Bio-hair extensions: description, recommendations and care after the procedure

Bio-hair extension is a procedure that is aimed at protecting from the negative effects of the environment on your hair. With chemical contacts, exposure to harmful agents and high temperature conditions, the structure of our hair changes and becomes more brittle and weak. In order to keep your beautiful curls in perfect and healthy condition, it is recommended to pay attention to bio-hair extensions.

The procedure itself is painless, but time consuming. A specially trained person strengthens your hair for two to three hours, depending on the initial length of the curls. If you have thought about such hair extensions, but doubt your choice, this article is for you.

extended strands

What it is?

First of all, such an extension is considered to be a healing procedure, the action of which is aimed at restoring the damaged hair structure. Many girls daily resort to using a hair dryer, irons to align and curl hair, which spoils the curls and makes them lifeless.

Hair extensions are considered a faster, more gentle and convenient way to get the desired length. Its main difference from capsule building is that the procedure carries a healing effect.

hair extension

Reviews on hair extensions are very positive. Most girls note an improvement in their own curls, ease of use and maximum naturalness.

What material is used for building?

As mentioned earlier, bio-extension is a healing procedure, therefore, as a material, it is customary to use components that do not burden native hair and do not affect their structure in a negative way.

To carry out such a service, you need false hair that does not differ in appearance and structure from native curls. In most cases, they are made in the form of very thin strands that are fixed to a rubberized base. For stronger fixation of donor strands biogel is used.

artificial strands

High-quality hair and a fixing substance used during hair extension provide soft and at the same time reliable fastening of artificial curls.

Hair Extension Technology

For this procedure, masters use specially designed strands of artificial hair for reusable extensions. Since the period of hair extension is about a year, you will need to make a correction every 3-4 weeks, depending on the growth rate of your curls. At the very beginning of the procedure, the master consults with you about the length, color and volume of the extended strands. If you wish, you can dye your and artificial hair in any color and make any hairstyle. After the final selection of the length and color of the final result, the master proceeds to the procedure itself.

Hair extensions are fixed between your native hair in an invisible row. This method of attachment does not cause irritation on the skin and does not cling to the teeth of the comb. Artificial strands remain invisible and imperceptible, as well as very convenient to use.

Since the artificial strands are quite light and invisible in the mount, the procedure can be performed on any type of hair. The procedure has undergone a series of dermatological studies and does not cause any allergic reactions. Strands do not weigh down native hair, do not carry a negative effect and are completely safe.


After you become a happy owner of hair extensions, you should pay attention to proper care. With proper handling of artificial strands, they will last you much longer and will look natural for the entire period of wear.

The first three days after the procedure is strictly forbidden to wash your hair. You will also have to purchase special shampoos for hair extensions. The composition of such products does not include silicone and oil. When using masks and balms, it is important to ensure that it does not fall on the roots of the hair.

Combing hair should be from the ends, gradually rising to the roots. Combs are best to choose soft, with a lot of teeth. If you are a fan of drying hair with a hairdryer, be sure to use thermal protection! Thus, you will not only extend the wearing time of false hair, but also will not spoil the structure of native hair.

Benefits of this procedure

hair extension

The main positive characteristics of hair extensions, the photo of which is posted above, include:

  • Naturalness.
  • Strengthening native hair.
  • Favorable effect on the structure of curls.
  • The absence of allergic reactions.

If you have thin, brittle and weak hair, then the dream of having a luxurious and healthy head of hair is quite possible! Bio-hair extension not only solves the problem of weakened hair, but also gives them a healthy and natural look, as after visiting a salon.


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