General cleaning in the premises

Not everyone knows that cleaning is a whole system, an established algorithm, and not a set of chaotic actions. The general cleaning of the premises is a creative process, but still amenable to certain laws. And if you were faced with the question of how to clean up the premises correctly, then this article should help.

general cleaning

The Revizorro Team, or the White Gloves Society

Yes, it is precisely the transfer of the same name that we owe to what we know - in our country they are not able and unwilling to carefully clean public places.

Of course, at home we are free to do as we see fit, but officials who clean the premises of the enterprises should be familiarized with the instructions for carrying out general cleaning, which is called “by signature”, and be guided by it strictly.

To make it easier to control the sanitary condition of the offices, it is advisable for the employer to keep a logbook of general cleanups. Additionally, an order for the enterprise must create a commission that will check cleanliness, for example, once a month.

Based on the results of the inspection, we can draw conclusions about which of the personnel responsible for cleaning receives the award in vain, and who should already open their own office of "cleanliness and order". The commission can detect both minor violations and the complete non-compliance of the cleaner with the job.

"General" cabinets

First, we will determine why the general cleaning is necessary. It is organized to:

  • removal of all contaminants;
  • eliminating the nutrient medium for the development of microbes and harmful microorganisms.

Achieving the tasks is carried out:

  • using detergents;
  • disinfectants;
  • means for disinfecting air.

The choice of auxiliary tools for cleaning is determined taking into account the profile of a particular room. The general cleaning in the doctor’s office and the accountant’s office will be carried out in different ways, the frequency of manipulations will also be completely different.

general cleaning magazine

Objects under the eye of a rag and mop

Furniture, surfaces, equipment, apparatus, windows, plumbing, tiles, walls, lighting fixtures - all this should not be deprived of the attention of the cleaner. Based on this, the general cleaning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Preparing for the cleaning.
  2. Washing surfaces, immediately disinfecting them.
  3. Removing detergent residue from surfaces.
  4. Air disinfection / ventilation.
  5. Tidying up cleaning equipment.
  6. Mark in the magazine.

What to expect from detergents

Most often, enterprises primarily look at the cheapness of detergent, but it should be not only affordable, but also high-quality. So, in medical, children's organizations and premises where food is prepared and stored, those that have a special “certificate of conformity” should be used. This document confirms the absence of toxicity, and therefore the safety of the substance. It is usually required by supervisory authorities during scheduled and unscheduled inspections. In addition, you should pay attention to:

  • on the duration of antibacterial properties;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • ecosystem security;
  • a high degree of cleaning, washing, refreshing properties of a chemical industry product.

The product should also be convenient in the storage and preparation of solutions.

general cleaning in the office

General cleaning algorithm

Remember that during cleaning, attention is paid to hard-to-reach places without fail! And all actions are directed strictly from top to bottom and only so.

A separate rag / washcloth should be allocated for each cleaning operation. Dust from surfaces is swept away strictly before wet cleaning the floor. The removal of the smallest dry particles must be given almost ritual significance. Dust can make even the most healthy person sick, causing an allergy, and in advanced cases - asphyxiation.

The employee responsible for the general “cleaning” of the premises is required to comply with the set of rules:

  1. Before cleaning: wear a clean uniform, rubber gloves.
  2. Take clean, prepared after the last cleaning equipment (rags, sponges, washcloths, mops) and all necessary detergents.
  3. In the presence of sinks, bathtubs, shower trays, toilets, they must first be moistened with water and only then a detergent applied, after which the composition remains on the surface for some time until it enters into a chemical reaction with impurities. The brush should be lowered for some time into the toilet knee with water, after having dripped there a special disinfectant. Thus, this irreplaceable device will always remain clean.
  4. Empty all waste baskets and then wash them with a disinfectant solution.
  5. There should be no trace of harmful mold in the bathroom.
  6. All pieces of furniture move away from the walls: cabinets, beds, sofas, armchairs and cabinets.
  7. Walls are treated with rags moistened in solution. Wet cleaning height - up to two meters.
  8. Wipe off dust from cabinets, chandeliers, sconces, lamps, frames, window sills, cabinets with a damp cloth, moving lower and lower.
  9. If necessary, walk along glossy surfaces with a sponge and polish.
  10. The space behind the batteries and the radiators themselves are cleaned with the help of special brushes with the use of disinfectant. Wash off with water.
  11. If the room has an open balcony, then it should be washed with a separate rag. The reason for this is bird droppings, which should not be carried around the human habitat.
  12. Before wet cleaning the floors, you need to collect small debris from the floor with a broom or vacuum cleaner, and clean all the carpets with it.
  13. Wash the floor using 2 buckets. In the first, add the washing / disinfecting solution to the water, and wash the floor with it. In the second, pour clean tap water and once again walk on the floor.
  14. Proceed with wet floor cleaning, paying particular attention to all corners and baseboards.
  15. Wash all furniture, complete the manipulation with a damp, clean cloth, then dry.
  16. The room needs to be well ventilated, in some cases the cabinets are quartzed with a special device, ionizers and air purifiers are installed.
  17. Wash, disinfect and rinse all rags, which must then be hung up for drying on the street / in a special dry room. It is strictly forbidden to leave wet rags when folded, because bacteria with a specific putrefactive odor will begin to multiply in them.
  18. Make a mark in the journal of accounting and control of general cleaning.
  19. Hand over the uniform to the laundry room.

general cleaning algorithm

Cleanliness in medical and preventive facilities

Conducting general cleaning in hospitals should be carried out under special control. Medical institutions are places of increased danger. If purity is not given special importance, then the spread of any infections simply cannot be avoided.

Especially the nurses of infectious and surgical hospitals know their business. Here they will not let you in without shoe covers, they will force you to take off your outer clothing, and all surfaces that patients and visitors most often touch are treated daily with Blanidas or chloride solution. Walls in wards and operating rooms are washed from floor to ceiling. Crowns the general cleaning quartzing cabinets. In this way, the most harmful and pathogenic microorganisms for humans are killed.

general cleaning in the forehead

No one needs to explain what could happen if an office becomes a breeding ground for infections and diseases. In case of failure to fulfill its obligations by the management of the organization, Rospotrebnadzor will have all rights to terminate the activities of the medical institution, and unscrupulous persons to lead to punishment.


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