Travel Bags

Those who travel a lot, for sure, often witnessed a scene when sweatshirts, underwear and hygiene items suddenly started to float on the luggage belt instead of suitcases at the airport - this means that someone had torn a bag during unloading. Unstable bags are a constant headache for travelers, however, in addition to the zipper and the fabric itself, at the most inopportune moment, the handle or wheels may break.

So what are they - quality bags for traveling? First of all, you need to understand that their sewing is a long-standing craft, which is no less difficult than the manufacture of fashionable gadgets or cars. A good bag can last for many years, withstand bad weather conditions, falls from a height and careless handling of movers. All this allows modern materials that are specifically designed for this kind of use. Therefore, a good bag cannot be cheap, and it is not necessary to buy expensive and luxurious suitcases made of genuine leather, but trusting a well-established brand makes sense. That's just, as with clothes, there is a great risk of buying a fake. For example, a branded bag can have a double continuous seam, and a fake - a single surface. Sometimes it comes to the fact that the seams simply draw on the surface of the bag.

In addition, branded models have high-quality fittings. For example, the same wheels. In the originals from the manufacturer, they are made of soft, but resistant to abrasion, plastic or rubber. When you roll such a bag on the floor, it makes almost no sounds. When a cheap bag rides, the room is filled with a buzz. In addition, in the branded models, good bearings are installed on the wheels, and in cheap models, the wheels are attached simply to the axle. It is clear that the plastic wears out over time and the bag stops moving with ease.

The presence of a large number of hidden pockets and a good combination lock is another advantage of branded products. This helps a lot on the trip, and also saves you from theft at airport terminals.

Some of the highest quality - italian bags . Italian manufacturers are considered one of the best in the world, the most famous brands are presented here. For the most part, Italy produces elite models for an aristocratic society, although there are quite a few products for the middle price segment.


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