How to write the inverted question mark the easiest?

This article will describe how to write an inverted question mark. Most often, this symbol can be found in Spanish, at the very beginning of interrogative applications. This allows the reader to choose the right intonation and pronounce the phrase in accordance with the rules.

how to write an inverted question mark

What are the ways?

How to write an inverted question mark? To date, there are the following ways to perform such an operation.

  • With the installation of the Spanish language and the use of a separate key specifically designed for this.
  • ASCII codes.
  • Using the on-screen keyboard.
  • Using a character table.
  • Paste the “¿” character into the Word word processor and transfer it to other applications using the clipboard.

Each of these methods will be described in detail within the framework of this material. From the standpoint of simplicity of execution, among them will be chosen the one that is best used in practice.

how to print an inverted question mark

Install Spanish

One of the main ways to insert “¿” into any application is to install Spanish on a personal computer. In it, a separate key is allocated for these purposes. Before writing an inverted question mark, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • We go to the "Start" menu, then we need a "Control Panel". After that, open the shortcut with the inscription "Language".
  • In the window that opens after this, we find “Spanish” in the list, select it with a single click of the mouse and then click the button that says “Install”. In the future, the installation procedure for the language pack starts.
  • Close all previously opened windows. We launch Notepad.
  • In the lower right corner of the screen, select Spanish (it is indicated as "ESP").
  • Press the key combination “Shift” and “+” on the main part of the keyboard. After that, “¿” should appear.

Now in the process of working, just switch to this keyboard layout and press the given key combination. Basically, a fairly simple way to print an inverted question mark. But he has two significant drawbacks. The first of these is the need to install an additional language pack. And the second - each time you enter such a sign, you will need to switch to it.

ASCII codes

Another way to solve this problem is to use special ASCII codes. In this case, perform the following steps:

  • Open the application in which you want to insert "¿".
  • We turn on the key “Num Look” on the extended numeric keypad (its indicator light should be on).
  • Switch to English using the keyboard shortcut or using the manipulator.
  • Hold down the "Alt" key.
  • We sequentially dial the code "0-1-9-1" on the extended numeric keypad. After that, “¿” should appear.

inverted question mark symbol

As the previous method, the use of ASCII codes allows you to insert this character into almost any application. How to put an inverted question mark in this case? This is much more complicated here - you need to remember the code and enter “« ”with active English.

Screen keyboard

Another way is based on the on-screen keyboard. It is implemented as follows:

  • We launch the application into which you need to insert "¿".
  • Using the previously described method, set the Spanish language.
  • Launch the On-Screen Keyboard application (located in the Start menu, then All Programs, then Standard and Accessibility).
  • Switch to Spanish using the keyboard shortcut or using the paddle.
  • We find this sign on the on-screen keyboard and click on it with the left button of the manipulator once. After that, “¿” should appear in the workspace of the application.

This method is identical to the usual use of the keyboard, which was given earlier in the text. The only difference is that you need to run a separate utility. This additionally loads the resources of the personal computer. But the plus of such a decision on how to write an inverted question mark is that visually you can see the key to enter this character.

how to put an inverted question mark

table of symbols

A utility such as the “Symbol Table” also allows you to enter an inverted question mark. The symbol "¿" is entered as follows:

  • We start the program in which it is necessary to add the inverted question mark.
  • Go to the "Start" menu. In it we find "Programs", then - "Standard", then we find "System". Open the "Symbol Table" utility.
  • In the list that opens, find “¿”, select it and click the “Paste” button.

how to make an inverted question mark

Special characters in Word and clipboard

Another option for making an inverted question mark is to use the Word test processor and clipboard. The algorithm for its implementation consists of the following stages:

  • Launch the Word.
  • Go to the tab called "Insert."
  • In the "Symbols" section, in the "Symbol" drop-down list, select "Other symbols".
  • In the window that opens, find "¿" and click "Paste."
  • Close the “Other Symbols” window.
  • Select "¿" with the mouse.
  • Go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Copy” button (it shows two pages with stripes).
  • Then we launch the second application.
  • Go to his workspace with a single click of the left mouse button.
  • Press “Ctrl” and “V” at the same time.

how to write an inverted question mark

What's better?

With a single entry of "¿" it is most rational to use the "Symbol Table". No additional software is needed to solve the problem of how to write an inverted question mark. In this case, the task is solved easily and quickly. But if you need to type in Spanish and there are many such sentences, it is better to install this language and use the combination of “Shift” and “+” on the main part of the keyboard.


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