Irina Samarina-Labyrinth. Biography, poems

Over the past few years, the magnificent Ukrainian author Irina Samarina has gained immense popularity and support on a large number of readers on social Internet networks. The labyrinth is her author’s group on the Internet, where she explains in simple words the deep and at the same time simple things that so concern us today in our everyday issues. And it’s not for nothing that many fans of her talent are interested in the topic: “Irina Samarina-Labyrinth, biography”.

This talented poetess in difficult times for Ukraine speaks openly about what the Ukrainian media are trying to keep quiet. How did Irina Samarina create the labyrinth of her creative life? We will plunge a little into the life story of this bright, beautiful and bright person.

Irina Samarina Maze Biography

Irina Samarina-Labyrinth. Biography

She was born in Poltava in 1981 on April 15, where she still lives today. She has Russian roots, even though her parents are native Poltava residents. Today's events in Ukraine did not leave her indifferent.

She states that, like many, was born in the USSR. She doesn’t have amnesia like many people have to shout slogans about Bandera, since her grandfather, a WWII disabled person, who went to the front at the age of 15 and released Poltava and Minsk, is still alive, for which he was awarded the medal “For Courage!” and many other combat awards. And when she hears the pseudo-patriots shouting: “Suitcase, train station, Russia!”, Samarina is indignant at the fact that, just like her, they have every right to live on the land for which their ancestors shed blood. She is ashamed of people who shout: "Glory to Ukraine!" And those who scream like that, she, like her grandfather, will be considered traitors. But only - to consider, and not to wish them death, not to threaten on the Internet and not to expel to another country, this is their treacherous method.

By the way, there are opinions of Poltava residents who are not indifferent to the fate of the state that Irina’s poems are clearly anti-state. Activists of the Poltava Non-Baiduzh Battalion contacted the Poltava Oblast Administration of Ukraine to draw attention to the activities of the so-called poetess Samarina. That's how it’s not easy on Ukrainian soil today.

Irina Samarina Maze Poems

New in the work of Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

From childhood, Irina wrote poetry in Russian. It so happened that she never learned how to do it correctly and professionally. In her opinion, they are dictated by the soul, not the head. Only in this way can genuine and sincere verses be born that are very difficult and almost impossible to sit and invent, they can only be felt and written down.

The poetess Irina Samarina-Labyrinth with her authors group first filled the personal site with subtle, feminine and very lyrical poems that immediately spread across the pages of users of social networks, were copied on forums or used in statuses. But after the Kiev Maidan, which led to the coup, she changed course to civil poetry, which permeates through and is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

books of irina samarina maze

Awards and membership in creative unions

Young and full of ideas Irina Samarina-Labyrinth. The biography of the poetess is just beginning. Despite her youth, she is a member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Association of Writers and the International Association of Writers (Moscow). Laureate of literary prizes to them. K. Simonov (Russia, Moscow), named after A. Fadeeva (Russia, Moscow), including the “Golden Chestnut Branch” award (Ukraine, Kiev).

If a person often uses the Internet, he should be familiar with her radiant creativity.

Irina Samarina - Knight of the Order of the Commonwealth (Russia, St. Petersburg) of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the State for the book "Children of War".

new in the work of irina samarina maze

Word weapon

While Russophobes are frantic in Ukraine, the following lines come to her mind: “Forgive us, dear Russians ...” read by Nikita Mikhalkov in his Besogon TV program.

When the St. George ribbons are torn off the veterans (and some even paid with their lives for this symbol in our difficult times), she writes: "But Victory Day is more important to me, and I believe that there are a lot of people like me ...".

The writer is not afraid of the fighters of the radical right-wing group Right Sector, which does not stand on ceremony with dissenters. She openly expresses from her Internet resource: “Not glory to Ukraine, no guys, shame on my infuriated country!” Such is Irina Samarina-Labyrinth. She publishes poems almost daily, because the poetess has a very high potential.

It was with her words that the action entitled “Save the Children of Donbass!” Begins. The same poetess also owns the monologue poem of the boy who died in the Donbass, “Hello, God, I am from Ukraine ...” and many other soul-inspiring poems. So she tries to reach the hearts of her compatriots.

poetess irina samarina labyrinth

United people

In an interview, Irina was asked if she was afraid of the consequences of such a very desperate activity. Indeed, in her poems there are very dangerous things for publicity. Irina replied that she was not personally afraid of herself, only for her near and dear ones, the care of which she had entrusted with prayers to God.

