Kefir wash: how to restore the natural color of hair after dyeing

Some women want to fix failed hair coloring. They want to either lighten curls in several tones, or get rid of flashy shades. However, it is not at all necessary to use purchased means for this, which contain aggressive chemicals.

An excellent tool for washing at home is kefir. This natural product is not only safe for hair, but also healthy. The degree of removal of cosmetic pigment depends on many factors. To achieve the maximum possible result, you need to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties of the procedure.

Kefir Wash

The best paint remover

On the market you can find a wide range of chemical washes. For example, Estel Color Off Paint Removal Emulsion is popular. In the reviews of the woman they write that she spoils her hair in order. Now the fair sex increasingly prefer simple, but effective and time-tested folk methods.

As a result of staining with chemical dyes, the hair structure is subjected to a destructive effect. The oxidizing agent aggressively affects the natural melanin of curls, partially or completely destroying it. The voids that form are filled with artificial dye. It can not be washed off with ordinary shampoo.

When applying a kefir mask, the hair shell softens. The acidic composition penetrates the structure and washes cosmetic pigment. Of course, kefir does not work as much as ready-made washes, but it does not drain the curls, but heals them. The composition of the fermented milk product is rich in minerals and vitamins. It also contains beneficial bacteria that enhance blood circulation in the scalp, strengthen and moisturize the hair shaft from the follicles to the ends.

Benefits of kefir flushing

As a result of using kefir composition as a paint wash, hair and scalp are nourished with useful substances. The strands will become lighter, softer and silky to the touch.

The following advantages of using this natural product should be highlighted:

  • heals the scalp and improves hair structure;
  • when using does not cause allergic reactions;
  • can be used for strands prone to brittleness;
  • not contraindicated during gestation and lactation;
  • Gentle on curls, gently washes paint;
  • after washing, you do not need to restore hair;
  • there are no sharp and unpleasant odors, in contrast to products with a chemical composition;
  • available.

To make kefir washing, you do not need to allocate time for a trip to the salon. The procedure is performed independently at home. After applying the mixture to the hair, you can do your own thing.

The effect of kefir on hair

Kefir is perfectly combined with other natural products. So, for hair it can be used in tandem with salt, lemon juice, baking soda, cosmetic oils. Each girl will be able to choose a recipe that is most suitable for her hair.

Disadvantages of the procedure

It should also be mentioned about the minuses of washing with kefir:

  1. As a result of heat, the mixture becomes liquid. It can drain onto the face than cause inconvenience.
  2. To maximize wash pigment from hair, you will need more than one procedure. Do not think that you can completely get rid of the paint in a few masks.
  3. Kefir washing weakly affects curls that have been stained with natural dyes - henna and basma.
Mask recipes

Application efficiency

The use of kefir washing allows you to solve two problems in one fell swoop - get rid of unsuccessful staining and restore beauty and health to your hair.

According to numerous reviews, after the first use of the mask, only one third of the total pigment can be washed off. You should not hope for one procedure to completely get rid of the unpleasant color. However, after the first mask, the hair will become softer and more obedient.

How often can I flush?

Also, kefir washing has another feature - it evens out the color of the strands along the entire length. Even chemical agents do not promise such an effect.

Meanwhile, you should not abuse kefir washes. They need to be done no more than once a week, unless otherwise specified by the recipe.

Recommendations for use

Following simple tips will significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure and achieve the maximum possible result on your hair. Those women who have used kefir washing, recommend the following:

  1. Not the freshest product contains more acid. This is exactly what you need to use for hair. Removing paint in this case will be more pronounced.
  2. Before washing your hair with kefir, you should warm the fermented milk product in a water bath. At temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, the product will curl. This must be taken into account.
  3. It is better to choose kefir with a higher fat content.
  4. To add a mask to the mask will help adding cosmetic clay to its composition. Such a mixture will not flow down the neck and face.
  5. To speed up the removal of paint from curls, you can add salt or baking soda to kefir. Abrasive particles of these products penetrate the protective shell of the rod.
  6. Refuse to use additional components to which you may have an allergic reaction.
  7. After applying the mask, you need to cover the hair with cling film and wrap them in a warm towel. Such a manipulation will enhance the effect of kefir.
Step-by-step instruction

How much to keep the mask?

