"Vichy Derkos": reviews of cosmetologists, composition, features of application

Of course, any person dreams of a beautiful head of hair. Sometimes it is not possible to achieve full-fledged hair health by any means, but the practice and consumer reviews show that this mission can be achieved with the help of Vichy Derkos medical cosmetics, in which consumers leave a lot of positive comments regarding not only the quality of the product, but also the effect obtained after its application.

Vichy Derkos reviews

Vichy Dercos Neogenic

Sometimes it happens that hair growth begins to slow down significantly, and in the morning there is an increasing number of hair loss. The described situation is the main indication for the use of the products presented in the Vichy Dercos series of Neogenic. The reviews of this series of cosmetics say that after the first use of the product, the hair becomes more beautiful both in appearance and by touch. In the case of prolonged use of this hair cosmetics, curls acquire a constant natural shine and are filled with vital energy. Moreover, the strands cease to thin and, conversely, begin to grow.

In their comments left on products related to the Vichy Derkos series, hairdressers note that the active components of the products in question are able to arouse follicles, so new hair begins to grow actively.

The Vichy Derkos Neogenic hair product line is a range of hair care products. The following elements are included in its composition:

  • professional shampoo against hair loss;
  • intense mask;
  • lotion conditioner;
  • hair balm;
  • restorative ampoules.

The manufacturer himself states that the intensity of hair growth after using the funds of the groups in question directly depends on the condition of the bulb before applying shampoo or any other type of makeup. However, as he notes, a positive effect expects all those women who prefer the Vichy Derkos remedies, since the composition of any product in this line includes the miraculous component - aminexil. To date, it is Aminexil that is a product that allows hair to be fairly quickly saturated with a full complex of mineral elements and demonstrate rapid growth, as well as visible recovery.

The composition of this product also includes styling ingredients that cover each hair, nourishing it. Under the influence of these elements, the strands become more obedient during the laying process.

Vichy Dercos Aminexil Clinical

Aminexil Clinical reviews about Vichy Derkos shampoo (for hair loss) very often say that this remedy is most effective if excessive loss occurs. Three quality products are included in the line of products under consideration:

  • tonic shampoo;
  • tonic conditioner;
  • complex action against hair loss (for women).

The basis of the composition of the line of Vichy hair cosmetic products under consideration is the aminexil molecule, the action of which is aimed at preventing collagen hardening around the hair follicle. The agents presented in this line are completely hypoallergenic and effective. Moreover, in their composition there are completely no parabens that harm the health of the hair and the entire human body.

In the reviews of Vichy Derkos from hair loss, it is constantly noted that after using the products of this series, there is a significant strengthening of curls, as well as gaining a healthy shine. Practice shows that a significant positive result can be expected after the first three weeks of using the product.

In order to enhance the effect of the shampoo, it must be used together with a tonic hair conditioner. The main advantage of this product is that after using it, the curls become soft and very pleasant to the touch and do not suffer from weight gain.

In order to permanently stop the process of hair loss, Vichy suggests using Aminexil Clinical capsules, which contain five active ingredients that have an effect on strengthening hair.

Vichy decor ampoules reviews

Vichy Dercos Aminexil Clinical for men

Vichy Company presents a truly innovative product designed to ensure full health for men's hair - VICHY Dercos Aminexil Clinical for men. The peculiarity of this product is that its composition is a harmonious combination of the aminexil molecule with five active components that have a special effect on the general condition of the hair, as well as on strengthening the hair follicle.

The reviews about Vichy Dercos Aminexil Intensive say that with regular and proper use, significant strengthening of the hair fiber can be observed. Also, after a short use of the product, there is a significant decrease in discomfort in the scalp.

Reviews about "Vichy Derkos Aminexil Clinical for men" is also often noted that after three weeks of constant use of the product, the scalp starts to strengthen well, and after the same time, hair loss completely stops. To achieve a positive result from the use of the product, it is necessary to use it daily in one ampoule throughout the course, which should last for 6 weeks.

You can apply this tool on both dry and wet hair - this will not change the effect. The comments left by dermatologists regarding the product in question state that its use is completely safe, even for scalp prone to allergic reactions.

To achieve the most effective result from the use of the product, it is recommended to use these ampoules in combination with Vichy Aminexil Clinical tonic shampoo and conditioner.

Vichy Dercos Densi Solutions

Vichy Dercos Densi Solutions is a set of tools designed to create thick hair. The structure of this series includes shampoo, balm, and also a unique concentrate in its composition, the action of which is aimed at giving the hair density and strengthening weakened hair.

In reviews of Vichy Derkos, the effectiveness of the shampoo from the series in question is often noted. As stated in the comments of consumers, the visible effect in the form of gaining hair volume is observed after the first use of shampoo. It should be noted that this tool provides not only giving volume to curls, but also a decent cleansing, as well as strengthening hair. Use Vichy Dercos Densi Solutions shampoo several times a week and preferably in combination with conditioner balm, which provides not only additional strengthening, but also easier combing.