Her work “Forgive us, dear Russians ...” was a response to a poem by Nastya, her compatriot, “We will never be brothers, either in our homeland or our mother ...”. Samarina considers her response verse the last straw of her tolerance, as hatred of the Russians has simply begun to go wild. The words “wash your blood” just struck the poetess’s heart. She did not understand how one could wish evil to Russians, even if their president was behaving somehow wrong. For America and Europe, we are all Russian - whether you are Belarusian, Ukrainian or Russian. These are three fraternal and inseparable peoples, and while they are together, God is with them.


Samarina is read both by her friends and fellow countrymen, so she has many supporters, as well as opponents. There are people in her circle who hold a completely different point of view, but they will not call names and stop friendships because of their fundamental political differences. But there were those with whom she seemed to communicate almost all her life, but then, after the revolution, they got such anger from the bottom of their souls that simply splattered everyone around them. Of course, Samarina had to part with such people. More precisely, they themselves escaped from her poems. And not everyone can calmly perceive the opinions of others.

In social networks, Irina never allowed herself to go to the page of a friend supporting Maidan and write nasty things to him. However, many did it to her. But the poetess poured all her indignation on her page and did not go beyond the bounds of her own space, which means she did not violate someone else's. Because she knows that the word is also a weapon, and she should not train with her relatives and friends.

Irina is worried that everything is calm in Poltava, but the people are running out of patience, because everyone is already tired of the war. It’s very unfortunate that the children from Donbass, who are called militias, but no less pity are the conscripts, who are now called punitive.

Kiev government

According to the poetess, God sees everything, and she calls the punishers of the Ukrainian people the Kiev government, which pushed the nationalists from Western Ukraine with the inhabitants of Donbass. Previously, there was no such hatred, and the same so-called "Natsiks" were loyal to the Russian-speaking southeast. And if it were not for the incitement and connivance of the government and the deputies, then the guys from Ternopol and Lviv would never dare to go to war in the Donbass. And these regions simply had to defend themselves from hopelessness.

Now all her pain spills out through verses, and this is a very powerful energy, because each of her rhyming creations is comparable to exhalation, which is created not in painstaking work, but literally breaks out of the heart or, one might even say, falls from the sky.

Poems to her head go one inspiration, as if dictated. She just catches a wave, and in ten minutes she has an average poem, and in about twenty minutes a large poem. Samarina admits that she does not undertake to correct Him who dictates to her from above.

author irina samarina labyrinth

A family

The books of Irina Samarina-Labyrinth are lace woven from tens of thousands of lines, and it is different in them. The poetess lives in a family where two boys grow up, there is a husband and grandfather, the same veteran about whom it was written above. She does not like noisy companies and keeps aloof from strangers. She is comfortable at home, she loves silence and her favorite musical compositions. But silence in her house is rare, her company is masculine and completely boring.

A husband is her first love, they have been living together for 18 years, of which 15 are officially married. Their eldest son is 17, and the youngest is 8 years old. They play football and are far from mom’s work. They all live in a rented apartment, as they do not have their own housing yet.

Irina Samarina Labyrinth Ukraine

Favorite work

Her work is also her work, she writes poetry as congratulations to order. She has devoted herself to this matter since 2008 and does not regret it at all. She did the almost impossible - she began to feed her family, give people a small piece of joy, and most importantly - do her favorite work. That's how interesting she gets to move through life. She has to work mainly at night, when the family goes to bed.

On the Internet you can always get acquainted with her resource called “Irina Samarina-Labyrinth, Ukraine” and ask her questions or write letters. But the poetess herself does not have time to answer all the letters from readers, because she has to set priorities and, of course, the family is in the foreground. This is all Irina Samarina. The Labyrinth (verses) is read by a huge number of users and visitors, and the group is helped by mom and girlfriend.

In moments of sadness she likes to look at the sky, and especially at night with the moon and stars. Such a sky has a calming effect and lulls it like a cradle, so you can look at it forever. She feels such feelings from early childhood. Even my mother told how little Irina loved to look at the moon for a long time.

When the writer has free hours, she goes to visit her friends, with whom she worked in the same team for 10 years, where she was the chief accountant. Now her team is an indispensable friend.

In conclusion of the topic “Irina Samarina-Labyrinth, Biography”, the most important thing should be noted: the poetess wishes all people to become kinder and more attentive to each other. That is exactly what we all lack so much today. In her poems - simple words for ordinary people. And I want people to read her poems written by the soul with an open heart. After all, this is correct, and it should be so.


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