Mold in a washing machine: how to get rid of once and for all

Modern housewives very rarely wash dirty laundry by hand. Why waste time and effort if every family today can afford to buy a washing machine? But do not forget that any household appliances need regular care. What to do if mold appears in the washing machine? How to get rid of a fungus?

mold in the washing machine how to get rid

What is mold?

Usually we put a โ€œmoldy diagnosisโ€ on our washing machine after detecting an unpleasant odor and a dark coating on the parts of the unit. Mold is the simplest fungal microorganism. You will be surprised, but their disputes are in the air of even the cleanest houses. Their normal number is about 500 units per 1 m 3 , provided that recently a high-quality cleaning was carried out. The good news: for a healthy person, spores of the fungus are completely harmless.

Once in a favorable environment, mold begins to develop on all accessible surfaces. Optimum conditions for the existence of the fungus: high air temperature, musty air and high humidity. If you want to learn how to permanently get rid of mold in the washing machine and the house, it makes sense to take care of the microclimate in the living room. Good ventilation and regular ventilation combined with normal levels of humidity and air temperature will prevent the appearance of fungus.

Black mold in the washing machine how to get rid

We determine the scale of the problem

A washing machine is a rather complex appliance consisting of many different parts. With regular use, contaminants can appear not only on the visible elements of the unit. If you find an unpleasant odor or mold in the washing machine, you must first carefully inspect household appliances. Be sure to check the filters and hoses. Most often, mold appears on plastic and rubber parts. In 70% of cases, the housewife's problem is discovered by spotting spots on the door's rubber band. Often a fungus appears in the tray for washing powder.

Cleaning the appliance should begin by removing surface deposits. Wash the gum, powder tray, hoses and filters with any detergent. Then dry (preferably in direct sunlight) all removable elements. Now you can collect the washing machine and begin an active fight against the fungus. Normal washing is not able to defeat the mold in the washing machine. How to get rid of a fungus without harming a household appliance?

How to clean mold in a washing machine

Chlorine Against Mildew

One of the best remedies in the fight against black mold is chlorine. Any household chemicals based on this substance available in your home will do. It is most convenient to use bleaches and cleaning products for plumbing. Be sure to read the composition before use. Make sure that the solution you choose actually contains chlorine. Apply generously to the stains in undiluted form. Leave the soils to soak.

If traces of mold are barely noticeable, you can evaluate the result in 30 minutes. Severe contamination is recommended to be soaked in chlorine for 1-2 hours. How to clean the washing machine from mold with bleach or plumbing? Usually mold spots disappear by themselves. It is only necessary to wash off the active solution. After cleaning with chlorine, it is recommended to start the washing program at the maximum temperature without laundry.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is deservedly considered one of the cheapest home remedies for scale and limescale. This substance is effective in the fight against mold. To clean a standard machine, you will need two bags of citric acid. Pour them into the detergent compartment or directly into the drum, and then run the longest program at maximum temperature. To enhance the effect, you can pause the machine in the middle of the wash cycle (before rinsing). After 1-2 hours, resume the washing process and wait for it to finish. This method, most likely, will not help if there are stubborn stains on the visible parts that the mold left in the washing machine. How to get rid of such pollution, we will tell you further.

How to clean the washing machine from mold

Can soda remove traces of mold?

Baking soda is available in any modern kitchen. It is used in cooking and in the household. How to remove mold in a washing machine with soda? In a separate bowl, dilute the powder with water until gruel forms and mix well. The resulting mixture is applied in places of accumulation of mold and leave for 30 minutes. Using a soft brush or dishwashing sponge, rub the pulp over the surface, then rinse with water.

There is another interesting homemade recipe with soda. Pour 1 liter of vinegar into the powder compartment and pour 400 grams of soda. Put the empty machine in the wash at maximum temperature. This method is very effective, but, unfortunately, it can not be called completely safe. With large wear of individual parts of the device or non-observance of proportions, the probability of failure of the washing machine is high.

How to permanently get rid of mold in a washing machine

Comprehensive cleaning of the washing machine

Black mold in the washing machine looks very unpleasant. How to get rid of such a fungus if it was not possible to wash it using the means described above? Be patient and carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the appliance. Dilute a weak solution of copper sulfate and treat the gum with it, as well as all visible mold spots on the other parts of the washing machine. Leave the solution for a day, then rinse it thoroughly using non-aggressive detergents. The dishwashing gel or detergent will do just fine with this task. The next step is cleaning the internal elements of the washing machine. Wash at maximum temperature with citric acid. As in previous cases, the drum should be empty.

Mold in the washing machine

When do you need professional help?

You can fight fungus in the washing machine with the help of special household chemicals. On sale today you can find solutions and sprays "from mold" and "for disinfection." Most often, such products are designed to care for plumbing and tiles. Before use, carefully read the instructions for the selected product. Apply the product to mold stains following the time indicated for basic cleaning. Typically, a variety of acids are present in such household chemicals.

Do not mix several different products. After each cleaning, do an empty wash. What to do if you canโ€™t remove the dirt yourself and mold again appears in the washing machine? How to get rid of dark spots and nasty smell? To solve these problems, you can always call a specialist in the repair of household appliances. The wizard will disassemble your machine and thoroughly clean all its components. Be prepared for the possibility that some parts may need to be replaced.

How to remove mold in a washing machine

The secrets of operating a washing machine without mold

Now you know how to clean the mold in the washing machine. To prevent the re-emergence of the fungus, you should remember a few simple rules for using this household appliance. Be sure to take out the laundry immediately after washing and never put it in the drum in advance. In order to collect all the dirty things together, there is a laundry basket. After washing with a soft, dry cloth, wipe the gum and leave the door open until it is completely dry.

Most modern homes have significant ventilation problems. If you have the opportunity, put the washing machine in the kitchen or in the hallway / pantry. The classic option of placing this household appliance - in the bathroom - significantly increases the likelihood of mold. This problem can be solved by installing a forced draft device on the ventilation hole. If possible, additionally ventilate the bathroom, leave the door open. Many washing machine repair experts recommend using classic washing powders, and use conditioners and washing gels as little as possible. It is also useful to regularly wash (at least 1-2 times a month) at a high temperature. All these manipulations are excellent mold prophylaxis.


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