Decryption of PDS. Discharges. Why do we need regulations?

Each operating enterprise that produces wastewater discharges must have an analytically agreed discharge project, i.e. draft MPD standards. Such standards are established for each specific case of discharge of industrial polluting waters, on the basis that the MPC will not exceed the necessary threshold value in places where water is used for industrial purposes. The control of the values โ€‹โ€‹of the PDS is measured in control leaves or points.

What is PDS: decryption

First, let's deal with the term itself. For a real understanding of the environmental requirements of standards and environmental protection, you should know the decoding of the abbreviation PDS. MPD is the maximum permissible discharge or the maximum defined amount of pollutants that are illegally discharged into water bodies. If a reservoir is used simultaneously for various production purposes, then the highest standards of approved standards apply to water, its properties and composition. Only in this way can environmental safety be ensured at enterprises and surrounding territories. For independent reasons, if it is impossible to comply with standards for permissible discharges, then limits for discharges are set as a temporary measure. In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the assimilation (neutralizing) abilities of water bodies and rivers, where sewage is discharged.

Water pollution

Environmental standards in production

It is known that technological cycles consume water at enterprises, and liquid that is gassed and contaminated with technological impurities is discharged. In ecology, the decoding of the MPD sounds like a term that is determined taking into account the concentration of harmful substances in water bodies, their background concentration, the ability to assimilate and disperse discharged substances.

PDS also takes into account the MPC (maximum permissible concentration) of harmful substances, and PDU (maximum permissible exposure levels) on nature. To decrypt PDS, one should keep in mind these factors. For efficient and optimal operation of enterprises, gradations of established environmental standards should not be exceeded. They must become an environmental imperative for enterprises and business entities.

Water discharge into water bodies

Impact Management

Enterprises and business entities should be guided by the current standards and take into account the future consequences of the technogenic effects of harmful substances. The basis of accounting and assessment are the costs of pollution prevention or the amount of damage prevented. It should be borne in mind that the decoding of PDS also means the costs of reproduction and the restoration of the natural environment in the territory under consideration.

So, MPD as the maximum permissible discharge of harmful substances sets a limit on the consumption of contaminated wastewater and concentrations of impurities in them or the consideration of MPC of substances in the catchment and water use areas. The company is allowed to discharge into the atmosphere or discharge into a reservoir a certain amount of waste that does not cause adverse environmental consequences.

Polluted water


So, in this article, the decryption of the PDS was considered. It must be emphasized that the MPD requires the use of water quality standards in the calculations. The composition of water in reservoirs, rivers and in places of water use for the needs of enterprises and the national economy should be preserved in its natural form, formed by nature. This is achieved through the implementation of the entire cycle of environmental measures. The norms of permissible discharges are the basis of satellite monitoring and control over compliance with the established norms and rules for the discharge (and quality) of polluted waters.

For public needs, it is important to provide drinking water. Groundwater and artesian wells should not be contaminated. Water control by the relevant services is mandatory.


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