Sow is a breeder, from whom they expect good offspring. Sow care at home

In farms specializing in growing pigs, among other things, quality care for sows should be carried out. This is an important condition for the profitability and profitability of any farm. After all, only those pigs that were born strong and healthy can quickly gain weight at low feed costs.


What animals are called sows on farms? It is on the farms that the female pigs that the owners have selected as future breeders. Young pigs are raised on farms, of course, primarily for meat. Leave for reproduction of the herd only the strongest, healthy animals with excellent pedigree qualities.

Such pigs certainly require special care. During pregnancy and feeding, the offspring of the producer should receive only the highest quality feed. Also, sows (photos of animals are presented on the page) must necessarily provide good conditions.


Pregnant sows are called pregnant. Such animals should be fed in sufficient quantities so that they are sufficient both for the development of the fruit and for supporting the weight of the female herself. Food for such pigs is usually given in larger quantities and more high-calorie than young animals grown for meat.

Sow care

Also, various kinds of vitamin and mineral supplements are introduced into the diet of such pigs. It can be both industrial premixes and nettle hay prepared in advance for animals.

In the final period of pregnancy, feed containing a large amount of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates is introduced into the diet of pigs in sows. Such food not only contributes to the good development of the fruit, but also prevents a problem such as increased gas production in the producer herself.

Farmers usually offer food to pregnant women three times a day. If pigs are fed less frequently, this can lead to piglets born weak and painful. If food is offered to the uterus too often, they may develop obesity. And this in turn will cause a difficult birth and a big attack.

What kind of food do they offer?

Pregnant sows are animals that must receive the following types of products:

  • fish and meat waste;
  • beets and carrots;
  • pumpkin, apples, pears.

Of the concentrates, the most suitable for feeding pregnant pigs are: legumes, wheat bran, oatmeal.

Feeding sows

Where to contain

The room in which it is decided to place the pregnant queens should be:

  • dry
  • well ventilated;
  • clean
  • warm enough.

In addition, pregnant sows are animals that must be walked daily. In most cases, farmers simply install feeders for producers not directly in the machine, but 20-30 m from it. Daily trips of such duration for the embryos and the pig itself will be extremely beneficial.

Sow with offspring

Farrowing sows at home

The hatchery hatches the pups for 115 days. By the end of this period, the uterine machine should be carefully prepared for childbirth. The litter in the pig pen must be completely replaced with a completely new, clean and dry one. A new burlap should also be placed next to the machine. In addition, you should prepare a box for culling newborn piglets.

A few hours before farrowing, the sow usually becomes restless. Before giving birth, the manufacturer begins to dig the bedding with her nose, trying to make a nest out of it. Farrowing in pigs of most breeds is easy. The farmer must wipe dry each burlap with a burlap, clean his mucous nostrils and mouth.

After giving birth, pigs are removed from the loom's litter, floors and all constructions are thoroughly washed, and new straw is laid. The nipples of the uterus are wiped with a solution of potassium permanganate, after which they pull the piglets out of the box and put it on it.

Piglets under the sow

In order for the newborns not to freeze, a 150 W lamp is hung in the machine at the manufacturer. The air temperature for the piglets is subsequently maintained at 30-36 ° C for a week.

Feeding after farrowing

To improve lactation in the diet of born pigs, it is mandatory to include large amounts of carrots, beets and pumpkins in large quantities. In addition to fishmeal, fodder oil is added to the feed for the producers. Within 10 days after farrowing, the amount of uterine feed offered is increased 3 times.


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