In order to ensure more efficient hair growth, in combination with the above shampoo and conditioner, it is necessary to use a concentrate that has a pleasant aroma and the ability to intensively affect the hair roots. It should be used several times a week, distributing the product on the surface of the scalp with massaging movements. Rinse it off is not necessary. A significant advantage of this tool is that it consists exclusively of natural components and does not include silicone, dyes and parabens.

Shampoo "Vichy Decors" from the loss reviews

Vichy Dercos Anti-Dandruff Dry Hair

Vichy Dercos Anti-Dandruff Dry Hair is a reliable cosmetic product that eliminates dandruff. In the reviews about the funds included in this line, it is said that after the first use of shampoo in combination with a scrub, the amount of white scales on the head noticeably decreases, which, undoubtedly, is a positive quality of the products.

The Vichy Dercos Anti-Dandruff Dry Hair line includes the following products:

  • enhanced shampoo for dry hair;
  • enhanced shampoo for oily and normal hair;
  • Micro Peel shampoo for deep cleansing.

A feature of the products included in the line under consideration is that due to their unique composition they are able to preserve the microbiome of the scalp. The reviews about “Vichy Derkos” against dandruff say that the correct use of this complex can not only eliminate the existing problem, but also prevent its recurrence in the future. Practice shows that the effect obtained lasts up to 6 weeks.

A significant advantage of Anti-Dandruff Dry Hair products is that it contains completely no parabens that have a negative effect on the scalp, as well as the condition of the hair.

In especially advanced cases, experts recommend using the Micro Peel shampoo, which allows you to deeply clean your scalp from white scales. The peculiarity of this product is that it contains the smallest scrub that exfoliates the scalp.

"Vichy Decor" anti-dandruff reviews

Vichy Dercos Ultra Soothing Normal

Ultra Soothing Normal is a line of hair shampoos designed for people with sensitive scalp. This line includes only two products of the same type, one of which is intended for washing normal and oily hair, and the second for dry hair.

The reviews about “Vichy Derkos Ultra Soothing Normal” say that a positive result can be observed after the first use of the product, and its duration is about 48 hours. The comments left to the shampoos of this series say that the active substances that make up these products quite easily and completely harmlessly relieve any irritation, as well as itching. Moreover, these products have a strengthening effect on the hair follicles and curls, giving them a healthy look.

The composition of the products of this series includes a lot of caring and nutritional components, including the following ingredients:

  • glycerin (moisturizing ingredient);
  • sensirin (sedative);
  • panthenol (emollient component).
    Vichy Decor Hair Reviews

Vichy Dercos Oil Control

The Vichy Dercos product line has a shampoo designed to wash oily hair, endowed with self-regulating properties. The main action of this product is aimed at restoring skin balance in the head.

In reviews of Vichy Derkos (for hair) Oil Control it is often noted that after the first use of this product you can observe the incredible lightness of hair, as well as their volume. In order to achieve a positive result from the use of the product, it must be applied exclusively by massaging movements, since in any other case there will be active stimulation of the sebaceous glands located on the scalp. Wash your hair preferably twice in a row.

Vichy Dercos Nourishing Reparative

It should be noted that reviews of Vichy Derkos shampoos, as well as other products from all the above series, reflect the level of exposure to the elements contained in the products. Such comments state that cosmetics provide a fairly quick visible effect, as well as significantly improve the health of hair both from the outside and from the inside. Consumers leave a lot of such comments to the Nourishing Reparative series, whose action is aimed at restoring damaged and weakened hair.

The structure of this series includes not only shampoo, but also balm, as well as a nourishing and revitalizing mask.

Studying the reviews of Vichy Derkos, it is easy to notice that the products presented in this series have only a positive effect. All this is ensured thanks to their high-quality and natural composition, which presents such useful components as:

  • amino acids;
  • reinforcing ceramides;
  • Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9;
  • complex of nutritious oils (rose hip, safflower, almond).

In addition to all of the above, the products under consideration include UV filters that protect hair from the negative effects of sunlight, which is especially dangerous in the summer.

Vichy Decor restoring reviews

Cons of production

In reviews of Vichy Derkos shampoos for hair loss, as well as products of other lines, some disadvantages of cosmetics are often noted. First of all, consumers talk about the high price set for the funds in question.

In reviews of Vichy Derkos ampoules, it is often noted that a significant disadvantage of the product is its quantity, insufficient for the entire course of treatment. Moreover, many consumers do not like the fact that after using part of the contents of one ampoule, the remaining part becomes unsuitable for further use.

"Vichy Decor" from falling reviews


Quite high prices are set for goods included in the group of the series in question. Practice shows that the cost of a tool directly depends on its main purpose. So, the price of a classic shampoo designed to cleanse normal, dry or oily hair is about 800 rubles, the same amount will have to be paid for a balm. If we consider the cost of masks from the same series, then it is about 1200 rubles.

The most expensive product from this Vichy series are ampoules. The cost of this type of product is about 4800 rubles for 28 pieces (6 ml each).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32341/

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