What mushrooms can be dried at home?

Mushrooms are healthy foods that are consumed not only fresh, but also dried. In the second case, several types of treatments are used to obtain finished fruits. After this, it is important to observe the storage rules so that the product remains high-quality. What mushrooms can be dried is described in the article.

Drying is an option for procuring a product for future use. But compared with salting or pickling, valuable properties are preserved with it. Not all fruits can be dried, some have bitterness, so they can only be cooked fresh or salted. Therefore, it is important to know which mushrooms can be dried in order to prepare a quality product. There are several processing options.

What gifts of the forest can I dry?

Mushrooms are divided into lamellar, marsupial and tubular. Also there are panties, chanterelles. What mushrooms can be dried at home? This treatment can be used for the following fruits:

  1. Tubular. These include boletus, goats, oily, boletus, oak. They have a spongy layer under the hats, including the smallest tubes.
  2. Lamellar. This group includes champignons, variegated umbrella mushrooms, autumn mushrooms, winter and summer deer mushrooms. There are thin plates under the head of these fruits in the radial direction. It is undesirable to dry the traps, breasts, russula.
  3. Marsupials. They include morels, white truffles. They have a shapeless shriveled body and spores in special bags.
  4. Pipers.
  5. Chanterelles. This type of fruit is a separate family. In appearance, they are similar to lamellar mushrooms, but their plates are replaced by folds of pulp. The dried product is slightly bitter.

what mushrooms can be dried

This is the answer to the question of which mushrooms can be dried. If a suitable variety is selected, the procedure should be followed correctly to obtain a quality product. At the same time, they can be prepared in whole or in pieces.


There are different opinions on the need for washing fruits. But experienced mushroom pickers wash only those mushrooms that are used for cooking, pickling, pickling. It is enough to remove sand, earth, moss, leaves, needles from them, and then treat them with a damp cloth. Elastic, strong fruits without damage will be required. In butter, chanterelles, mushrooms, the legs should be cut.

what mushrooms can be dried for the winter

Dried fruits whole and chopped. In the first case, they must be sorted, given the size. Then there will be uniform drying. When chopped, the mushrooms must be cut into thick plates or quarters. The legs of boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms should be cut into columns 3-4 cm wide and 2 cm thick. If you choose chanterelles, butter, honey mushrooms, mushrooms, it is better to dry the hats. Morels need to be taken whole.

The fruits will be dry if it is light, bend a little and break with little effort. Taste and aroma are similar to fresh products. From 10 kg of fruits, 1-1.5 kg of dry fungi are obtained. The resulting product can be used for cooking various dishes.

Drying in the sun

What mushrooms are dried for the winter in a natural way? All of the above fruits are suitable for this. The procedure is performed in the sunny period, it is advisable to choose a blown place, protected from dust, rain. On the street, mushrooms can be dried completely or slightly dried, and then processed in the oven, stove.

When the weather deteriorates, the process should be stopped because there will be moisture in the product. Fruits should be strung on a fishing line, twine or a strong thread so that they do not touch each other. They must be covered with gauze. For these beads, coasters are used. Natural drying lasts 5-7 days. The plates will be enough for 2 days.

In the oven

What mushrooms can be dried for the winter using an oven? To do this, champignons, boletus , boletus and the others mentioned above are suitable. In this case, the pan will be replaced by a special wire rack. Fruits should be laid and drying can begin at 45 degrees. Then the product will not darken.

what mushrooms can be dried with an electric dryer

When the mushrooms dry, the temperature should be increased to 60-70%, the door must be kept ajar. If several grids are used, they must be regularly interchanged to ensure uniform drying.

But you can carry out drying with a baking sheet, only it needs to be covered with baking paper. Fruits must be sized and laid out so that there is no contact. Otherwise, drying is similar to the previous method. Finished fruits need to be removed, and the rest brought to the necessary state, periodically turning them over.


What mushrooms can be dried using a dryer? This device can be made independently using home-made boxes. This will require plywood and boards with a width of 50 mm, the bottom will be a grid with a cell of no more than 15 mm.

The design must be put on a draft. The air intake will speed up the procedure. Mushrooms must be sorted by size. By means of air circulation drying is carried out.

Electric dryer

What mushrooms can be dried in an electric dryer? The convenient design of the device allows you to save time while drying mushrooms. In addition, the drying procedure is performed without constant human control. The device has several tiers that are filled with chopped fruits.

what mushrooms can be dried at home

Pieces must be laid in an even layer. You need to set the temperature to 55 degrees and the time 2-6 hours, after which you can go about your business. The duration of the procedure by this method is determined by the thickness of the slices, so it is important to check the results. If the fruit plates spring slightly and look dry, the device must be turned off.


What mushrooms can be dried at home if there is a microwave? For this, tubular, lamellar, marsupial, and other species indicated in the article are suitable. For drying by this method, it is necessary to peel and cut the fruits with plates with a thickness of 5 mm, and then lay them on a plate. Power should be 100-1800 watts. The procedure takes 20 minutes.

what mushrooms are dried for the winter

The door needs to be opened for 5-10 minutes to ventilate the microwave. During this time, there is a strong evaporation of excess moisture formed by mushrooms. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. The result is dry mushrooms that can still be dried.

Making mushroom powder

To get the product, dried mushrooms are required. They must be broken into pieces and ground in a coffee grinder. During crushing, the fiber films are destroyed, so the product has other properties: it is better absorbed and has a different aroma and taste.

To preserve the product, fine salt is added to the powder (5-10% of the total weight). For the taste, it is possible to add ground spices: caraway seeds, allspice, dried parsley leaves, celery. In hot dishes, the powder is added at the end of cooking, 1 minute before turning off the stove. Also, the product is used as seasoning. The powder is stored in a glass container, which must be tightly closed. They put her in a dark place. In this case, it will stand up to 1 year.

Storage Features

Dry mushrooms should be stored in a well-ventilated area. Moisture-proof bags and metal or glass jars with lids can serve as a container. If dry fruits absorbed moisture, they need to be sorted out again and dried.

what mushrooms to dry at home

For long-term preservation of the product, it must be placed in sealed glass jars. They need to be sterilized. Before cooking, mushrooms need to be washed, left in water to swell. Cook them in the same infusion.

Thus, many types of mushrooms can be dried. It is only necessary to choose the most suitable method, and then perform the procedure correctly. A high-quality product will allow you to get delicious and fragrant dishes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32276/

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