Natural hair care at home

Nowadays, on the shelves of stores and on Internet sites you can find a wide variety of hair care products. But, unfortunately, most of these products include parabens, sulfates and other substances that can only harm the hair, and not make them more beautiful and healthier.

Therefore, now modern girls are trying to buy natural shampoos, masks from natural products, sprays, balms and more. In cosmetology, natural products are very popular, so many companies produce various care products made from natural ingredients. But we, together with the natural hair care site, want to tell you not about ready-made natural products, but about those shampoos, masks and conditioners that you can do with your own hands at home from simple products that are available to everyone.

Natural hair products

Essential oils are one of the most famous and widely used natural products that have all the healing properties necessary for curls. Essential oils as hair products receive extremely positive reviews, but we will talk about them a little later. Now we’ll talk about natural egg shampoo, an excellent natural nettle rinse and flax seed hair styling.

The useful properties of home-made products are obvious, since they do not contain substances that can harm curls. When used correctly, products made from natural products have a healing, restorative and healing effect. The main thing is to clearly follow the recipe.

So, consider three recipes, the first of which is egg shampoo.

Egg shampoo

Eggs are often used in masks to strengthen hair, but few people just wash their hair with this product, and in vain. An egg is able to repair damaged curls and rid hair of greasy and dandruff. All you need to do to wash your hair with egg shampoo is beat the egg, mix it with a little water and apply the resulting mixture to wet hair, rubbing the “shampoo” into the roots with massage movements. Then the egg mixture is washed off the hair with plain warm water.

Nettle Rinse

After you wash your hair with shampoo, to enhance the healing effect, it is also worth rinsing the curls. Rinse aid, which will help to do home hair care, is quite easy to do. With one liter of boiling water, pour four tablespoons of dry nettle. Allow the natural rinse to infuse for half an hour, then strain and rinse it with a washed head.

Flax Seed Stacker

The beauty and health of the hair also depend on the products you use for styling. It is better to completely abandon various chemical foams and varnishes and make a natural remedy. Just take a tablespoon of flax seeds, pour it with a glass of water and simmer the seeds for about half an hour over low heat. The resulting broth is dried off, poured into a spray bottle and used as a spray for styling while drying the hair with a hairdryer.

Essential Oils for Hair

Homemade masks with essential oils are a real panacea when you need to enhance hair growth, strengthen them, add shine to curls, escape from split ends, make hair more voluminous or restore curls after unsuccessful dyes and styling.

For oily hair, rosemary, tea tree, sage, eucalyptus, cypress, lemon, bergamot, cedar or pine oil are ideal. And for dry hair, it is better to add patchouli, sandalwood, orange, ylang-ylang and juniper oil to masks. The most diverse hair mask recipes You can find on our website.

To strengthen and against hair loss, you can take Bay oil, oil of rosemary, macadamia, grapefruit, mustard oil and mandarin oil. For the prevention of split ends, it is recommended to use almond oil, rosewood oil or ylang-ylang. And to get rid of dandruff, it is better to add calamus, juniper, rose or tea tree oil to the mask.

This is just a tiny list of those essential oils that are used to make homemade natural hair care masks. Therefore, study articles on the site and use recipes that will improve the condition of your hair.

3 recipes for masks from homemade ingredients

Today, home hair care is so popular. And then we will look at the three most effective recipes for hair masks from home products.

Mask number 1 - restoring

It is not surprising that this recipe is included in the best recipes for hair masks. This restoring natural mask is able to restore shine, softness and a healthy look to damaged hair. And most importantly, it consists of two main ingredients that can be found in any home. So, for its preparation we need:

  • 200 milliliters of kefir;
  • two tablespoons of any olive oil;
  • two drops of lavender oil;
  • two drops of rosemary oil.

Just note that both rosemary oil and lavender oil can be replaced with any other known essential oils that are used for masks. Put the kefir from the refrigerator, and let it naturally warm to room temperature, then mix the kefir with olive oil and add the remaining oils to the resulting mass. The mask is carefully rubbed into the roots of the hair, then gently distributed over the entire length of the curls. After application, it is necessary to insulate the head with cling film (if available, with a shower cap) and a towel. Keep the mask warm for about 30 minutes. After the specified time, rinse off the kefir mask under lukewarm water, using shampoo to rinse. The course of the mask is 1 month, it must be done no more than twice a week.

Mask No. 2 - to enhance hair growth

It is quite possible to improve the growth of curls at home , and this can be done thanks to the mustard mask. Despite the abundance of ingredients, it is very easy to make it with our own hands, we will need:

  • two tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • two tablespoons of burdock (can also be castor) oil;
  • yolk;
  • two teaspoons of sugar;
  • two full tablespoons of filtered hot water.

Mustard powder is diluted in hot water, sugar is added there. This mixture should cool down a bit, and only then can you add the yolk and oil. The mask is applied to the hair roots with gentle massage movements; never distribute it over its entire length. Just like in the first recipe, you need to insulate your head. After 15 minutes, remove the towel and film from the head and wash the mustard mixture with warm water using shampoo. This mask is advised to do no more than once every seven days. The course of treatment is one month.

Mask number 3 - nutritious

If you notice that your hair has lost volume and shine, then a nourishing mask made from natural products will help you improve the condition of your hair, especially since there are positive reviews from hundreds of ladies about this recipe. For cooking, you need to take:

  • three tablespoons of castor oil;
  • three tablespoons of brandy.

Thoroughly mix these two ingredients, you get a fairly liquid mask, which must be gently rubbed into the roots and then distributed over the curls. Then the hair should be insulated with a shower cap and a towel. After an hour, the oil-cognac mixture must be washed off the hair under warm water, the use of shampoo is allowed. Repeat the procedure for a month once every four days.


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