How to learn to roller skate

How to learn to roller skate? This question is now being asked not only by children or youth representatives. Adults also liked this pastime. Roller skating is also popular because its benefits to the body are enormous. Firstly, such activities have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Secondly, all leg muscles are involved in the process. Thirdly, when roller-skating, coordination of movements develops , and as a result the gait becomes graceful and easy. Fourth, such training helps to get rid of extra pounds. The advantages of this hobby can be listed further, but it’s better to talk about how to learn to roller skate, and how to choose the right equipment.

Now a lot of manufacturers are offering various types of roller skates to the court of active people. But you, as a buyer, should consider some nuances. First of all, there are models designed for juniors, racing, universal and so on. It is necessary to adequately assess their capabilities and desires. When trying on videos, you need not to remove them at least ten minutes. This will make it possible to understand whether it is convenient in them, if they are squeezing, whether a suitable model is. If you make the wrong choice, then you can get from skiing is not pleasure, but corns. Be sure to take care of protection. Learning to skate without falls is impossible. Therefore, it is better to immediately get knee pads, gloves, a helmet, elbow pads and other accessories designed to protect you from getting injured. As for clothing, it should be durable, the best option is a denim outfit.

So how to learn to roller skate? We need regular and hard training. It is very important to be able to manage your own weight. It is also necessary to properly bend the knees and waist, to establish a balance between speed and force. For beginners, it is recommended to start driving in the lowest possible position. The bend at the knees should be 90 degrees. Experts advise you to always do a little workout before skiing.

How to learn to roller skate? It is best to put them on and walk around the apartment before going out. Having first hit hard ground, you should be careful. You can bring along a friend who can support you by the arm. First, one leg is pushed forward and rotated 60 degrees to the right if it is left, and vice versa. Then transfer the center of gravity to it. Now push it with your other leg forward. You need to move carefully, trying to maintain balance. If you feel like it’s working, try speeding it up. This will likely lead to a fall. You cannot do without such embarrassment. The main thing is to be able to fall correctly. It is best in this case to squat.

How to learn to skate is a good question. But not everyone knows how to stop. You can often see a beginner roller skater that just grabs onto objects or people around him to brake. Tip: put one foot forward, and focus your whole body weight on the second roller, the one on the back.

Gradually, you will understand how to roller skate correctly, you will be able to master some exercises and riding elements, for example, “Christmas tree”, “lamp” and others.

If you want to keep yourself fit, then this is the activity for you. The answer to the question of how to learn to skate is often of interest to people who want to lose weight. And not in vain. Indeed, during the ride, you can lose up to 400 calories in one hour, riding at a slow pace, and up to 900 calories - at a fast pace.

Roller riding is called differently: lifestyle, sport, outdoor activities, entertainment. But the most important thing is to feel passion and interest in it. Then everything will work out.


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