such hair is considered the most optimal due to the fact that on their curls you can create a large number of various hairstyles. Carving on medium hair looks very impressive. Their length is suitable for creating curls of various shapes and diameters. A vertical curl on a step haircut looks especially good.

Large carving for medium hair, especially for its entire length, looks very beautiful and feminine. Therefore, the owners of this length is also suitable for the classic version of the curl. You can see in the photo how carving on medium hair looks before and after the curls begin to grow back. This length allows you to create a wave without any creases, which allows you to create a romantic image.

carving advantages and disadvantages

Long hair carving

It is rarely done for such a length, because the curls are not very resistant. If you still decide to make carving for long hair, then create curls only at the tips. Even when the curl becomes less effective, the curls will look very interesting.

You can make such a kind of hair carving as large curls. A soft wave along their entire length will add volume to the hairstyle, which will look very impressive. This version of the curl is the most gentle, because it does not require a lot of time, which allows you to maximize maintain the structure of the hair.

how to make carving

How to make a curl yourself

You can go to the salon or make hair carving at home. For this you will need:

  • Means for curling.
  • If you have porous hair, then you will need an oil softener.
  • Curlers the desired shape and diameter.
  • Latch.
  • Balm for recovery.

The duration of the procedure depends on the length of the hair. Be sure to test for an allergic reaction.

  1. Wash your hair with a cleansing shampoo.
  2. If you are the owner of porous hair, apply a softener. After an hour, dry the strands and wash them.
  3. Divide the curls into thin strands. Screw each one gently onto the curlers. The more carefully you wind them up, the more beautiful the result will be.
  4. Using a wide brush, apply carving agent. Then put a plastic cap on your head.
  5. Keep the composition for as long as indicated on the package. Then rinse with hot water without using shampoo.
  6. Next, lock is applied to the strands.
  7. After 15-20 minutes, you can spin the locks.
  8. Treat the hair again with a fixative. After keeping it on the hair for a certain amount of time, wash your hair without using shampoo.
  9. To protect your hair, apply a balm on it.

During curling, do not overtighten the hair so that it does not begin to fall out. On curls of a light shade, the composition must be kept less time. To curls turned out to be more elastic and last longer, you need not to wash your hair for several days. Also minimize any impact on the hair so that the hair recovers after curling.

If you decide to make carving in the salon, the main thing is to find a qualified craftsman. Be sure to ask you to show you the drugs that the specialist will use, because some "specialists" can use products that have an aggressive chemical composition instead of high-quality products. Then, instead of a gentle curl, you get a classic β€œchemistry” that can ruin your curls.

The price of carving hair depends on what drugs the master used. Of course, if you perform the procedure at home, its price will be lower. But no need to try to save. It is very important to purchase a quality product, because the beauty and health of your curls will depend on it.

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Reviews about carving hair

Opinions about this procedure are controversial. Ladies note that the curls turn out beautiful, and the hairstyle becomes more voluminous. But, despite the fact that the perm is gentle, the hair becomes dry and brittle, so they need care to restore the structure of the curl.

For hair care after carving, you need to choose a line of products designed for textured hair. After washing, the curls should be blotted so as not to injure their structure. Include natural oils and nourishing masks in your hair care. Be sure to use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners.

There are also certain styling recommendations. No need to dry your hair with a hairdryer. For styling, use styling products designed for curly hair. Use combs with natural bristles.

You can dye your hair two months after curling. Some masters, after the effect of carving has passed, offer to do lamination in order to restore curls faster.

With proper care, your hair will not only be beautiful, but also healthy. This procedure is for you if you want to make curly curls without damaging them. Carving is a great opportunity to make a long-term curl without causing much damage to the structure of curls, creating a romantic hairstyle.


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