How to develop the speed of thinking: exercises, features and recommendations

Our brain is a very complex natural supercomputer that determines thoughts, feelings, emotions and level of thinking. His work is associated with all actions and decisions that affect the quality of life. What kind of coffee to brew for breakfast, what stocks to invest in and how to respond to the courtship of a handsome person ...

During the day, just a huge amount of information collapses, and how quickly the brain processes it, success in a career, relationships, and just a feeling of happiness often depends.

A flexible and sharp mind is not given from birth, it, like the body, must be constantly trained. The answer to how to develop the speed of thinking and improve the quality of brain function is to perform very simple actions every day.

Daily regime

Positive start to the day

It sounds strange, but the banal observance of the daily routine allows our brain to work much more efficiently. A properly constructed ritual of repetitive actions (lifting at one time, training, a full breakfast, work) allows the brain to relax or speed up its work.

Starting your morning with pleasant emotions, you can lay the foundation for effective thinking for the whole day.

You can not neglect the rest, trying to catch it all at once, a healthy and sound sleep can be one of the answers, how to increase the speed of the brain. During hard work, you need to take breaks, be distracted from the task every half hour and switch to more pleasant actions. For example, do some exercises, listen to your favorite song, or even chat with colleagues. Often a little rest helps the brain find the right and unusual solution.

Interest in life

Visiting an art gallery

Young children are interested in any trifle, they want to know everything and find answers to any question. Growing up, a person more and more ceases to be interested in the world around him, driving himself into narrow gray everyday life. And this gradually reduces the efficiency of the brain.

One way to develop the speed of thinking is to return interest in life. We need to learn to show curiosity again, to discover new tastes every day, not to be shy to ask questions and look for answers to them.

  1. Change the usual route and go to work the other way.
  2. Do not brush aside the child’s strange questions, but together find the answer to why the grass is green and the shape of the clouds is constantly changing. Open an encyclopedia, look for an answer on the net, ask friends. The main thing: to think, clarify, analyze, this is what is food for the mind.
  3. Do not be afraid to try new tastes, smells, sensations. Analysis of new experiences stimulates the work of brain cells.
  4. Try to attend new exhibitions, presentations, follow the news of the art world. This will help to see the world from an unusual angle.
  5. Try to look for unusual explanations and make innovative decisions. Considering the situation from an unfamiliar, or perhaps absurd, angle, it will turn out to develop a region of the brain that is responsible for processing new information and memory.

Brain food

Thanks to the research of nutritionists, it is no secret that food for the mind can be not only spiritual, but also material food. The use of the β€œright” foods will help to make a significant correction of brain processes and make thinking work faster.

  1. Chicken eggs contain a lot of protein, as well as lecithin and choline, which are responsible for the quality and speed of nerve impulses in the brain.
  2. Salmon and other varieties of oily fish in large quantities contain myelin, due to which brain cells transmit information to each other.
  3. The liver contains a record amount of iron, the brain needs for productive work.
  4. Walnuts are rich in serotonin and omega-3 acids. This improves the quality of the brain and affects how to develop the speed of thinking. A handful of nuts a day can work wonders with the body.
  5. Unsweetened apples strengthen and heal the blood vessels, allowing blood to enrich the brain with oxygen faster and preventing the risk of stroke.

Doing sports

Yoga class

Regular exercise also helps to develop the speed of thinking. Physical activity increases brain activity, increasing the number of gray cells in the brain. Probably, each person felt like after a run it clears up in the head and thoughts become more clear and orderly.

Fatigue and depression greatly affect the functioning of the brain, reducing its activity. You need to try to find new ways to deal with stress: meditation, yoga, dancing, walking in the park.

Count and memorize

How to count in the mind

There is a direct relationship between the number of digits that a person can hold and process in the head, and the successful functioning of the brain. If you do such simple exercises on the speed of thinking and memory every day, the changes will quickly become noticeable.

  1. After leaving the store, close the total amount with your hand and try to add the cost of all purchases in your mind.
  2. If the work is not connected with constant calculations, the chief accountant should, for example, abandon the calculator and try to count in mind. Or remember the school and learn to count in a column again.
  3. Try to remember the phone numbers of at least close people.
  4. After leaving the house in the morning, try to hold as long as possible in your memory the numbers of five oncoming cars.

New skills

Trying with my eyes closed

Our brain consists of more than one hundred billion nerve cells, and they constantly interact with each other, processing information. If you do not β€œthrow” him new data for thought, then the brain will make decisions based only on old experience. Accordingly, no development.

Thinking how to develop the speed of thinking, it is worth finding new, interesting activities for yourself. For example, start learning a foreign language or sign up for a new seminar on psychology.

A good exercise in thinking speed will be to replace the leading hand. For example, a right-hander may try to write or tie shoelaces with his left hand, while a left-hander, on the contrary, stir tea with his right.

You can also periodically turn off one of the senses: move around the room with your eyes closed, watch a movie without sound, only with subtitles.

Thoughtful reading

The benefits of reading books

The love of poetry will help increase the speed of thinking, moreover, not only writing poetry, but also memorizing rhymed lines. You can even learn the lyrics of your favorite song. Most importantly, our brain develops by analyzing words and rhymes.

Still experts recommend reading a lot to stimulate the brain. But, when deciding how to increase the speed of thinking through reading, it is important to choose what to read. From thoughtless viewing of news on social networks, the work of brain cells will not improve. Historical books, philosophical works, textbooks, scientific papers, only intellectual publications will help stimulate the brain.

Moreover, one should not chase the number of books read, it is much more important to think carefully about their contents and find application for new knowledge in real life.

Logic Tasks and Strategy

Chess board with pieces

It is very useful for developing connections between brain cells to solve logical problems and puzzles. People who think quickly and efficiently more often achieve their goals.

Instead of thoughtlessly flipping a news feed on the network, you can find many tasks for the development of logical thinking.

What other exercises are there, how to develop the speed of thinking? You can play chess, the game of intellectuals trains brain cells well. Or solve crosswords, this will help not only to start thinking faster, but also enrich the vocabulary.

It is accepted to have a negative attitude to computer games, but not always they bring only harm. When calculating the strategy of the game, you need to make decisions for your character as quickly as possible. The brain gets used to the dynamics and in real life the analysis of a difficult situation is much faster.

There are a lot of options for how to develop the speed of thinking. The main thing is not to stop and find exercises that will be pleasant and interesting to do.


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