Apply the mixture gently to the hair, intense movements can damage the curls. Kefir can be gently rubbed for several minutes in areas heavily clogged with pigment.

The sour-milk mask should be kept on the hair for no more than 8 hours. However, according to women, such efforts do not justify themselves. One or two hours is enough.

Classic recipes for kefir masks

Any housewife will find the ingredients for masks in her kitchen. All recipes are simple and affordable. Consider the most popular and effective ones:

  1. Traditional kefir hair mask at home. This wash consists of only one component - warm high-fat kefir.
  2. With lemon juice. An effective home wash recipe. For 0.5 cups of kefir, you need the juice of one lemon, 2 egg yolks and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sulfate-free shampoo.
  3. With the addition of salt and oil. The amount of ingredients depends on the length of the hair. The proportions are as follows: 0.5 liters of kefir need to take 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and olive oil.
  4. The following recipe with vodka and soda will help wash off the paint to a natural hair color. Heat 1 liter of kefir. Add to it 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of baking soda. In order not to dry the hair, additional ingredients must be taken in just such an amount.
  5. Wash with kefir with egg yolk and butter. To prepare the mask, you need 100 ml of kefir. Add to it the yolk of one egg and 3 teaspoons of flaxseed oil. This mixture is especially good for dry hair, prone to brittleness.
Additional components

Fancy recipes

Some masks at first glance seem very unusual, but they do a good job of their task - they eliminate unwanted hair color:

  1. Washing hair dye with kefir and aspirin. To prepare this mask, take 100 ml of kefir. Add 100 ml of vodka and 5 tablets of pre-ground aspirin to it. The resulting mixture copes well with the green pigment.
  2. This recipe uses kefir with a fat content of 2.5%, 80 g of mayonnaise, 20 g of extra virgin olive oil. Place a pot of water on the stove and wait until it boils. Then mix in a container smaller mayonnaise and kefir and place it on top of the pot with boiling water. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly. Add unrefined oil and turn off the stove. The resulting mass is most conveniently applied with a brush. The product must be distributed along the entire length of the hair, and also do not forget about the roots. To maintain the mask is recommended for about two hours.
  3. To prepare the next wash you will need the following ingredients: 100 ml of kefir, 1 tbsp. brandy spoon, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame oil. Pour the rest of the ingredients into the heated fermented milk product. Mix the component masks thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Wrap in a warm towel and leave to act for 2 hours. After washing your hair with shampoo, it is recommended to rinse your hair with chamomile broth.
  4. Take 50 g of kefir and dry wine. Mix the ingredients and heat in a water bath. Apply a warm composition to the scalp and hair sheet. Keep the mixture under a warm cap for about two hours. To get a good result, it is recommended to do at least seven procedures.
  5. How to wash tonic from hair? Take half a glass of kefir, 1 cup dried rhubarb, 0.5 liter of dry white wine. In a deep pan you need to pour alcohol and pour the plant. Install a low heat on the stove. Wait for the liquid to boil. When it evaporates halfway, the mixture can be filtered and cooled.
  6. To prepare this mask you will need such components: 20 g of kefir, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1.5 cups of hot water, 3 tbsp. tablespoons chamomile pharmacy. Pour boiling water over the flowers of the plant and let it brew for an hour. Strain the mixture and combine with peroxide and kefir. Mix the ingredients and apply over the entire length of the hair. It is necessary to maintain the mixture for no more than 40 minutes.

Reviews about clarification with kefir are mostly positive.

Homemade hair mask

How to flush?

The procedure for applying a kefir hair mask at home is simple. You can do it without outside help. So, to wash off the chemical pigment from the hair, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make a kefir mask according to your favorite recipe.
  2. Apply the mixture to the hair - distribute it evenly from the roots to the ends.
  3. Wrap the head with cling film or put on a plastic hat. Wrap in a warm towel.
  4. Leave the mask on your hair for 1-2 hours.
  5. Use a mild shampoo to rinse the mixture.
Wrap in a warm towel

Kefir washing off hair dye shows good results. It is not only effective, but also useful. When using a valuable fermented milk product, you will protect the curls, make them shiny, obedient and silky.


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