Wine Kourni: characteristics, description, photos and reviews

Kourni wine - an elite wine that impresses with taste. It caused unprecedented excitement, first in Italy, and then around the world. A sign of status, power and sophistication was the presence in the house of this particular drink. It is believed that the truth is in fault. And in Kourney then the whole sacred meaning of being. Every year experienced sommeliers give more and more positive reviews to the drink, considering that Oasi degli Angeli produces wines from the most delicious home-made grapes.

The story of the birth of wine

Cultivated grape varieties appeared a long time ago. About 10,000 years ago. Wine, judging by the findings of archaeologists, drank 7,000 years ago. Even in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Syria dabbled in this wonderful drink. First of all, of course, it was intended for religious purposes, so it was produced in fairly small quantities.

The cult of wine as a drink begins in ancient Greece. It was made from delicious grape varieties and was available only to the elite. Many famous philosophers and poets of the Greek period loved to enjoy exquisite taste at their work.

The Greeks also devoted the poem to wine, verses in which the drink is presented as something unearthly, magical, sacred. In view of this attitude, already in ancient times about 100 types of wine appeared.

Dionysus (Bacchus) - the god of winemaking, fun and bacchanalia. It was him who was so passionately worshiped by the Greeks, giving his creations the significance of truth.

How did Courney appear?

Marco Casolanetti

The creators of the popular wine brand were Marco Kozolanetti and his wife Eleanor Rossi. The couple abandoned the bustle of the city and settled on the farm, where she took up winemaking. Work brought them joy and pleasure, so they put all the positive emotions into the fruit of their creation.

Creating wine, the couple abandoned the experience of their ancestors and decided to do everything their own way. Apparently, they all worked out. For Marco and Eleanor, making wine is not considered a serious labor-intensive job, for them it is a simple hobby to which they have dedicated their lives.

The result is a wonderful, stunning product. In Italy, for Courney wine, there are all conditions: beautiful weather, fertile soil, close proximity to the sea, as well as passionate people who are ready to give a lot for a good wine drink.

Looking through the years, a married couple is amazed at their work. The desire to leave everything came lightning fast, and in this endeavor they supported each other. None of them could have dreamed of such happiness. A “prolific” hobby, the love of all life is always nearby, the ideal life near the Adriatic Sea - all this looks like a fairy tale and seems incredible. Obviously, not in the case of the Kozolanetti-Rossi family, because for them it is a wonderful reality.

Grape bushes on the farm

Process of creation

The basis for the wine was the Montepulciano red grape variety. This species is grown mainly in southern Italy, it is tasty and juicy. It ripens late enough, which allows it to absorb all the sun's rays. Dry red wines are cultivated from the variety of such grapes.

When the fruit has ripened, harvesting begins. Marco Kozolanetti denies mechanical assembly, preferring to do everything himself. This is due not only to the love of their work, but also to the desire to preserve the integrity of the shrubs and collect intact berries. Then comes the most interesting process - crushing. The grapes are crushed, squeezing all the sweet juice out of them. Later, the juice is separated from the pulp using a press.

The resulting juice is placed mainly in wooden or steel barrels to begin fermentation. It occurs due to the accumulated sugar in the grapes. The result of this process is a finished alcoholic beverage. It is important to consider the temperature of the environment where the wine is located. If it is too warm, then it can easily ferment and turn into vinegar, if it is too cold, then the fermentation procedure will take a very long time.

Cellar of the winemaker

What is the result?

From the Montepulciano variety a rather strong drink is obtained, which is endowed with a pleasant, delicate smell. Feeling the pleasant aroma of the Kourney wine, coming from the bottle, everyone will feel like he is on Marco's farm, helping him to collect fragrant grapes. The versatility of the taste of the drink is achieved through the use of various natural additives - candied dried fruits, herbs and tannins.

Ruby wine

Color plays a high role in aesthetic terms. When you hold in your hands a glass with a ruby, rich drink, you want to instantly taste it. The dull, inexpressive color is unpleasant, so there is hardly any desire to even try. The color of the Kourney wine is very bright and distinct, in the light the drink shimmers with scarlet colors and looks expensive and dignified.

The taste of Italian wine

Wine straight from Italy

The taste of Kourni wine is notable for its small spirituality, slight acidity, astringency. The aftertaste from the drink will be soft and pleasant, due to a good selection of base grapes. Kourni is a refined wine, since Marco uses his system in the making.

He places the liquid first in large new oak barriques, and then pours it into small oak barrels. This maneuver allows you to not add extra sulfites for disinfection in the tank, as well as saturate the product with the necessary oxygen. The wines even 20 years ago seem fresh and young.

Today it is difficult to find Kourni wine in its original form, even at auctions there is no way to purchase it. Due to its overwhelming taste, frenzied popularity left its imprint, since all drinks of the last century were bought up.

What does Kurni wine look like?

Wine Kourni in the photo and live looks about the same from the side. A neat glass bottle of dark color with a displacement of 0.75 is supplemented with a small label with the name and date of the spill. Cute enough and minimalistic. Bottle corked according to all the rules of Italian tradition - a small cork stopper.

It’s quite difficult to express the true color of Kourney’s wine, because a person who looks at it himself will find completely different shades. The general consensus was that the Kourney drink has a nice ruby ​​color.

Italian wine collection

Choose the right one

When it comes to buying wine, many fall into a stupor, not knowing how to decide. First of all, it is important to study the labels on the label, as they should contain complete information about the wine: harvest time, spill time, location, amount of alcohol content. If at least one of the items is missing, then the manufacturer produces a low-quality product.

The cost of a drink should not be unjustly understated. The manufacturing process is time-consuming and expensive, so good wine and costs accordingly. If you want to buy a really tasty drink, then you need to rely on a high cost.

The appearance of the bottle also speaks of quality. Glass containers - a favorable capacity for wine. Also, the presence of drips, chips or improper labeling does not promise anything good.

Sugar content is an important condition. Either it must be present or not, because it is dry or sweet wines that are recognized as high-quality. Semi-sweet drinks are usually made from residues.

Given these simple rules, the buyer will buy exactly what he wants. Good wine of the highest standard is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product.

Malfunctions in the digestive tract, the presence of cholesterol in the blood, as well as poor skin condition are problems that red Kourney wine can prevent. Also, wine drinks have a good effect on the figure, helping to lose extra pounds. For such purposes, it is necessary to drink a small glass (250 ml) of aromatic liquid once a day. Weight loss is due to the fact that digestion begins to work faster, respectively, easily assimilates even heavy foods.

Juicy grapes

Reviews and recommendations

Reviews about Kourney wine remain positive from the time of creation to this day. Every year there are more and more people who, having tasted the drink, are very satisfied.

Sommeliers recommend this wine, believing that it does not lose ground, remaining as pleasant and tasty. Any esthete and just a connoisseur will not be disappointed with the drink, which Marco Kozolanetti and Eleanor Rossi love to cultivate.


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